2024/09/14 論文引用
複雑な細胞機能は、通常、微生物ゲノムの1つまたは数個の組織化された遺伝子座の遺伝子セットによってコードされている。Macromolecular System Finder (MacSyFinder) は、これらの特性を利用して、微生物ゲノム中の細胞機能をモデル化し、次にアノテーションを行うプログラムである。これは、個々の遺伝子の同定を分子システムのレベルで統合することによって行われる。ここではPython 3でコーディングされたMacSyFinderのメジャーリリース(バージョン2)を発表する。将来の保守性を考慮し、コードの改良と合理化を行った。また、より柔軟なシステムのモデリングを可能にするために、いくつかの新機能が追加された。より直感的で包括的な検索エンジンを導入し、モデルの制約を考慮した最適なシステム候補と最適でないシステム候補をすべて特定する。また、MacSyFinderのために開発されたモデル(macsy-models)をGitHubリポジトリから簡単にインストールし、広く配布できる新しいmacsydataコンパニオンツールも導入している。最後に、MacSyFinderの人気モデルの更新と改良を行った: TXSScanはタンパク質の分泌系を、TFFscanはIV型フィラメントを、CONJscanは結合系を、CasFinderはCRISPR関連タンパク質を同定する。MacSyFinderと更新されたモデルは、https://github.com/gem-pasteur/macsyfinder と https://github.com/macsy-models で入手できる。
v1 documentation
- Python version >=3.7 is required to run MacSyFinder
python3 -m venv MacSyFinder
cd MacSyFinder
source bin/activate
pip install macsyfinder
mamba create -n macsyfinder python=3.10 -y
conda activate macsyfinder
mamba install -c bioconda macsyfinder -y
mamba install -c bioconda -y hmmer
> macsyfinder
$ macsyfinder
usage: macsyfinder [-h] [-m [MODELS ...]] [--sequence-db SEQUENCE_DB] [--db-type {ordered_replicon,gembase,unordered}] [--replicon-topology {linear,circular}] [--topology-file TOPOLOGY_FILE] [--idx]
[--min-genes-required MIN_GENES_REQUIRED MIN_GENES_REQUIRED] [--max-nb-genes MAX_NB_GENES MAX_NB_GENES] [--multi-loci MULTI_LOCI] [--hmmer HMMER] [--e-value-search E_VALUE_SEARCH]
[--no-cut-ga | --cut-ga] [--i-evalue-sel I_EVALUE_SEL] [--coverage-profile COVERAGE_PROFILE] [--mandatory-weight MANDATORY_WEIGHT] [--accessory-weight ACCESSORY_WEIGHT]
[--exchangeable-weight EXCHANGEABLE_WEIGHT] [--redundancy-penalty REDUNDANCY_PENALTY] [--out-of-cluster OUT_OF_CLUSTER] [--models-dir MODELS_DIR] [-o OUT_DIR] [--force] [--index-dir INDEX_DIR]
[--res-search-suffix RES_SEARCH_SUFFIX] [--res-extract-suffix RES_EXTRACT_SUFFIX] [--profile-suffix PROFILE_SUFFIX] [-w WORKER] [-v] [--mute] [--version] [-l] [--cfg-file CFG_FILE]
[--previous-run PREVIOUS_RUN] [--timeout TIMEOUT]
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MacSyFinder (MSF) - Detection of macromolecular systems in protein datasets
using systems modelling and similarity search.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-m [MODELS ...], --models [MODELS ...]
The models to search.
The first element must be the name of family models, followed by the name of the models to search.
If the name 'all' is in the list of models, all models from the family will be searched.
'--models TXSS Flagellum T2SS'
means MSF will search for the models TXSS/Flagellum and TXSS/T2SS
'--models TXSS all'
means MSF will search for all models found in the model package TXSS
'--models CRISPRcas/subtyping all'
means MSF will search for all models described in the CRISPRCas/subtyping subfamily.
(required unless --previous-run is set)
Input dataset options:
--sequence-db SEQUENCE_DB
Path to the sequence dataset in fasta format.
(required unless --previous-run is set)
--db-type {ordered_replicon,gembase,unordered}
The type of dataset to deal with.
"unordered" corresponds to a non-assembled genome or set of unassembled genes,
"ordered_replicon" to an assembled genome,
"gembase" to a set of replicons where sequence identifiers
follow this convention: ">RepliconName_SequenceID".
