Toy example
#conda (link)
mamba create -n pandra -y
conda activate pandra
mamba install -c bioconda pandora -y
> pandora --help
# pandora --help
Pandora: Pan-genome inference and genotyping with long noisy or short accurate reads.
-h,--help Print this help message and exit
index Index population reference graph (PRG) sequences.
map Quasi-map reads to an indexed PRG, infer the sequence of present loci in the sample, and optionally genotype variants.
compare Quasi-map reads from multiple samples to an indexed PRG, infer the sequence of present loci in each sample, and call variants between the samples.
discover Quasi-map reads to an indexed PRG, infer the sequence of present loci in the sample and discover novel variants.
walk Outputs a path through the nodes in a PRG corresponding to the either an input sequence (if it exists) or the top/bottom path
seq2path For each sequence, return the path through the PRG
get_vcf_ref Outputs a fasta suitable for use as the VCF reference using input sequences
random Outputs a fasta of random paths through the PRGs
merge_index Allows multiple indices to be merged (no compatibility check)
> pandora index --help
# pandora index --help
Index population reference graph (PRG) sequences.
Usage: pandora index [OPTIONS] <PRG>
<PRG> FILE [required] PRG to index (in fasta format)
-h,--help Print this help message and exit
-w INT Window size for (w,k)-minimizers (must be <=k) [default: 14]
-k INT K-mer size for (w,k)-minimizers [default: 15]
-t,--threads INT Maximum number of threads to use [default: 1]
-o,--outfile FILE Filename for the index [default: <PRG>.kXX.wXX.idx]
-v Verbosity of logging. Repeat for increased verbosity
> pandora map --help
# pandora map --help
Quasi-map reads to an indexed PRG, infer the sequence of present loci in the sample, and optionally genotype variants.
Usage: pandora map [OPTIONS] <TARGET> <QUERY>
<TARGET> FILE [required] An indexed PRG file (in fasta format)
<QUERY> FILE [required] Fast{a,q} file containing reads to quasi-map
-h,--help Print this help message and exit
-v Verbosity of logging. Repeat for increased verbosity
-w INT Window size for (w,k)-minimizers (must be <=k) [default: 14]
-k INT K-mer size for (w,k)-minimizers [default: 15]
-o,--outdir DIR Directory to write output files to [default: "pandora"]
-t,--threads INT Maximum number of threads to use [default: 1]
--vcf-refs FILE Fasta file with a reference sequence to use for each loci. The sequence MUST have a perfect match in <TARGET> and the same name
--kg Save kmer graphs with forward and reverse coverage annotations for found loci
--loci-vcf Save a VCF file for each found loci
-C,--comparison-paths Save a fasta file for a random selection of paths through loci
-M,--mapped-reads Save a fasta file for each loci containing read parts which overlapped it
Parameter Estimation:
-e,--error-rate FLOAT Estimated error rate for reads [default: 0.11]
-g,--genome-size STR/INT Estimated length of the genome - used for coverage estimation. Can pass string such as 4.4m, 100k etc. [default: 5000000]
--bin Use binomial model for kmer coverages [default: negative binomial]
-m,--max-diff INT Maximum distance (bp) between consecutive hits within a cluster [default: 250]
-c,--min-cluster-size INT Minimum size of a cluster of hits between a read and a loci to consider the loci present [default: 10]
-I,--illumina Reads are from Illumina. Alters error rate used and adjusts for shorter reads
--clean Add a step to clean and detangle the pangraph
--max-covg INT Maximum coverage of reads to accept [default: 300]
Consensus/Variant Calling:
--genotype Add extra step to carefully genotype sites.
--snps When genotyping, only include SNP sites
--kmer-avg INT Maximum number of kmers to average over when selecting the maximum likelihood path [default: 100]
--local Needs: --genotype (Intended for developers) Use coverage-oriented (local) genotyping instead of the default ML path-oriented (global) approach.
-a INT Hard threshold for the minimum allele coverage allowed when genotyping [default: 0]
-s INT The minimum required total coverage for a site when genotyping [default: 0]
-D INT Minimum difference in coverage on a site required between the first and second maximum likelihood path [default: 0]
-F INT Minimum allele coverage, as a fraction of the expected coverage, allowed when genotyping [default: 0]
-E,--gt-error-rate FLOAT When genotyping, assume that coverage on alternative alleles arises as a result of an error process with rate -E. [default: 0.01]
-G,--gt-conf INT Minimum genotype confidence (GT_CONF) required to make a call [default: 1]
> pandora compare --help
# pandora compare --help
Quasi-map reads from multiple samples to an indexed PRG, infer the sequence of present loci in each sample, and call variants between the samples.
