2023/03/05 追記
トランスクリプトームやトランスラトーム技術の進歩により、RNAの活性プロファイルやRNAによる制御機構を深く研究することが可能になった。リボソームRNA(rRNA)配列は細胞内RNAの中で非常に豊富に存在するが、ターゲット配列にポリアデニレーションが含まれていない場合、ライブラリ調製時にこれらを容易に除去することができず、下流の解析を加速・改善するためには計算技術によるポストホックの除去が必要となる。本発表では、BiLSTM(Bi-directional Long Short-Term Memory)ニューラルネットワークをベースに、トランスクリプトーム、メタゲノム、メタトランスリプトーム、ノンコーディングRNA、リボソームプロファイリングのシーケンスデータからrRNAリードを高速かつ正確に同定する新規ソフトウェアRiboDetectorについて説明する。RiboDetectorは、最新のアプローチと比較して、ベンチマークデータセットにおける誤判定を6倍以上減らすことができた。重要なことは、RiboDetectorのわずかな誤検出は、特定のGene Ontology (GO) タームに富んでおらず、下流の機能プロファイリングに偏りが少ないことが示唆された。また、RiboDetectorは、90%未満の配列同一性で学習データから乖離した新規rRNA配列を検出する優れた汎用性を実証した。パーソナルコンピュータ上で、RiboDetectorは40Mリードを6分以内に処理し、他の方法と比較してGPUモードで約50倍、CPUモードで約15倍高速化した。RiboDetectorはGPL v3.0ライセンスの下、https://github.com/hzi-bifo/RiboDetector で利用できる。
RiboDetector also demonstrated a remarkable generalizability for detecting novel rRNA sequences that are divergent from the training data with sequence identities of <90%. pic.twitter.com/3PE5V5650h
— Zhi-Luo Deng (@zhldeng) February 22, 2022
mamba create -n ribodetector python=3.8 -y
conda activate ribodetector
mamba install -c bioconda -y ribodetector
pip install ribodetector
#Install pytorch in the ribodetector env if GPU is available
mamba install -c pytorch pytorch
> ribodetector -h
> ribodetector -h
usage: ribodetector [-h] [-c CONFIG] [-d DEVICEID] -l LEN -i [INPUT [INPUT ...]] -o [OUTPUT [OUTPUT ...]] [-r [RRNA [RRNA ...]]] [-e {rrna,norrna,both,none}] [-t THREADS] [-m MEMORY] [--chunk_size CHUNK_SIZE] [-v]
rRNA sequence detector
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
Path of config file
-d DEVICEID, --deviceid DEVICEID
Indices of GPUs to enable. Quotated comma-separated device ID numbers. (default: all)
-l LEN, --len LEN Sequencing read length, should be not smaller than 50.
-i [INPUT [INPUT ...]], --input [INPUT [INPUT ...]]
Path of input sequence files (fasta and fastq), the second file will be considered as second end if two files given.
-o [OUTPUT [OUTPUT ...]], --output [OUTPUT [OUTPUT ...]]
Path of the output sequence files after rRNAs removal (same number of files as input).
(Note: 2 times slower to write gz files)
-r [RRNA [RRNA ...]], --rrna [RRNA [RRNA ...]]
Path of the output sequence file of detected rRNAs (same number of files as input)
-e {rrna,norrna,both,none}, --ensure {rrna,norrna,both,none}
Only output certain sequences with high confidence
norrna: output non-rRNAs with high confidence, remove as many rRNAs as possible;
rrna: vice versa, output rRNAs with high confidence;
both: both non-rRNA and rRNA prediction with high confidence;
none: give label based on the mean probability of read pair.
(Only applicable for paired end reads, discard the read pair when their predicitons are discordant)
-t THREADS, --threads THREADS
number of threads to use. (default: 10)
-m MEMORY, --memory MEMORY
amount (GB) of GPU RAM. (default: 12)
--chunk_size CHUNK_SIZE
Use this parameter when having low memory. Parsing the file in chunks.
Not needed when free RAM >=5 * your_file_size (uncompressed, sum of paired ends).