(required unless --previous-run is set)
--replicon-topology {linear,circular}
The topology of the replicons
(this option is meaningful only if the db_type is
'ordered_replicon' or 'gembase'.)
(default: circular)
--topology-file TOPOLOGY_FILE
Topology file path. The topology file allows to specify a topology
(linear or circular) for each replicon (this option is meaningful only if the db_type is
'ordered_replicon' or 'gembase'.
A topology file is a tabular file with two columns:
the 1st is the replicon name, and the 2nd the corresponding topology:
"RepliconA linear"
--idx Forces to build the indexes for the sequence dataset even
if they were previously computed and present at the dataset location.
(default: False)
Systems detection options:
Co-localization criterion: maximum number of components non-matched by a
profile allowed between two matched components for them to be considered contiguous.
Option only meaningful for 'ordered' datasets.
The first value must name a model, the second a number of components.
This option can be repeated several times:
"--inter-gene-max-space TXSS/T2SS 12 --inter-gene-max-space TXSS/Flagellum 20
The minimal number of mandatory genes required for model assessment.
The first value must correspond to a model fully qualified name, the second value to an integer.
This option can be repeated several times:
"--min-mandatory-genes-required TXSS/T2SS 15 --min-mandatory-genes-required TXSS/Flagellum 10"
The minimal number of genes required for model assessment
(includes both 'mandatory' and 'accessory' components).
The first value must correspond to a model fully qualified name, the second value to an integer.
This option can be repeated several times:
"--min-genes-required TXSS/T2SS 15 --min-genes-required TXSS/Flagellum 10
--max-nb-genes MAX_NB_GENES MAX_NB_GENES
The maximal number of genes to consider a system as full.
The first value must correspond to a model name, the second value to an integer.
This option can be repeated several times:
"--max-nb-genes TXSS/T2SS 5 --max-nb-genes TXSS/Flagellum 10"
--multi-loci MULTI_LOCI
Specifies if the system can be detected as a 'scattered' (or multiple-loci-encoded) system.
The models are specified as a comma separated list of fully qualified name(s)
"--multi-loci model_familyA/model_1,model_familyB/model_2"
Options for Hmmer execution and hits filtering:
--hmmer HMMER Path to the hmmsearch program.
If not specified, rely on the environment variable PATH
(default: /home/kazu/mambaforge/envs/macsyfinder/bin/hmmsearch)
--e-value-search E_VALUE_SEARCH
Maximal e-value for hits to be reported during hmmsearch search.
By default MSF set per profile threshold for hmmsearch run (hmmsearch --cut_ga option)
for profiles containing the GA bit score threshold.
If a profile does not contains the GA bit score the --e-value-search (-E in hmmsearch) is applied to this profile.
To applied the --e-value-search to all profiles use the --no-cut-ga option.
(default: 0.1)
--no-cut-ga By default the MSF try to applied a threshold per profile by using the
hmmer -cut-ga option. This is possible only if the GA bit score is present in the profile otherwise
MF switch to use the --e-value-search (-E in hmmsearch).
If this option is set the --e-value-search option is used for all profiles regardless the presence of
the a GA bit score in the profiles.
(default: False)
--cut-ga By default the MSF try to applied a threshold per profile by using the
hmmer -cut-ga option. This is possible only if the GA bit score is present in the profile otherwise
MSF switch to use the --e-value-search (-E in hmmsearch).
But the modeler can override this default behavior to do not use cut_ga but --e-value-search instead (-E in hmmsearch).
The user can reestablish the general MSF behavior, be sure the profiles contain the GA bit score.
(default: True)
--i-evalue-sel I_EVALUE_SEL
Maximal independent e-value for Hmmer hits to be selected for systems detection.
--coverage-profile COVERAGE_PROFILE
Minimal profile coverage required for the hit alignment with the profile to allow
the hit selection for systems detection.
(default: 0.5)
Score options:
Options for cluster and systems scoring
--mandatory-weight MANDATORY_WEIGHT
the weight of a mandatory component in cluster scoring
--accessory-weight ACCESSORY_WEIGHT
the weight of a accessory component in cluster scoring
--exchangeable-weight EXCHANGEABLE_WEIGHT
the weight modifier for a component which code for exchangeable cluster scoring
--redundancy-penalty REDUNDANCY_PENALTY
the weight modifier for cluster which bring a component already presents in other
clusters (default:1.5)
--out-of-cluster OUT_OF_CLUSTER
the weight modifier for a hit which is a
- true loner (not in cluster)
- or multi-system (from an other system)
Path options:
--models-dir MODELS_DIR
Specifies the path to the models if the models are not installed in the canonical place.
