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メタゲノムのリードカバレッジ とrelative abundanceの計算ツール coverM

2021 8/5追記、9/6 追記、10/8 contigコマンド修正

2022/05/09 help修正、06/03 コマンド

2023/08/10 追記

2024/04/12 構成を整頓












  • samtools v1.9
  • tee, which is installed by default on most Linux operating systems.
  • man, which is installed by default on most Linux operating systems.

some mapping software:

  • minimap2 v2.17-r941 (2.18 will not work)
  • bwa-mem2 v2.0

For dereplication:

  • Dashing v0.4.0
  • FastANI v1.3


#bioconda (link)
mamba install -c bioconda -y coverm

cargo install coverm


$ coverm


Mapping coverage analysis for metagenomics


Usage: coverm <subcommand> ...


Main subcommands:

contig Calculate coverage of contigs

genome Calculate coverage of genomes


Less used utility subcommands:

make Generate BAM files through alignment

filter Remove (or only keep) alignments with insufficient identity

cluster Dereplicate and cluster genomes


Generate shell completion scripts


Other options:

-V, --version Print version information


Ben J. Woodcroft <benjwoodcroft near>

> coverm contig

$ coverm contig

error: The following required arguments were not provided:

--coupled <coupled>...

--interleaved <interleaved>...

-1 <read1>...

-2 <read2>...

--reference <reference>...

--single <single>...



coverm contig --contig-end-exclusion <contig-end-exclusion> --coupled <coupled>... --interleaved <interleaved>... --mapper <mapper> --methods <methods>... --min-covered-fraction <min-covered-fraction> --output-format <output-format> -1 <read1>... -2 <read2>... --reference <reference>... --single <single>... --threads <threads> --trim-max <trim-max> --trim-min <trim-min>


For more information try --help

(base) kazu@kazu:/media/kazu/optane/TY1$ coverm contig -h


coverm contig

Calculate coverage of individual contigs


Example: Calculate mean coverage from reads and assembly:


coverm contig --coupled read1.fastq.gz read2.fastq.gz --reference assembly.fna


Example: Calculate MetaBAT adjusted coverage from a sorted BAM file, saving

the unfiltered BAM files in the saved_bam_files folder:


coverm contig --method metabat --bam-files my.bam

--bam-file-cache-directory saved_bam_files


See coverm contig --full-help for further options and further detail.

> coverm genome -h

$ coverm genome -h


coverm genome

Calculate coverage of individual genomes


Example: Map paired reads to 2 genomes, and output relative abundances

to output.tsv:


coverm genome --coupled read1.fastq.gz read2.fastq.gz

--genome-fasta-files genome1.fna genome2.fna -o output.tsv


Example: Calculate coverage of genomes defined as .fna files in

genomes_directory/ from a sorted BAM file:


coverm genome --bam-files my.bam --genome-fasta-directory genomes_directory/


Example: Dereplicate genomes at 99% ANI before mapping unpaired reads:


coverm genome --genome-fasta-directory genomes/ --dereplicate

--single single_reads.fq.gz


See coverm genome --full-help for further options and further detail.


>  coverm bam -h


$ coverm bam -h

error: Found argument 'bam' which wasn't expected, or isn't valid in this context





For more information try --help


> coverm filter -h

coverm filter

Filter BAM file alignments


Example: Filter a BAM file by removing alignments shorter than 50bp:


coverm filter --bam-files input.bam --output-bam filtered.bam

--min-read-aligned-length 50


Example: Filter inverse: Keep alignments that have <95% alignment identity

and those which do map at all. Note that the output BAM file will likely

records that are still mapped, but align with < 95% identity. Use 16

threads for output compression:


coverm filter -b input.bam -o inverse_filtered.bam --inverse

--min-read-percent-identity 95 --threads 16


See coverm filter --full-help for further options and further detail.

> coverm cluster -h

$ coverm cluster -h


coverm cluster

Cluster (dereplicate) genomes


Example: Dereplicate at 99% (after pre-clustering at 95%) a directory of .fna

FASTA files and create a new directory of symlinked FASTA files of



coverm cluster --genome-fasta-directory input_genomes/ 

--output-representative-fasta-directory output_directory/


Example: Dereplicate a set of genomes with paths specified in genomes.txt at

95% ANI, after a preclustering at 90% using the MinHash finch method, and

output the cluster definition to clusters.tsv:


coverm cluster --ani 95 --precluster-ani 90 --precluster-method finch

--genome-fasta-list genomes.txt 

--output-cluster-definition clusters.tsv


See coverm cluster --full-help for further options and further detail.





coverm genome ゲノム単位のカバレッジ(ゲノムモード)の計算




bin配列をcatで固めたリファレンスにマッピングしてbamファイルを作る(*1)。coverMを実行する時には、bamファイルとcatで固める前の各ゲノム配列のfastaを保存したディレクトリを指定する。fastaファイルの拡張子が.fnaなら”-x fna”とする。

coverm genome --bam-files input.bam --genome-fasta-directory bin_dir -x fna -m relative_abundance > out.tsv

coverm genome --bam-files input.bam --genome-fasta-directory bin_dir -x fna -m mean > out.tsv

coverm genome --bam-files input.bam --genome-fasta-directory bin_dir -x fna -m tpm > out.tsv

#read count
coverm genome --bam-files input.bam --genome-fasta-directory bin_dir -x fna -m count --min-covered-fraction > out.tsv
  • -f, --genome-fasta-files  Path(s) to FASTA files of each genome

  • -d, --genome-fasta-directory  Directory containing FASTA files of each genome.

