2020 8/7 インストール追記
cent OSに導入した。
#bioconda (link)
conda install -c bioocnda rcorrector -y
brew install Rcorrector
> run_rcorrector.pl #動作確認
$ run_rcorrector.pl
Usage: perl ./run_rcorrector.pl [OPTIONS]
Required parameters:
-s seq_files: comma separated files for single-end data sets
-1 seq_files_left: comma separated files for the first mate in the paried-end data sets
-2 seq_files_right: comma separated files for the second mate in the paired-end data sets
-i seq_files_interleaved: comma sperated files for interleaved paired-end data sets
Other parameters:
-k kmer_length (<=32, default: 23)
-od output_file_directory (default: ./)
-t number_of_threads (default: 1)
-maxcorK INT: the maximum number of correction within k-bp window (default: 4)
-wk FLOAT: the proportion of kmers that are used to estimate weak kmer count threshold, lower for more divergent genome (default: 0.95)
-ek expected_number_of_kmers: does not affect the correctness of program but affect the memory usage (default: 100000000)
-stdout: output the corrected reads to stdout (default: not used)
-verbose: output some correction information to stdout (default: not used)
-stage INT: start from which stage (default: 0)
0-start from begining(storing kmers in bloom filter);
1-start from count kmers showed up in bloom filter;
2-start from dumping kmer counts into a jf_dump file;
3-start from error correction.
run_rcorrector.pl -1 Sample/sample_read1.fq -2 Sample/sample_read2.fq
sample_read1.cor.fqと sample_read2.cor.fqが出力される。
Rcorrector: efficient and accurate error correction for Illumina RNA-seq reads
Li Song and Liliana Florea
GigaScience 2015 4:48