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GATKベストプラクティスに完全対応した elPrep5

2021 2/10 v5 リリースへのリンク追加

2021 5/14, 9/20 help追加

2021 9/20 論文引用

2021 12/22 コマンド修正


 elPrep 5は、シーケンスアライメント/マップファイルをバリアントコーラーで処理するためのelPrepフレームワークを更新したものである。elPrep 5は、バリアントコールのためのGATKベスト・プラクティスに記載されている完全なパイプライン:これは、PCRとoptical duplicatesマーキング、座標順序によるソート、塩基品質スコアの再校正、ハプロタイプコールアルゴリズムを用いたバリアントコールから構成される、を実行できるようになった。ベンチマークでは、elPrep 5はGATK 4と同じハードウェアリソースを使用しながら、全exomeデータと全ゲノムデータの両方でバリアントコールパイプラインの実行時間を8~16倍高速化していることが示されている。 このことから、elPrep 5は、より高速な実行時間が必要な場合にGATK 4の代わりにドロップインで使用するのに適している。



GATK 4と比較して、elPrep 5は、GATK 4が使用するRAMの+- 0.70倍、ディスクスペースの+- 0.70倍の使用量で、パイプラインを8.5~16倍高速に実行できる。elPrepの出力は、GATKの出力と同じです。(*50x NA12878 Illumina Platinum genome, hg38, run on AWS m5.24xlarge, Intel Xeon, 96 vCPU, 384 GiB RAM)




2021 5/14


> ./elprep

# ./elprep


elprep version 5.0.1 compiled with go1.15.7 - see for more information.


2021/05/14 12:14:56 Incorrect number of parameters.

Print command details:




Available commands: filter, sfm, vcf-to-elsites, bed-to-elsites, fasta-to-elfasta


filter/sfm parameters:

elprep [filter | sfm] sam-file sam-output-file

[--output-type [sam | bam]]

[--replace-reference-sequences sam-file]



[--filter-mapping-quality mapping-quality]



[--filter-non-overlapping-reads bed-file]

[--replace-read-group read-group-string]


[--mark-optical-duplicates file]

[--optical-duplicates-pixel-distance nr]


[--remove-optional-fields [all | list]]

[--keep-optional-fields [none | list]]

[--sorting-order [keep | unknown | unsorted | queryname | coordinate]]


[--bqsr recal-file]

[--reference elfasta]

[--quantize-levels nr]

[--sqq list]

[--max-cycle nr]

[--known-sites list]

[--haplotypecaller vcf-file]

[--reference-confidence [GVCF | BP_RESOLUTION | NONE]

[--sample-name sample-name]

[--activity-profile igv-file]

[--assembly-regions igv-file]

[--assembly-region-padding nr]

[--target-regions bed-file]

[--nr-of-threads nr]


[--log-path path]

[--intermediate-files-output-prefix name] (sfm only)

[--intermediate-files-output-type [sam | bam]] (sfm only)

[--tmp-path path]

[--single-end] (sfm only)

[--contig-group-size nr] (sfm only)


vcf-to-elsites parameters:

elprep vcf-to-elsites vcf-file elsites-file

[--log-path path]



bed-to-elsites parameters:

elprep bed-to-elsites bed-file elsites-file

[--log-path path]


fasta-to-elfasta parameters:

elprep fasta-to-elfasta fasta-file elfasta-file

[--log-path path]

elprep sfm

# elprep sfm 


elprep version 5.0.2 compiled with go1.16.4 - see for more information.