  • -x, --genome-fasta-extension  File extension of genomes in the directory specified with -d/--genome-fasta-directory. [default: fna]

  • --single-genome   All contigs are from the same genome. Requires --reference. [default: not set]
  • -r, --reference   FASTA file of contigs e.g. concatenated genomes or metagenome assembly, or minimap2 index (with --minimap2-reference-is-index), or BWA index stem (with -p bwa-mem). If multiple references FASTA files are provided and
    --sharded is specified, then reads will be mapped to references separately as sharded BAMs. NOTE: If genomic FASTA files are specified elsewhere (e.g. with --genome-fasta-files or --genome-fasta-directory), then --reference
    is not needed as a reference FASTA file can be derived by concatenating input genomes. However, while not necessary, --reference can be specified if an alternate reference sequence set is desired.
  • -m, --methods   Method(s) for calculating coverage [default: relative_abundance]. A more thorough description of the different methods is available at




coverm genome -1_R1.fq.gz -2 in_R2.fq.gz --genome-fasta-directory genome_dir -x fna -o out.tsv

coverm genome --coupled sample1_R1.fq.gz sample1_R2.fq.gz sample2_R1.fq.gz sample2_R2.fq.gz sample3_R1.fq.gz sample3_R2.fq.gz --genome-fasta-directory genome_dir -x fna -o out.tsv
  • -1   Forward FASTA/Q file(s) for mapping. These may be gzipped or not.

  • -2   Reverse FASTA/Q file(s) for mapping. These may be gzipped or not.

  • -c, --coupled   One or more pairs of forward and reverse possibly gzipped FASTA/Q files for mapping in order <sample1_R1.fq.gz> <sample1_R2.fq.gz> <sample2_R1.fq.gz> <sample2_R2.fq.gz> ..





* ゲノムサイズの補正も行われています(2022/0906追記)




coverm filter  identityが不十分なアラインメントを削除する

coverm filter -b input.bam -o filtered.bam --inverse --min-read-percent-identity 95 --threads 16


coverm contig  コンティグ単位のカバレッジの計算

coverm contig --bam-files input.bam


coverm make  アライメントによるBAMファイルの生成

coverm cluster  ゲノムのdereplicationとクラスター化



  • coverm genomeではANI基準でdereplicationを行うオプションも存在する。詳細は"coverm genome --full-help"で確認できる。
  • coerMのパラメータ例;
  • 大量のfastqファイルをリストで指定(#149)することはできないので、1つずつランし、後で結合する。デフォルトのrelative_abundance正規化に影響はない。
  • ジョブはシングルスレッドらしい。大量にfastqがあるときは並列ランする(ピークメモリは配列数で変わる。1000個のMAGだと20~30giga byesくらい)。
  • *1 たくさんおbin.fastaをcatで結合したファイルをリファレンスとしてマッピングする時のアライナーは、minimap2をあらかじめindexingしてから使うのが高速だが、minimap2は、多くのMAGを固めたリファレンス(>100)に実際の外環境を読んだfastqをマッピングすると、稀に10~30倍速度が低下する現象が確認される(v.2.26使用)。再現性が不明だが、全くマッピングされないfastqではこの現象は起きず、稀にマッピングされるMAGリファレンスが含まれるfastqを使った時、時々起こるようである(遭遇頻度は5%以下)。マッピング速度が安定しているbwa-mem2がお勧め。ただしメモリ使用量がかなり高いので注意したい。bowtie2の”sensitive setting”と比べてもマッピング感度は高く、minimap2とbwa memはbowtie2の2-3倍のリードがアラインされることもある(差が出るのはリファレンスから距離があるリアルメタデータに限られる)。minimap2とbwa memを比べると、微量にbwa memの方がアラインされるリードは多いか(大規模な比較ではないので注意)。
  • 作業中、coverm genomeなどはシステムディスクに数十GBの作業領域を確保する(/tmp)。たくさんのサンプルを扱う時は、システムディスクが一杯にならないようにTMPDIR環境変数を空容量の多いディスクに変更する。例えば、

mkdir media/kazu/8TBHDD1/tmp

export TMPDIR=/media/kazu/8TBHDD1/tmp



GitHub - wwood/CoverM: Read coverage calculator for metagenomics