It gathers definitions (xml files) and HMM profiles arranged in a specific
file structure. A directory with the name of the model with at least two directories
'profiles' - which contains HMM profiles for each gene components described in the systems' models
'models' - which contains either the XML files of models' definitions or subdirectories
to organize the models in subsystems.
-o OUT_DIR, --out-dir OUT_DIR
Path to the directory where to store output results.
if out-dir is specified, res-search-dir will be ignored.
--force force to run even the out dir already exists and is not empty.
Use this option with caution, MSF will erase everything in out dir before to run.
--index-dir INDEX_DIR
Specifies the path to a directory to store/read the sequence index when the sequence-db dir is not writable.
--res-search-suffix RES_SEARCH_SUFFIX
The suffix to give to Hmmer raw output files. (default: .search_hmm.out)
--res-extract-suffix RES_EXTRACT_SUFFIX
The suffix to give to filtered hits output files. (default: .res_hmm_extract)
--profile-suffix PROFILE_SUFFIX
The suffix of profile files. For each 'Gene' element, the corresponding profile is
searched in the 'profile_dir', in a file which name is based on the
Gene name + the profile suffix.
For instance, if the Gene is named 'gspG' and the suffix is '.hmm3',
then the profile should be placed at the specified location
under the name 'gspG.hmm3'
(default: .hmm)
General options:
-w WORKER, --worker WORKER
Number of workers to be used by MacSyFinder.
In the case the user wants to run MacSyFinder in a multi-thread mode.
0 mean that all threads available will be used.
(default: 1)
-v, --verbosity Increases the verbosity level. There are 4 levels:
Error messages (default), Warning (-v), Info (-vv) and Debug.(-vvv)
--mute Mute the log on stdout.
(continue to log on macsyfinder.log)
(default: False)
--version show program's version number and exit
-l, --list-models Displays all models installed at generic location and quit.
--cfg-file CFG_FILE Path to a MacSyFinder configuration file to be used. (conflict with --previous-run)
--previous-run PREVIOUS_RUN
Path to a previous MacSyFinder run directory.
It allows to skip the Hmmer search step on a same dataset,
as it uses previous run results and thus parameters regarding Hmmer detection.
The configuration file from this previous run will be used.
Conflicts with options:
--cfg-file, --sequence-db, --profile-suffix, --res-extract-suffix, --e-value-res, --db-type, --hmmer
--timeout TIMEOUT In some case msf can take a long time to find the best solution (in 'gembase' and 'ordered_replicon mode').
The timeout is per replicon. If this step reach the timeout, the replicon is skipped (for gembase mode the analyse of other replicons continue).
NUMBER[SUFFIX] NUMBER seconds. SUFFIX may be 's' for seconds (the default), 'm' for minutes, 'h' for hours or 'd' for days
for instance 1h2m3s means 1 hour 2 min 3 sec. NUMBER must be an integer.
For more details, visit the MacSyFinder website and see the MacSyFinder documentation.
> macsydata
usage: macsydata [-h] [-v] [--version] {available,download,install,uninstall,search,info,list,freeze,cite,help,check,definition,init} ...
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MacSyData - MacSyFinder Data Management
positional arguments:
available List Models available on macsy-models
download Download packages.
install Install packages.
uninstall Uninstall packages.
search Discover new packages.
info Show information about packages.
list List installed packages.
freeze List installed models in requirements format.
cite How to cite a package.
help get online documentation.
check check if the directory is ready to be publish as data package
definition show a model definition
init Create a template for a new data package
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose Give more output.
--version show program's version number and exit
For more details, visit the MacSyFinder website and see the MacSyFinder documentation.
macsydata available
$ macsydata available
TXSScan (1.1.1) - TXSScan - Models for 14 types of bacterial protein secretion systems and appendages (T1SS, T2SS, T3SS, T4aP, T4bP, pT4SS, T5SSs, T6SSs, Flagellum, Tad pilus, T9SS, Com pilus, MSH, Archaeal TFF).
