Apolloは、あらゆるサイズ(つまり、ラージゲノムと小さなゲノムの両方)のアセンブリをすべてのシーケンシングテクノロジー(つまり、第2世代と第3世代)のリードを扱えるスケーラブルなユニバーサルアセンブリpolishingアルゴリズムである。著者らの目標は、ラージゲノムをポリシングしてアセンブリ精度を向上させ、そしてすべてのシーケンシング技術のリードセットを使用できる単一のアルゴリズムのpolishingを提供することである。 Apolloは1)プロファイル隠れマルコフモデル(pHMM)としてアセンブリをモデル化し、2)Forward-BackwardアルゴリズムでpHMMをトレーニングするためにread-to-assemblyアライメントを使用し、3)Viterbiアルゴリズムでトレーニングされたモデルをデコードしてpolishingする。リアルリードセットを使った実験では、1)複数のシーケンステクノロジからのリードを使用した場合、単一のシーケンステクノロジからのリードを使用した場合よりも正確なアセンブリが得られた。 3)Apolloは、シングルシーケンシング技術のリードでpolishingする場合でも、精度に関して競合の最先端のアルゴリズムと同等かそれ以上に優れている。
本体 Github
git clone https://github.com/CMU-SAFARI/Apollo.git
cd ./Apollo
make -j 8
cd ./bin
> ./apollo
$ ./apollo
Apollo: A Sequencing-Technology-Independent, Scalable, and Accurate Assembly Polishing Algorithm
Try 'Apollo: A Sequencing-Technology-Independent, Scalable, and Accurate Assembly Polishing Algorithm --help' for
more information.
Last update: July 2019
Apollo: A Sequencing-Technology-Independent, Scalable, and Accurate Assembly Polishing Algorithm version: 1.1
SeqAn version: 2.4.0
> ./apollo -h
$ ./apollo -h
Apollo: A Sequencing-Technology-Independent, Scalable, and Accurate Assembly Polishing Algorithm
-h, --help
Display the help message.
Display version information.
-a, --assembly INPUT_FILE
The fasta file which contains the assembly
-r, --read List of INPUT_FILE's
A fasta file which contains a set of reads that are aligned to the assembly.
-m, --alignment List of INPUT_FILE's
{s,b}am file which contains alignments of the set of reads to the assembly.
-o, --output OUTPUT_FILE
Output file to write the polished (i.e., corrected) assembly.
-q, --mapq INTEGER
Minimum mapping quality for a read-to-assembly alignment to be used in assembly polishing. Note that if the
aligner reports multiplealignmentsvfor a read, then it may be setting mapping qualities of multiple
alignments as 0. In range [0..255]. Default: 0.
-f, --filter INTEGER
Filter size that allows calculation of at most "f" many most probable transitions in each time step. This
parameter is directly proportional to running time. In range [1..inf]. Default: 100.
-v, --viterbi-filter INTEGER
Filter size for the Viterbi algorithm that allows calculation of at most "vf" many most probable states in
each time step. This parameter is directly proportional to running time. In range [1..inf]. Default: 5.
-i, --maxi INTEGER
Maximum number of insertions in a row. This parameter is directly proportional to the running time. In range
[0..inf]. Default: 3.
-d, --maxd INTEGER
Maximum number of deletions in a row. This parameter is directly proportional to the running time. In range
[0..inf]. Default: 10.
-tm, --mtransition DOUBLE
Initial transition probability to a match state. See --itransition as well. In range [0..1]. Default: 0.85.
-ti, --itransition DOUBLE
Initial transition probability to an insertion state. Note that the deletion transition probability equals
to: (1 - (matchTransition + insertionTransition)). In range [0..1]. Default: 0.1.
-df, --dfactor DOUBLE
Factor for the polynomial distribution to calculate the each of the probabilities to delete 1 to "d" many
basepairs. Note that unless "df" is set 1, the probability of the deleting k many characters will always
going to be different than deleting n many characters where 0<k<n<"d". A higher "df" value favors less
deletions. In range [0.001..inf]. Default: 2.5.
-em, --memission DOUBLE
Initial emission probability of a match to a reference. Note that: mismatch emission probability equals to:
((1-matchEmission)/3). In range [0..1]. Default: 0.97.
-b, --batch INTEGER
Number of consecutive basepairs that Viterbi decodes per thread. Setting it to zero will decode the entire
contig with a single thread. In range [0..inf]. Default: 5000.
-t, --thread INTEGER
Maximum number of threads to use. In range [1..inf]. Default: 1.
-n, --no-verbose
Apollo runs quitely with no informative output
Last update: July 2019
Apollo: A Sequencing-Technology-Independent, Scalable, and Accurate Assembly Polishing Algorithm version: 1.1
SeqAn version: 2.4.0
minimap2 -x map-pb -a assembly.fasta pacbio.fasta | samtools sort -@ 12 > alignment.bam
samtools index -@ 12 alignment.bam
apollo -a assembly.fasta -r pacbio.fasta -m alignment.bam -o polished.fasta
ハイブリッド(ONT + illumina)
#mapping:short reads
minimap2 -x sr -a assembly.fasta interleave_reads.fasta | samtools sort -@ 12 > short_alignment.bam
samtools index -@ 12 short_alignment.bam
#mapping:long reads
minimap2 -x map-ont -a assembly.fasta ont_reads.fasta | samtools sort -@ 12 > long_alignment.bam
samtools index -@ 12 long_alignment.bam
apollo -a assembly.fasta -r interleave_reads.fasta -r ont_reads.fasta -m short_alignment.bam -m long_alignment.bam -t 30 -o polished.fasta
Apollo: A Sequencing-Technology-Independent, Scalable, and Accurate Assembly Polishing Algorithm
Can Firtina, Jeremie S. Kim, Mohammed Alser, Damla Senol Cali, A. Ercument Cicek , Can Alkan, Onur Mutlu
arXiv:1902.04341 submitted on 12 Feb 2019)