Usage: pandora compare [OPTIONS] <TARGET> <QUERY_IDX>
<TARGET> FILE [required] An indexed PRG file (in fasta format)
<QUERY_IDX> FILE [required] A tab-delimited file where each line is a sample identifier followed by the path to the fast{a,q} of reads for that sample
-h,--help Print this help message and exit
-v Verbosity of logging. Repeat for increased verbosity
-w INT Window size for (w,k)-minimizers (must be <=k) [default: 14]
-k INT K-mer size for (w,k)-minimizers [default: 15]
-o,--outdir DIR Directory to write output files to [default: "pandora"]
-t,--threads INT Maximum number of threads to use [default: 1]
--vcf-refs FILE Fasta file with a reference sequence to use for each loci. The sequence MUST have a perfect match in <TARGET> and the same name
--loci-vcf Save a VCF file for each found loci
Parameter Estimation:
-e,--error-rate FLOAT Estimated error rate for reads [default: 0.11]
-g,--genome-size STR/INT Estimated length of the genome - used for coverage estimation. Can pass string such as 4.4m, 100k etc. [default: 5000000]
--bin Use binomial model for kmer coverages [default: negative binomial]
-m,--max-diff INT Maximum distance (bp) between consecutive hits within a cluster [default: 250]
-c,--min-cluster-size INT Minimum size of a cluster of hits between a read and a loci to consider the loci present [default: 10]
-I,--illumina Reads are from Illumina. Alters error rate used and adjusts for shorter reads
--clean Add a step to clean and detangle the pangraph
--max-covg INT Maximum coverage of reads to accept [default: 300]
Consensus/Variant Calling:
--genotype Add extra step to carefully genotype sites.
--kmer-avg INT Maximum number of kmers to average over when selecting the maximum likelihood path [default: 100]
--local Needs: --genotype (Intended for developers) Use coverage-oriented (local) genotyping instead of the default ML path-oriented (global) approach.
-a INT Hard threshold for the minimum allele coverage allowed when genotyping [default: 0]
-s INT The minimum required total coverage for a site when genotyping [default: 0]
-D INT Minimum difference in coverage on a site required between the first and second maximum likelihood path [default: 0]
-F INT Minimum allele coverage, as a fraction of the expected coverage, allowed when genotyping [default: 0]
-E,--gt-error-rate FLOAT When genotyping, assume that coverage on alternative alleles arises as a result of an error process with rate -E. [default: 0.01]
-G,--gt-conf INT Minimum genotype confidence (GT_CONF) required to make a call [default: 1]
> pandora discover --help
# pandora discover --help
Quasi-map reads to an indexed PRG, infer the sequence of present loci in the sample and discover novel variants.
Usage: pandora discover [OPTIONS] <TARGET> <QUERY_IDX>
<TARGET> FILE [required] An indexed PRG file (in fasta format)
<QUERY_IDX> FILE [required] A tab-delimited file where each line is a sample identifier followed by the path to the fast{a,q} of reads for that sample
-h,--help Print this help message and exit
--discover-k INT:[0-32) K-mer size to use when discovering novel variants [default: 15]
--max-ins INT Max. insertion size for novel variants. Warning: setting too long may impair performance [default: 15]
--covg-threshold INT Positions with coverage less than this will be tagged for variant discovery [default: 3]
-l INT Min. length of consecutive positions below coverage threshold to trigger variant discovery [default: 1]
-L INT Max. length of consecutive positions below coverage threshold to trigger variant discovery [default: 30]
-d,--merge INT Merge candidate variant intervals within distance [default: 15]
-N INT Maximum number of candidate variants allowed for a candidate region [default: 25]
--min-dbg-dp INT Minimum node/kmer depth in the de Bruijn graph used for discovering variants [default: 2]
-v Verbosity of logging. Repeat for increased verbosity
-w INT Window size for (w,k)-minimizers (must be <=k) [default: 14]
-k INT K-mer size for (w,k)-minimizers [default: 15]
-o,--outdir DIR Directory to write output files to [default: "pandora_discover"]
-t,--threads INT Maximum number of threads to use [default: 1]
--kg Save kmer graphs with forward and reverse coverage annotations for found loci
-M,--mapped-reads Save a fasta file for each loci containing read parts which overlapped it
Parameter Estimation:
-e,--error-rate FLOAT Estimated error rate for reads [default: 0.11]
-g,--genome-size STR/INT Estimated length of the genome - used for coverage estimation. Can pass string such as 4.4m, 100k etc. [default: 5000000]