When chunk_size=256, memory=16 it will load 256 * 16 * 1024 reads each chunk (use ~20 GB for 100bp paired end).
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
> ribodetector_cpu -h
usage: ribodetector_cpu [-h] [-c CONFIG] -l LEN -i [INPUT [INPUT ...]] -o [OUTPUT [OUTPUT ...]] [-r [RRNA [RRNA ...]]] [-e {rrna,norrna,both,none}] [-t THREADS] [--chunk_size CHUNK_SIZE] [-v]
rRNA sequence detector
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
Path of config file
-l LEN, --len LEN Sequencing read length, should be not smaller than 50.
-i [INPUT [INPUT ...]], --input [INPUT [INPUT ...]]
Path of input sequence files (fasta and fastq), the second file will be considered as second end if two files given.
-o [OUTPUT [OUTPUT ...]], --output [OUTPUT [OUTPUT ...]]
Path of the output sequence files after rRNAs removal (same number of files as input).
(Note: 2 times slower to write gz files)
-r [RRNA [RRNA ...]], --rrna [RRNA [RRNA ...]]
Path of the output sequence file of detected rRNAs (same number of files as input)
-e {rrna,norrna,both,none}, --ensure {rrna,norrna,both,none}
Only output certain sequences with high confidence
norrna: output non-rRNAs with high confidence, remove as many rRNAs as possible;
rrna: vice versa, output rRNAs with high confidence;
both: both non-rRNA and rRNA prediction with high confidence;
none: give label based on the mean probability of read pair.
(Only applicable for paired end reads, discard the read pair when their predicitons are discordant)
-t THREADS, --threads THREADS
number of threads to use. (default: 10)
--chunk_size CHUNK_SIZE
chunk_size * threads reads to process per thread.(default: 1024)
When chunk_size=1024 and threads=20, each process will load 1024 reads, in total consumming ~20G memory.
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
ribodetector -t 20 \
-l 100 \
-i inputs/reads.1.fq.gz inputs/reads.2.fq.gz \
-m 10 \
-e rrna \
--chunk_size 256 \
-o outputs/reads.rrna.{1,2}.fq.gz
ribodetector_cpu -t 20 \
-l 100 \
-i inputs/reads.1.fq.gz inputs/reads.2.fq.gz \
-e rrna \
--chunk_size 256 \
-o outputs/reads.rrna.{1,2}.fq
- -l Sequencing read length, should be not smaller than 50.
- -i Path of input sequence files (fasta and fastq), the second file will be considered as second end if two files given.
- -o Path of the output sequence files after rRNAs removal (same number of files as input). (Note: 2 times slower to write gz files)
- -t number of threads to use. (default: 10)
- -m amount (GB) of GPU RAM. (default: 12)
- --chunk_size Use this parameter when having low memory. Parsing the file in chunks. Not needed when free RAM >=5 * your_file_size (uncompressed, sum of paired ends). When chunk_size=256, memory=16 it will load 256 * 16 * 1024 reads each chunk (use ~20 GB for 100bp paired end).
- -e {rrna, norrna, both, none} Only output certain sequences with high confidence norrna: output non-rRNAs with high confidence, remove as many rRNAs as possible;
rrna: vice versa, output rRNAs with high confidence;
both: both non-rRNA and rRNA prediction with high confidence;
none: give label based on the mean probability of read pair.
(Only applicable for paired end reads, discard the read pair when their predicitons are discordant)
ribodetector前後のfastqの18S rRNAへのマッピング。上段が処理前、中央が"-e rrna"設定での実行後、下段が"-e nonrrna"設定での実行後。
28S rRNA。上の画像と同じく、上段が処理前、中央が"-e rrna"設定での実行後、下段が"-e nonrrna"設定での実行後。まれにアラインされるリードが見つかる。
Rapid and accurate identification of ribosomal RNA sequences via deep learning
Zhi-Luo Deng, Philipp C Münch, René Mreches, Alice C McHardy
Nucleic Acids Research, Published: 21 February 2022