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fastqのためのgrepコマンド fqgrep


fqgrep ユーティリティは、任意の入力 FASTQ ファイルを検索し、塩基が 1 つ以上のパターンに一致するレコードを検索する。






#mamba install -c bioconda fqgrep -y

fqgrep -h

$ fqgrep -h

fqgrep 1.0.2

The fqgrep utility searches any given input FASTQ files, selecting records whose bases match one or more patterns.  By

default, a pattern matches the bases in a FASTQ record if the regular expression (RE) in the pattern matches the bases.

An empty expression matches every line.  Each FASTQ record that matches at least one of the patterns is written to the

standard output.




By default, the input files are assumed to be uncompressed with the following exceptions: (1) If the input files are

real files and end with `.gz` or `.bgz`, they are assumed to be GZIP compressed, or (2) if they end with `.fastq` or

`.fq`, they are assumed to be uncompressed, or (3) if the `-Z/--decompress` option is specified then any unrecongized

inputs (including standard input) are assumed to be GZIP compressed.




The `--threads` option controls the number of threads used to _search_ the reads. Independently, for single end reads or

interleaved paired end reads, a single thread will be used to read each input FASTQ.  For paired end reads across pairs

of FASTQs, two threads will be used to read the FASTQs for each end of a pair.  Finally, a single thread will be created

for the writer.




The fqgrep utility exits with one of the following values: 0 if one or more lines were selected, 1 if no lines were

selected, and >1 if an error occurred.



    fqgrep [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] [--] [args]...



    -c, --count                 Only a count of selected lines is written to standard output

    -F, --fixed-strings         Interpret pattern as a set of fixed strings

    -v                          Selected lines are those not matching any of the specified patterns

    -Z, --decompress            Assume all unrecognized inputs are GZIP compressed

        --paired                Treat the input files as paired.  The number of input files must be a multiple of two,

                                with the first file being R1, second R2, third R1, fourth R2, and so on.  If the pattern

                                matches either R1 or R2, then both R1 and R2 will be output (interleaved).  If the input

                                is standard input, then treat the input as interlaved paired end reads

        --reverse-complement    Search the reverse complement for matches

        --progress              Write progress information

    -h, --help                  Prints help information

    -V, --version               Prints version information



    -t, --threads <threads>     The number of threads to use for matching reads against pattern.  See the full usage for

                                threads specific to reading and writing [default: 10]

        --color <color>         Mark up the matching text.  The possible values of when are “never”, “always” and “auto”

                                [default: never]

    -e, --regexp <regexp>...    Specify a pattern used during the search of the input: an input line is selected if it

                                matches any of the specified patterns.  This option is most useful when multiple `-e`

                                options are used to specify multiple patterns

    -f, --file <file>           Read one or more newline separated patterns from file.  Empty pattern lines match every

                                input line.  Newlines are not considered part of a pattern.  If file is empty, nothing

                                is matched



    <args>...    The first argument is the pattern to match, with the remaining arguments containing the files to

                 match.  If `-e` is given, then all the arguments are files to match. Use standard input if either

                 no files are given or `-` is given





fqgrep GACGAGATTA input.fastq.gz

fqgrep GACGAGATTA R1.fastq.gz R2.fastq.gz
  • -t <threads>     The number of threads to use for matching reads against pattern.  See the full usage for threads specific to reading and writing [default: 10]
  • --color <color>     Mark up the matching text.  The possible values of when are “never”, “always” and “auto” [default: never] 

  • -Z   Assume all unrecognized inputs are GZIP compressed
  • --paired    Treat the input files as paired.  The number of input files must be a multiple of two, with the first file being R1, second R2, third R1, fourth R2, and so on.  If the pattern matches either R1 or R2, then both R1 and R2 will be output (interleaved).  If the input is standard input, then treat the input as interlaved paired end reads 

--color をつけるとヒットした文字列部分がハイライトされる。該当するクオリティ値部分も異なる色でハイライトされる。

> fqgrep  --color auto GACGAGATTA input.fastq.gz |head




fqgrep ^GACGAGATTA R1.fastq



fqgrep -e AC -e AGAA --color auto in.fastq



  • "-c"をつけるとヒットしたリード数のみが報告される(1つのリード内に2個以上のマッチがあった時もリード単位なので1個)。
  • "-v"をつけるとヒットしないリードだけが出力される(このあたりもgrepと同じ)。
  • "--reverse-complement"で逆相補が探索される。
  • "--progress"で進捗が報告される。
  • "-t”でマッチングに使用するスレッド数を指定できる。
  • "-f <file>"で改行で区切られたパターンを含むファイルから読み込んで検索できる。