Incorrect number of parameters.


sfm parameters:

elprep sfm sam-file sam-output-file

[--output-type [sam | bam]]

[--replace-reference-sequences sam-file]



[--filter-mapping-quality mapping-quality]



[--filter-non-overlapping-reads bed-file]

[--replace-read-group read-group-string]


[--mark-optical-duplicates file]

[--optical-duplicates-pixel-distance nr]


[--remove-optional-fields [all | list]]

[--keep-optional-fields [none | list]]

[--sorting-order [keep | unknown | unsorted | queryname | coordinate]]



[--reference elfasta]

[--quantize-levels nr]

[--sqq list]

[--max-cycle nr]

[--known-sites list]

[--haplotypecaller vcf-file]

[--reference-confidence [GVCF | BP_RESOLUTION | NONE]

[--sample-name sample-name]

[--activity-profile igv-file]

[--assembly-regions igv-file]

[--assembly-region-padding nr]

[--target-regions bed-file]

[--nr-of-threads nr]


[--log-path path]

[--intermediate-files-output-prefix name]

[--intermediate-files-output-type [sam | bam]]

[--tmp-path path]


[--contig-group-size nr]

elprep filter 

# elprep filter        


elprep version 5.0.2 compiled with go1.16.4 - see for more information.


Incorrect number of parameters.


filter parameters:

elprep filter sam-file sam-output-file

[--output-type [sam | bam]]

[--replace-reference-sequences sam-file]



[--filter-mapping-quality mapping-quality]



[--filter-non-overlapping-reads bed-file]

[--replace-read-group read-group-string]


[--mark-optical-duplicates file]

[--optical-duplicates-pixel-distance nr]


[--remove-optional-fields [all | list]]

[--keep-optional-fields [none | list]]

[--sorting-order [keep | unknown | unsorted | queryname | coordinate]]


[--reference elfasta]

[--bqsr recal-file]

[--quantize-levels nr]

[--sqq list]

[--max-cycle nr]

[--known-sites list]

[--haplotypecaller vcf-file]

[--reference-confidence [GVCF | BP_RESOLUTION | NONE]

[--sample-name sample-name]

[--activity-profile igv-file]

[--assembly-regions igv-file]

[--assembly-region-padding nr]


[--nr-of-threads nr]


[--log-path path]

elprep vcf-to-elsites

# elprep vcf-to-elsites


elprep version 5.0.2 compiled with go1.16.4 - see for more information.


Incorrect number of parameters.

vcf-to-elsites parameters:

elprep vcf-to-elsites vcf-file elsites-file

[--log-path path]

> elprep bed-to-elsites

# elprep bed-to-elsites


elprep version 5.0.2 compiled with go1.16.4 - see for more information.


Incorrect number of parameters.


bed-to-elsites parameters:

elprep bed-to-elsites bed-file elsites-file

[--log-path path]

> elprep fasta-to-elfasta

# elprep fasta-to-elfasta


elprep version 5.0.2 compiled with go1.16.4 - see for more information.


Incorrect number of parameters.

fasta-to-elfasta parameters:

elprep fasta-to-elfasta fasta-file elfasta-file

[--log-path path]



#anaconda (link)
mamba install -c bioconda elprep -y





2021 5/25

elprep fasta-to-elfasta hg38.fasta hg38.elfasta
elprep vcf-to-elsites dbsnp_138.hg38.vcf dbsnp_138.hg38.elsites

minimap2 -ax sr -R "@RG\tID:X\tLB:Y\tSM:sample1\tPL:ILLUMINA" \
-t 12 assembly.fasta pair_*.fq.gz |\
elprep filter /dev/stdin map.bam \
--mark-duplicates --remove-duplicates \
--filter-mapping-quality 0 \
--clean-sam \
--nr-of-threads 12 \
--sorting-order coordinate \
--bqsr output.recal \
--known-sites dbSNP_common_all.elsites
--reference GRCh38.elfasta
--target-regions targetedregions.bed



Multithreaded variant calling in elPrep 5

Charlotte Herzeel, Pascal Costanza, Dries Decap, Jan Fostier,Roel Wuyts, Wilfried Verachtert

bioRxiv, Posted December 11, 2020


Multithreaded variant calling in elPrep 5

Charlotte Herzeel  ,Pascal Costanza ,Dries Decap,Jan Fostier,Roel Wuyts,Wilfried Verachtert

PLOS ONE, Published: February 4, 2021