mamba install -c bioconda graphaligner -y
> GraphAligner -h
$ GraphAligner -h
GraphAligner bioconda 1.0.12-
GraphAligner bioconda 1.0.12-
Mandatory parameters:
-g [ --graph ] arg input graph (.gfa / .vg)
-f [ --reads ] arg input reads (fasta or fastq, uncompressed or
-a [ --alignments-out ] arg output alignment file (.gaf/.gam/.json)
--corrected-out arg output corrected reads file (.fa/.fa.gz)
--corrected-clipped-out arg output corrected clipped reads file (.fa/.fa.gz)
General parameters:
-h [ --help ] help message
--version print version
-t [ --threads ] arg number of threads (int) (default 1)
--verbose print progress messages
--E-cutoff arg discard alignments with E-value > arg
--all-alignments return all alignments instead of the best
non-overlapping alignments
--extra-heuristic use heuristics to discard more seed hits
--try-all-seeds don't use heuristics to discard seed hits
--global-alignment force the read to be aligned end-to-end even if the
alignment score is poor
--optimal-alignment calculate the optimal alignment (VERY SLOW)
--seeds-clustersize arg discard seed clusters with fewer than
arg seeds (int)
--seeds-extend-density arg extend up to approximately the best
(arg * sequence length) seeds (double)
(-1 for all)
--seeds-minimizer-length arg k-mer length for minimizer seeding
--seeds-minimizer-windowsize arg window size for minimizer seeding (int)
--seeds-minimizer-density arg keep approximately (arg * sequence
length) least common minimizers
(double) (-1 for all)
--seeds-minimizer-ignore-frequent arg ignore arg most frequent fraction of
minimizers (double)
--seeds-mum-count arg arg longest maximal unique matches
fully contained in a node (int) (-1 for
--seeds-mem-count arg arg longest maximal exact matches fully
contained in a node (int) (-1 for all)
--seeds-mxm-length arg minimum length for maximal unique /
exact matches (int)
--seeds-mxm-cache-prefix arg store the mum/mem seeding index to the
disk for reuse, or reuse it if it
exists (filename prefix)
-s [ --seeds-file ] arg external seeds (.gam)
--seeds-first-full-rows arg no seeding, instead calculate the first
arg rows fully. VERY SLOW except on
tiny graphs (int)
-b [ --bandwidth ] arg alignment bandwidth (int)
-B [ --ramp-bandwidth ] arg ramp bandwidth (int)
-C [ --tangle-effort ] arg tangle effort limit, higher results in slower but
more accurate alignments (int) (-1 for unlimited)
--high-memory use slightly less CPU but a lot more memory
Preset parameters:
-x [ --preset ] arg Preset parameters
dbg - Parameters optimized for de Bruijn graphs
vg - Parameters optimized for variation graphs
入力としてリードのfasta/fastq、アセンブリグラフとしてGFA/vgを指定する。ここではGAFフォーマット(GAF)で出力しているが、-a aln.gamを使用すると、vgと互換性のある出力が得られる。
git clone https://github.com/maickrau/GraphAligner.git
cd GraphAligner/
GraphAligner -g test/graph.gfa -f test/read.fa -a aln.gaf -x vg
- -g input graph (.gfa / .vg)
- -f input reads (fasta or fastq, uncompressed or gzipped)
- -a output alignment file (.gaf/.gam/.json)
- -t number of threads (int) (default 1)
- -x Preset parameters
dbg - Parameters optimized for de Bruijn graphs
vg - Parameters optimized for variation graphs
"-x vg"は、variation graphsにリードを整列させるためのパラメータプリセットで、"-x dbg"はde brujin graphにアラインメントするプリセットになる。
Bit-parallel sequence-to-graph alignment
Mikko Rautiainen, Veli Mäkinen, Tobias Marschall
Bioinformatics, Volume 35, Issue 19, 1 October 2019, Pages 3599–3607