Welcome to xPore’s documentation! — xpore 2.0 documentation
mamba create -n xpore python=3.7 -y
conda activate xpore
pip install xpore
> xpore-dataprep -h
$ xpore-dataprep -h
usage: xpore-dataprep [-h] --eventalign EVENTALIGN --summary SUMMARY --out_dir
OUT_DIR [--ensembl ENSEMBL] [--species SPECIES]
[--genome] [--n_processes N_PROCESSES]
[--readcount_max READCOUNT_MAX] [--resume]
required arguments:
--eventalign EVENTALIGN
eventalign filepath, the output from nanopolish.
(default: None)
--summary SUMMARY eventalign summary filepath, the output from
nanopolish. (default: None)
--out_dir OUT_DIR output directory. (default: None)
--ensembl ENSEMBL ensembl version for gene-transcript mapping. (default:
--species SPECIES species for ensembl gene-transcript mapping. (default:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--genome to run on Genomic coordinates. Without this argument,
the program will run on transcriptomic coordinates
(default: False)
--n_processes N_PROCESSES
number of processes to run. (default: 1)
--readcount_max READCOUNT_MAX
maximum read counts per gene. (default: 1000)
--resume resume from the previous run. (default: False)
> xpore-diffmod -h
$ xpore-diffmod -h
usage: xpore-diffmod [-h] --config CONFIG [--n_processes N_PROCESSES]
[--save_models] [--resume] [--ids [IDS [IDS ...]]]
required arguments:
--config CONFIG yaml configuraion filepath. (default: None)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--n_processes N_PROCESSES
number of processes to run. (default: 1)
--save_models save the models. (default: False)
--resume resume from the previous run. (default: False)
--ids [IDS [IDS ...]]
gene ids or transcript ids. (default: [])
wget https://zenodo.org/record/5103099/files/demo.tar.gz
tar -xvf demo.tar.gz
xpore-dataprep \
--eventalign nanopolish/eventalign.txt \
--gtf_path_or_url demo.gtf \
--transcript_fasta_paths_or_urls demo.fa \
--out_dir dataprep \
--genome \
--summary SUMMARY
nanopolish/eventalign.txtはnanopolish eventalignコマンドで取得する。
Detection of differential RNA modifications from direct RNA sequencing of human cell lines
Ploy N. Pratanwanich, Fei Yao, Ying Chen, Casslynn W.Q. Koh, Christopher Hendra, Polly Poon, Yeek Teck Goh, Phoebe M. L. Yap, Choi Jing Yuan, Wee Joo Chng, Sarah Ng, Alexandre Thiery,W.S. Sho Goh, Jonathan Göke
bioRxiv, Posted June 20, 2020