ゲノム検索や分類は、データベース(参照ゲノム)に最もマッチするゲノムを見つけることが一般的であるが、利用可能なデータベースゲノムの数が増加していることや、従来の手法が大規模なデータベースに対してうまくスケールしないという事実により、ますます困難になってきている。ゲノム距離を推定するためのk-merハッシュベースの確率的データ構造(ProbMinHash、SuperMinHash、Densified MinHash、SetSketch)と、グラフベースの最近傍探索アルゴリズム(Hierarchical Navigable Small World Graphs、HNSW)を組み合わせることにより、本著者らは新しいデータ構造を作成し、関連するコンピュータプログラムGSearchを開発した。例えば、GSearchは、8,000のクエリゲノムを、利用可能なすべての微生物ゲノムまたはウイルスゲノム(それぞれn = 約318 000または約3 000 000)と照合し、そのベストマッチを数分以内に検索することができる。注目すべきは、GSearchはO(log(N))の時間複雑度を持ち、データベース分割戦略に基づいて数十億のゲノムでも十分にスケールすることである。さらに、GSearchはクエリーゲノムの新規性の程度に応じて3段階の検索戦略を実装し、特異性と感度を最大化する。したがって、GSearchはゲノム検索や分類を必要とするマイクロバイオーム研究の主要なボトルネックを解決する。
mamba create -n gsearch -y
conda activate gsearch
mamba install -c bioconda gsearch
> gsearch -h
$ gsearch -h
************** initializing logger *****************
Approximate nearest neighbour search for genomes based on MinHash-like metrics
Usage: gsearch [OPTIONS] [COMMAND]
tohnsw Build HNSW graph database from a collection of database genomes based on MinHash-like metric
add Add new genome files to a pre-built HNSW graph database
request Request nearest neighbors of query genomes against a pre-built HNSW graph database/index
ann Approximate Nearest Neighbor Embedding using UMAP-like algorithm
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
--pio <pio> Parallel IO processing
--nbthreads <nbthreads> nb thread for sketching
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
> gsearch tohnsw -h
$ gsearch tohnsw -h
************** initializing logger *****************
Build HNSW graph database from a collection of database genomes based on MinHash-like metric
Usage: gsearch tohnsw [OPTIONS] --dir <hnsw_dir> --kmer <kmer_size> --sketch <sketch_size> --nbng <neighbours> --algo <sketch_algo>
-d, --dir <hnsw_dir> directory for storing database genomes
-k, --kmer <kmer_size> k-mer size to use
-s, --sketch <sketch_size> sketch size of minhash to use
-n, --nbng <neighbours> Maximum allowed number of neighbors (M) in HNSW
--ef <ef> ef_construct in HNSW
--algo <sketch_algo> specifiy the algorithm to use for sketching: prob, super/super2, hll or optdens/revoptdens
--aa --aa Specificy amino acid processing, require no value
--block --block : sketching is done concatenating sequences
-h, --help Print help
> gsearch add -h
$ gsearch add -h
************** initializing logger *****************
Add new genome files to a pre-built HNSW graph database
Usage: gsearch add --hnsw <hnsw_dir> --new <newdata_dir>
-b, --hnsw <hnsw_dir> set the name of directory containing already constructed hnsw data
-n, --new <newdata_dir> set directory containing new data
-h, --help Print help
> gsearch request -h
$ gsearch request -h
************** initializing logger *****************
Request nearest neighbors of query genomes against a pre-built HNSW graph database/index
Usage: gsearch request --hnsw <DATADIR> --nbanswers <nb_answers> --query <request_dir>
-b, --hnsw <DATADIR> directory contains pre-built database files
-n, --nbanswers <nb_answers> Sets the number of neighbors for the query
-r, --query <request_dir> Sets the directory of request genomes
-h, --help Print help
> gsearch ann -h
$ gsearch ann -h
************** initializing logger *****************
Approximate Nearest Neighbor Embedding using UMAP-like algorithm
Usage: gsearch ann [OPTIONS] --hnsw <hnsw_dir>
-b, --hnsw <hnsw_dir> directory containing hnsw
-s, --stats to get stats on nb neighbours
-e, --embed --embed to do an embedding
-h, --help Print help
> superani -h
$ superani -h
************** initializing logger *****************
Computing average nucleotide identity between reference and query genomes via sparse kmer chaining or Open Syncmer with Densified MinHash
Usage: superani --ql <FILE> --rl <FILE> --output <FILE>
-q, --ql <FILE> A file containing a list of query genome paths (.gz supported)
-r, --rl <FILE> A file containing a list of reference genome paths (.gz supported)
-o, --output <FILE> Output file to write results
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
> superaai -h
$ superaai -h
************** initializing logger *****************
Compute Average Amino Acid Identity (AAI) via FracMinHash/Sourmash for genomes
Usage: superaai [OPTIONS] --ql <FILE> --rl <FILE> --output <FILE>
-q, --ql <FILE> File containing list of query protein paths (.faa format, .gz supported)
-r, --rl <FILE> File containing list of reference protein paths (.faa format, .gz supported)
-o, --output <FILE> Output file to write results
-k, --kmer <INT> K-mer size for MinHash calculation [default: 7]
-l, --scaled <INT> Scaled factor for MinHash calculation [default: 100]
-s, --sketch <INT> Sketch size for MinHash (number of hashes) [default: 5120]
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
gsearch tohnsw -d fasta_dir/ -k 21 -n 1 -s 10 --algo prob
- -d directory for storing database genomes
- -k k-mer size to use
- -s sketch size of minhash to use
- -n Maximum allowed number of neighbors (M) in HNSW
- --algo specifiy the algorithm to use for sketching: prob, super/super2, hll or optdens/revoptdens
gsearch add --hnsw <hnsw_dir> --new <newdata_dir>
gsearch request --hnsw <DATADIR> --nbanswers <nb_answers> --query <request_dir>
4、superani - ANIの計算(MinHash 推定)
superani -q name.txt -r name.txt -o out
- -q A file containing a list of query genome paths (.gz supported)
- -r A file containing a list of reference genome paths (.gz supported)
- -o Output file to write results
出力は各クエリと各参照ゲノム間の ANI となる。
5,superaai - AAIの計算
superani -q name.txt -r name.txt -o out
- -q File containing list of query protein paths (.faa format, .gz supported)
- -r File containing list of reference protein paths (.faa format, .gz supported)
- -o Output file to write results
GSearch: ultra-fast and scalable genome search by combining K-mer hashing with hierarchical navigable small world graphs
Jianshu Zhao, Jean Pierre Both, Luis M Rodriguez-R, Konstantinos T Konstantinidis
Nucleic Acids Research, Volume 52, Issue 16, 9 September 2024, Page e74,
GSearch: Ultra-Fast and Scalable Microbial Genome Search by Combining K-mer Hashing with Hierarchical Navigable Small World Graphs
Jianshu Zhao, Jean Pierre Both, Luis M. Rodriguez-R, Konstantinos T. Konstantinidis
bioRxiv, Posted November 13, 2023.