

HTS (NGS) 関連のインフォマティクス情報についてまとめています。




> Bandage reduce

$ Bandage reduce


Bandage reduce takes an input graph and saves a reduced subgraph using the graph scope settings. The saved graph will be in GFA format.


If a graph scope is not specified, then the 'entire' scope will be used, in which case this will simply convert the input graph to GFA format.


Usage: Bandage reduce <inputgraph> <outputgraph> [options]


Positional parameters:

<inputgraph> A graph file of any type supported by Bandage

<outputgraph> The filename for the GFA graph to be made (if it does not end in '.gfa', that extension will be added)


Options: --help View this help message

--helpall View all command line settings

--version View Bandage version number


Settings: --scope <scope> Graph scope, from one of the following options: entire, aroundnodes, aroundblast, depthrange (default: entire)

--nodes <list> A comma-separated list of starting nodes for the aroundnodes scope (default: none)

--partial Use partial node name matching (default: exact node name matching)

--distance <int> The number of node steps away to draw for the aroundnodes and aroundblast scopes (0 to 100, default: 0)

--mindepth <float> The minimum allowed depth for the depthrange scope (0 to 1e+6, default: 10)

--maxdepth <float> The maximum allowed depth for the depthrange scope (0 to 1e+6, default: 100)

Online Bandage help:

(metagenome) kamisakakazumanoMac-mini:YFCY1-15_spades-isolate kazu$ 




SPAdesやMEGAHITのアセンブリグラフに対して< E-value 1E-100でターゲット配列をblastnサーチして、ターゲットのノードと、それに隣接するノードだけを取り出す(reduced.gfaとして保存)。

Bandage reduce assembly.gfa reduced.gfa --query query.fasta --scope aroundblast --evfilter 1e-100 --distance 2
  • --distance <int> The number of node steps away to draw for the aroundnodes and aroundblast scopes (0 to 100, default: 0)
  • --scope <scope> Graph scope, from one of the following options: entire, aroundnodes, aroundblast, depthrange (default: entire)



Bandage reduce out.fastq.gfa reduced.gfa --query Tn.fa --scope aroundblast --evfilter 1e-100 --distance 2






Bandage: interactive visualization of de novo genome assemblies
Ryan R. Wick, Mark B. Schultz, Justin Zobel, Kathryn E. Holt
Bioinformatics, Volume 31, Issue 20, 15 October 2015, Pages 3350–3352

