2019 8/31 docker imageのhelpコマンドのエラー修正
2021 6/15 データベースのダウンロード追記
Schematic depicting the steps and workflow for OPERA-MS. Preprintより転載
MethodのセクションではStool samplesからの高品質DNAの抽出プロトコルについて記載されています。
Check out the new release of our hybrid metagenomic assembler OPERA-MS https://t.co/4TJto4lTje and please do give us feedback @dbertran78
— Denis Bertrand (@dbertran78) July 29, 2019
Excited to have our work on next-gen metagenomics with OPERA-MS finally published! Read all about it here: https://t.co/RRXMC8Puin and check out the software https://t.co/sXeVSAhdsM. Great collaboration w/ @dbertran78 @kalisvar @OonTek1 @astar_research https://t.co/dX0H2xKWYR pic.twitter.com/EQcNkKwEZS
— Niranjan Nagarajan (@NiranjanTW) July 30, 2019
All other required programs come either pre-compiled with OPERA-MS or are built during the installation process. Binaries are placed inside the utils folder:
- The only true dependency is cpanm
本体 Github
git clone https://github.com/CSB5/OPERA-MS.git
make -j 8
#Once cpanm is installed, simply run the following command to install all the perl modules:
perl utils/install_perl_module.pl
#check dependency
git clone https://github.com/CSB5/OPERA-MS.git
docker build -t operams .
contacts: Denis Bertrand <bertrandd@gis.a-star.edu.sg>
Chengxuan Tong <Tong_Chengxuan@gis.a-star.edu.sg>
perl OPERA-MS.pl [options] --illumina-read1 <pe1> --illumina-read2 <pe2> --long-read-file <lr> --output-directory <out_dir>
Required arguments:
--short-read1 STR fasta file of illumina read1 <pe1>
--short-read2 STR fasta file of illumina read2 <pe2>
--long-read STR fasta file of long reads <lr>
--out-dir STR output directory for scaffolding results <out_dir>
Optional arguments:
Algorithm options:
--no-ref-clustering disable reference level clustering
--no-strain-clustering disable strain level clustering
--polishing enable assembly polishing (currently using Pilon)
--long-read-mapper STR software used for long-read mapping i.e. blasr or minimap2 [blasr]
--kmer-size INT kmer value used to assemble contigs [60]
--contig-len-thr INT contig length threshold for clustering; contigs smaller than the threshold will be filtered out [500]
--contig-edge-len INT during contig coverage calculation, number of bases filtered out from each contig end, to avoid biases due to lower mapping efficiency [80]
--contig-window-len INT window length in which the coverage estimation is performed. We recommend using contig-len-thr - 2 * contig-edge-len as the value [340]
Other arguments:
--contig-file STR path to the contig file, if the short-reads have been assembled previously [default assembly using MEGAHIT]
--num-processors INT number of processors to use (note that 2 is the minimum) [2]
buildしたイメージは念のためdocker hubに置いておきます(なるべく自分でbuildしてください、古くなってる可能性があります)。
docker pull kazumax/operams
docker run -it kazumax/operams perl OPERA-MS.pl -h
perl OPERA-MS.pl install-db
cd test_files
perl ../OPERA-MS.pl \
--contig-file contigs.fasta \
--short-read1 R1.fastq.gz \
--short-read2 R2.fastq.gz \
--long-read long_read.fastq \
--out-dir RESULTS 2> log.err
cd cd OPERA-MS/test_files/
sudo docker run -itv $PWD:/data/ operams perl OPERA-MS.pl \
--contig-file /data/contigs.fasta \
--short-read1 /data/R1.fastq.gz
--short-read2 /data/R2.fastq.gz \
--long-read /data/long_read.fastq \
--out-dir /data/RESULTS 2> log.err
cp test_files/test.config config
ファイルを開き、必要なら直す。 入力fastq部分についてはフラグを立てることで上書きされる。オプション指定するなら直す必要はない。
perl OPERA-MS.pl \
--contig-file contigs.fasta \
--short-read1 R1.fastq.gz \
--short-read2 R2.fastq.gz \
--long-read long_read.fastq \
--out-dir RESULTS \
--num-processors 40 \
--polishing \
- --contig-file : path to the contig file, if the short-reads have been assembled previously
--short-read1 : path to the first read for Illumina paired-end read data (fasta/fastq/fasta.gz/fastq.gz)
--short-read2 : path to the second read for Illumina paired-end read data (fasta/fastq/fasta.gz/fastq.gz)
--long-read : path to the long-read file obtained from either Oxford Nanopore, PacBio or Illumina Synthetic Long Read sequencing (fasta/fastq)
--out-dir : directory where OPERA-MS results will be outputted
- --polishing enable assembly polishing (currently using Pilon)
configファイルで全てのファイルとパラメータを一括指定することもできる(参考 test.config)。
Hybrid metagenomic assembly enables high-resolution analysis of resistance determinants and mobile elements in human microbiomes
Denis Bertrand, Jim Shaw, Manesh Kalathiyappan, Amanda Hui Qi Ng, M. Senthil Kumar, Chenhao Li, Mirta Dvornicic, Janja Paliska Soldo, Jia Yu Koh, Chengxuan Tong, Oon Tek Ng, Timothy Barkham, Barnaby Young, Kalisvar Marimuthu, Kern Rei Chng, Mile Sikic & Niranjan Nagarajan
Nature Biotechnology volume 37, pages937–944 (2019)