TFFscan (1.0.0) - TFF-SF - Models for the type IV filament (TFF) superfamily (including T2SS, T4P, Tad pili and Competence machinery).
CasFinder (3.1.0) - CasFinder - Models for detection of CRISPR-Cas systems.
CONJScan (2.0.1) - CONJScan - Models for detection of conjugative and mobilisable elements.
macsydata search TXSS
macsydata search -S secretion
$ macsydata search TXSS
TXSScan (1.1.1) - TXSScan - Models for 14 types of bacterial protein secretion systems and appendages (T1SS, T2SS, T3SS, T4aP, T4bP, pT4SS, T5SSs, T6SSs, Flagellum, Tad pilus, T9SS, Com pilus, MSH, Archaeal TFF).
macsydata install -u TXSS
macsydata install --target model_dir TXSS
- -u Install to the MacSYFinder user install directory for your platform. Typically ~/.macsyfinder/data
- -t Install packages into <TARGET> dir instead in canonical location
- -U Upgrade specified package to the newest available version.
macsydata cite <model name>
macsydata install --target model_dir TXSS
タンパク質のfastaファイル、ダウンロードしたモデルの種類(ファミリー名 モデル名の順で指定)、デーベースのタイプを指定する。ここではデーベースに完全長ゲノムからのタンパク質として--db-type ordered_repliconを指定。モデルにはTXSScanの全てを指定。
macsyfinder --sequence-db input.fasta -o output --models TXSS all --db-type ordered_replicon -w 8
- --sequence-db Path to the sequence dataset in fasta format. (required unless --previous-run is set)
- -o Path to the directory where to store output results. if out-dir is specified, res-search-dir will be ignored.
- -m The models to search. The first element must be the name of family models, followed by the name of the models to search. If the name 'all' is in the list of models, all models from the family will be searched.
'--models TXSS Flagellum T2SS' means MSF will search for the models TXSS/Flagellum and TXSS/T2SS
'--models TXSS all' means MSF will search for all models found in the model package TXSS
'--models CRISPRcas/subtyping all' means MSF will search for all models described in the CRISPRCas/subtyping subfamily. (required unless --previous-run is set) - -w Number of workers to be used by MacSyFinder. In the case the user wants to run MacSyFinder in a multi-thread mode. 0 mean that all threads available will be used. (default: 1)
- --db-type {ordered_replicon, gembase, unordered} The type of dataset to deal with.
"unordered" corresponds to a non-assembled genome or set of unassembled genes,
"ordered_replicon" to an assembled genome,
"gembase" to a set of replicons where sequence identifiers follow this convention:
- 人間が読めるファイル".txt "と、表形式のファイル".tsv "が用意されている。後者にはファイル内の行の内容を示すヘッダが示されている(pandasなどでパースしやすくするため)。
- best_solution.tsv - このファイルには、MacSyFinderが検出したシステムの中で最も優れたソリューションが、コンポーネントごとに表形式のレポートファイルとして提示されている。
- ファイル all_systems.txt と all_systems.tsv にはすべての可能性のある候補システムが提示されている。
- macsysplitコマンドを使うと、ゲノムのレプリコンごとにproteinのfastaファイルを分割できる。
- macsymergeコマンドを使うと、macsyfinderの複数の出力を統合できる。
- 新しいモデル構築の支援のため、macsyprofileコマンドが準備されている。このコマンドは、MacSyFinderの実行で使用したパラメータとは別のフィルタリングパラメータ値をテストすることができる。また、HMMERの生の出力ファイルからヒットを抽出し、それぞれのプロファイルカバレッジを出力する。
- v.1にあったMacSyViewは、MacSyFinderツールの結果解析を容易にするためのHTML5インターフェース。構成要素の概要を閲覧できる。
macsymerge outdir* -o merge_result
MacSyFinder v2: Improved modelling and search engine to identify molecular systems in genomes
Bertrand Néron, Rémi Denise, Charles Coluzzi, Marie Touchon, Eduardo P.C. Rocha, Sophie S. Abby
bioRxiv, Posted February 28, 2023
MacSyFinder v2: Improved modelling and search engine to identify molecular systems in genomes
Néron, Bertrand ; Denise, Rémi ; Coluzzi, Charles ; Touchon, Marie ; Rocha, Eduardo P.C. ; Abby, Sophie S.
10.24072/pcjournal.250 - Peer Community Journal, Volume 3 (2023), article no. e28.