--bin Use binomial model for kmer coverages [default: negative binomial]
-m,--max-diff INT Maximum distance (bp) between consecutive hits within a cluster [default: 250]
-c,--min-cluster-size INT Minimum size of a cluster of hits between a read and a loci to consider the loci present [default: 10]
-I,--illumina Reads are from Illumina. Alters error rate used and adjusts for shorter reads
--clean Add a step to clean and detangle the pangraph
--clean-dbg Clean the local assembly de Bruijn graph
--max-covg INT Maximum coverage of reads to accept [default: 600]
Consensus/Variant Calling:
--kmer-avg INT Maximum number of kmers to average over when selecting the maximum likelihood path [default: 100]
> pandora walk --help
# pandora walk --help
Outputs a path through the nodes in a PRG corresponding to the either an input sequence (if it exists) or the top/bottom path
Usage: pandora walk [OPTIONS] <PRG>
<PRG> FILE [required] A PRG file (in fasta format)
-h,--help Print this help message and exit
-i,--input FILE Excludes: --top --bottom
Fast{a,q} of sequences to output paths through the PRG for
-T,--top Excludes: --input --bottom
Output the top path through each local PRG
-B,--bottom Excludes: --input --top
Output the bottom path through each local PRG
> pandora seq2path --help
# pandora seq2path --help
For each sequence, return the path through the PRG
Usage: pandora seq2path [OPTIONS] <PRG>
<PRG> FILE [required] PRG to index (in fasta format)
-h,--help Print this help message and exit
-i,--input FILE Excludes: --top --bottom
Fast{a,q} of sequences to output paths through the PRG for
-w INT Window size for (w,k)-minimizers (must be <=k) [default: 14]
-k INT K-mer size for (w,k)-minimizers [default: 15]
-T,--top Excludes: --input --bottom
Output the top path through each local PRG
-B,--bottom Excludes: --input --top
Output the bottom path through each local PRG
--flag Needs: --input output success/fail rather than the node path
-v Verbosity of logging. Repeat for increased verbosity
> pandora get_vcf_ref --help
# pandora get_vcf_ref --help
Outputs a fasta suitable for use as the VCF reference using input sequences
Usage: pandora get_vcf_ref [OPTIONS] <PRG> [<QUERY>]
<PRG> FILE [required] PRG to index (in fasta format)
<QUERY> FILE Fast{a,q} file of sequences to retrive the PRG reference for
-h,--help Print this help message and exit
-z,--compress Compress the output with gzip
-v Verbosity of logging. Repeat for increased verbosity
> pandora random --help
# pandora random --help
Outputs a fasta of random paths through the PRGs
Usage: pandora random [OPTIONS] <PRG>
<PRG> FILE [required] PRG to generate random paths from
-h,--help Print this help message and exit
-n INT Number of paths to output [default: 1]
-z,--compress Compress the output with gzip
-v Verbosity of logging. Repeat for increased verbosity
> pandora merge_index --help
# pandora merge_index --help
Allows multiple indices to be merged (no compatibility check)
Usage: pandora merge_index [OPTIONS] <IDX>...
<IDX> FILES [required] Indices to merge
-h,--help Print this help message and exit
-o,--outfile FILE Filename for merged index [default: "merged_index.idx"]
-v Verbosity of logging. Repeat for increased verbosity
必要であればMultiple Sequence AlignmentからPandoraやGramtoolsに入力するPRGを作成するmake_prgもインストールする。
git clone https://github.com/rmcolq/make_prg.git
cd make_prg
python -m pip install .
mamba install -c bioconda -y mafft
> make_prg --help
# make_prg --help
usage: make_prg <subcommand> <options>
Subcommand entrypoint
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-V, --version show program's version number and exit
-v, --verbose Run with high verbosity (debug level logging)
Available subcommands:
from_msa Make PRG from multiple sequence alignment
対象となる遺伝子やゲノム領域ごとに 1つのエントリを持つ、グラフの fastaファイルが必要。持っていないなら、各グラフのための多重配列アラインメントが必要になる。多くの種の異種遺伝子クラスターを表すMSAのコンパイル済みコレクションは、ここからダウンロードできる。
(panXサイトの下のcore|all gene alignments)
git clone https://github.com/rmcolq/pandora.git
cd pandora/example/
上のシェルスクリプトではまずグラフファイルがダウンロードされ、 pandora indexコマンドでindexingされる。それからpandora compareコマンドを使ってグラフにilluminaのシークエンシングリードを Quasi-mappingして、pangenome matrix とVCFファイルのコールを行う。さらにpangenome discoverコマンドでもDe novoバリアントのコールを行う。 make_prg updateコマンドで最初のグラフをアップデートしてVCF で使用するリファレンスを(全ての)サンプルにできるだけ近いものを推論する。それから再びpandora compareコマンドを使ってバリアントコールを行っている。
Pandora: nucleotide-resolution bacterial pan-genomics with reference graphs
Rachel M. Colquhoun, Michael B. Hall, Leandro Lima, Leah W. Roberts, Kerri M. Malone, Martin Hunt, Brice Letcher, Jane Hawkey, Sophie George, Louise Pankhurst & Zamin Iqbal
Genome Biology volume 22, Article number: 267 (2021)