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出版品質の一塩基多型可視化プロットを出力する Snipit



SnipitはオープンソースPythonベースのツールで、GNU-GPL 3.0ライセンス(の下、GitHubでホストされている。PyPiからpipを使ってインストールできる。ソースコードと追加ドキュメントはGitHubリポジトリにある。




#pip (pypi)
pip install snipit

> snipit

usage: snipit <alignment> [options]




optional arguments:

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit


Input options:

  alignment             Input alignment fasta file

  -t {nt,aa}, --sequence-type {nt,aa}

                        Input sequence type: aa or nt

  -r REFERENCE, --reference REFERENCE

                        Indicates which sequence in the alignment is the

                        reference (by sequence ID). Default: first sequence in


  -l LABELS, --labels LABELS

                        Optional csv file of labels to show in output snipit

                        plot. Default: sequence names

  --l-header LABEL_HEADERS

                        Comma separated string of column headers in label csv.

                        First field indicates sequence name column, second the

                        label column. Default: 'name,label'


Mode options:

  --recombi-mode        Allow colouring of query seqeunces by mutations

                        present in two 'recombi-references' from the input

                        alignment fasta file

  --recombi-references RECOMBI_REFERENCES

                        Specify two comma separated sequence IDs in the input

                        alignment to use as 'recombi-references'. Ex.


  --cds-mode            Assumes sequence supplied is a coding sequence


Output options:

  -d OUTPUT_DIR, --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR

                        Output directory. Default: current working directory

  -o OUTFILE, --output-file OUTFILE

                        Output file name stem. Default: snp_plot

  -s, --write-snps      Write out the SNPs in a csv file.

  -f FORMAT, --format FORMAT

                        Format options (png, jpg, pdf, svg, tiff) Default: png


Figure options:

  --height HEIGHT       Overwrite the default figure height

  --width WIDTH         Overwrite the default figure width

  --size-option SIZE_OPTION

                        Specify options for sizing. Options: expand, scale

  --solid-background    Force the plot to have a solid background, rather than

                        a transparent one.

  -c , --colour-palette 

                        Specify colour palette. Options: [classic,

                        classic_extended, primary, purine-pyrimidine,

                        greyscale, wes, verity, ugene]. Use ugene for protein


  --flip-vertical       Flip the orientation of the plot so sequences are

                        below the reference rather than above it.


                        Render the graph with sequences sorted by the number

                        of SNPs relative to the reference (fewest to most).

                        Default: False

  --sort-by-id          Sort sequences alphabetically by sequence id. Default:


  --sort-by-mutations SORT_BY_MUTATIONS

                        Sort sequences by bases at specified positions.

                        Positions are comma separated integers. Ex. '1,2,3'

  --high-to-low         If sorted by mutation number is selected, show the

                        sequences with the fewest SNPs closest to the

                        reference. Default: False

  --remove-site-text    Do not annotate text on the individual columns in the



SNP options:

  --show-indels         Include insertion and deletion mutations in snipit



                        One or more range (closed, inclusive; one-indexed) or

                        specific position only included in the output. Ex.

                        '100-150' or Ex. '100 101' Considered before '--



                        One or more range (closed, inclusive; one-indexed) or

                        specific position to exclude in the output. Ex.

                        '100-150' or Ex. '100 101' Considered after '--


  --ambig-mode {all,snps,exclude}

                        Controls how ambiguous bases are handled - [all]

                        include all ambig such as N,Y,B in all positions;

                        [snps] only include ambig if a snp is present at the

                        same position; [exclude] remove all ambig, same as

                        depreciated --exclude-ambig-pos


Misc options:

  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit





git clone
cd snipit/docs/
snipit test.fasta --output-file test

PNGファイル: test.pngだけが出力される。


提供されたアラインメントを塩基配列と仮定し("-t nt")、SNPを塩基の変化で色分けしたグラフが作成される。曖昧な変化は灰色で表示される。



snipit test.fasta --output-file prefix -f pdf
  •  -f, --format    Format options (png, jpg, pdf, svg, tiff) Default: png



snipit test.fasta --output-file prefix -c primary
  • -c , --colour-palette    Specify colour palette. Options: [classic, classic_extended, primary, purine-pyrimidine, greyscale, wes, verity, ugene]. Use ugene for protein alignments.



snipit aa_alignment.fasta --output-file prefix -c ugene -t aa
  • -t {nt, aa}, --sequence-type {nt, aa}   Input sequence type: aa or nt



snipit test.fasta --reference USA_3 --recombi-mode --recombi-references "USA_1,USA_2"
  • -r , --reference    Indicates which sequence in the alignment is the reference (by sequence ID). Default: first sequence in alignment


  • --recombi-mode   Allow colouring of query seqeunces by mutations  present in two 'recombi-references' from the input alignment fasta file


  • --recombi-references    Specify two comma separated sequence IDs in the input alignment to use as 'recombi-references'. Ex. Sequence_ID_A,Sequence_ID_B 




  • snipitの開発の動機は、アウトブレイク調査ソフトウェアcivet(O'Toole et al.2022)によるアウトブレイク調査を支援するために、微妙に異なるSARS-CoV-2ゲノム配列を比較する必要性にあった。しかし、その後snipitの機能は拡張され、様々なモードやカスタマイズ可能なオプションを含むようになった。snipitはウィルスのアウトブレイク調査、組換え体の検出と解析、さらに細菌のAMR検出を含む、SNPsの比較を必要とするあらゆる調査に使用できる可能性がある。
  • 可視化に含む領域は除外する領域は"--include-positions"と"--exclude-positions"で指定する。ポジション単位でも指定できる。


Publication-ready single nucleotide polymorphism visualization with snipit 

Áine O’Toole, Ammar Aziz, Daniel Maloney

Bioinformatics, Volume 40, Issue 8, August 

