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メタゲノムの株レベルプロファイリングを行う PStrain

2022/09/07, 9/8  追記


 PStrainは、MetaPhlAn2マーカー遺伝子のSNVに基づき、遺伝子型頻度と複数のSNV座をカバーするリードを利用して、反復的に株のプロファイリングを行う最適化手法である。PStrainは、従来の手法と比較して、菌株の存在量と遺伝子型の推定性能をそれぞれ平均87.75%と59.45%向上させることに成功した。PStrainを大腸ガンの2つのコホートのデータセットに適用したところ、Bacteroides coprocola株の配列がCRCと対照サンプルで有意に異なることがわかった。これは、CRCの腸内細菌叢におけるB.coprocolaの役割の可能性を初めて報告するものである。




Third party pipelines:

  • SamTools-1.3.1
  • bowtie2-2.3.1
  • metaphlan2/3
  • GATK-3.5 (java-1.8.0_241)
  • picard-tools-2.1.0


mamba create -n PStrain python=3 -y
conda activate PStrain
pip install  numpy scipy pandas pulp pysam pickle5
#third party (GATkは登録が必要*1)
mamba install -c bioconda gatk==3.5 -y
mamba install -c bioconda samtools -y
mamba install -c bioconda bowtie2 -y
mamba install -c bioconda picard -y

git clone
cd PStrain/scripts/

> python3 -h

usage: python3 [options] -c/--conf <config file> -o/--outdir <output directory>


The config file should follow the format:



sample: [sample1_ID]

fq1: [forward reads fastq]

fq2: [reverse/mate reads fastq]


sample: [sample2_ID]

fq1: [forward reads fastq]

fq2: [reverse/mate reads fastq]



Help information can be found by python3 -h/--help, config file format for single end reads , and additional information can be found in README.MD or


PStrain: profile strains in shotgun metagenomic sequencing reads.


required arguments:

  -c , --conf       The configuration file of the input samples.

  -o , --outdir     The output directory.



  -h, --help        show this help message and exit

  -p , --proc       The number of process to use for parallelizing the whole pipeline (default is 1), run a sample in each process.

  -n , --nproc      The number of CPUs to use for parallelizing the mapping with bowtie2(default is 1).

  -w , --weight     The weight of genotype frequencies while computing loss, then the weight of linked read type frequencies is 1-w. The value is between 0~1. (default is 0.0)

  --lambda1         The weight of prior knowledge while rectifying genotype frequencies. The value is between 0~1. (default is 0.0)

  --lambda2         The weight of prior estimation while rectifying second order genotype frequencies. The value is between 0~1. (default is 0.0)

  --species_dp      The minimum depth of species to be considered in strain profiling step (default is 5).

  --snp_ratio       The SNVs of which the depth are less than the specific ratio of the species's mean depth would be removed. (default is 0.45).

  --qual            The minimum quality score of SNVs to be considered in strain profiling step (default is 20).

  --similarity      The similarity cutoff of hierachical clustering in merge step (default is 0.95).

  --elbow           The cutoff of elbow method while identifying strains number. If the loss reduction ratio is less than the cutoff, then the strains number is determined. Default is 0.24.

  --bowtie2         Path to bowtie2 binary. If your platform is not Linux, you need to specify your own bowtie2 binary.

  --bowtie2-build   Path to bowtie2 binary. If your platform is not Linux, you need to specify your own bowtie2-build binary.

  --samtools        Path to samtools binary (default version is in the packages path). If your platform is not Linux, you need to specify your own samtools binary.

  --metaphlan2      Path to metaphlan2 script (default version is in the packages path).

  --gatk            Path to gatk binary (default version is in the packages path).

  --picard          Path to picard binary (default version is in the packages path).

  --dbdir           Path to marker gene database (default is in the ../db path).

  --prior           The file of prior knowledge of genotype frequencies in the population.

> python3 -h

usage: python3 [options] -c/--conf <config file> -o/--outdir <output directory>


The config file should follow the format:



sample: [sample1_ID]

fq1: [forward reads fastq]

fq2: [reverse/mate reads fastq]


sample: [sample2_ID]

fq1: [forward reads fastq]

fq2: [reverse/mate reads fastq]



Help information can be found by python3 -h/--help, config file format for single end reads , and additional information can be found in README.MD or


PStrain: profile strains in shotgun metagenomic sequencing reads.


required arguments:

  -c , --conf           The configuration file of the input samples.

  -o , --outdir         The output directory.


optional arguments:

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

  -p , --proc           The number of process to use for parallelizing the

                        whole pipeline (default is 1), run a sample in each


  -n , --nproc          The number of CPUs to use for parallelizing the

                        mapping with bowtie2(default is 1).

  -w , --weight         The weight of genotype frequencies while computing

                        loss, then the weight of linked read type frequencies

                        is 1-w. The value is between 0~1. (default is 0.0)

  --lambda1             The weight of prior knowledge while rectifying

                        genotype frequencies. The value is between 0~1.

                        (default is 0.0)

  --lambda2             The weight of prior estimation while rectifying second

                        order genotype frequencies. The value is between 0~1.

                        (default is 0.0)

  --species_dp          The minimum depth of species to be considered in

                        strain profiling step (default is 5).

  --snp_ratio           The SNVs of which the depth are less than the specific

                        ratio of the species's mean depth would be removed.

                        (default is 0.45).

  --qual                The minimum quality score of SNVs to be considered in

                        strain profiling step (default is 20).

  --similarity          The similarity cutoff of hierachical clustering in

                        merge step (default is 0.95).

  --elbow               The cutoff of elbow method while identifying strains

                        number. If the loss reduction ratio is less than the

                        cutoff, then the strains number is determined. Default

                        is 0.24.

  --bowtie2             Path to bowtie2 binary. If your platform is not Linux,

                        you need to specify your own bowtie2 binary.

  --bowtie2-build       Path to bowtie2 binary. If your platform is not Linux,

                        you need to specify your own bowtie2-build binary.

  --samtools            Path to samtools binary (default version is in the

                        packages path). If your platform is not Linux, you

                        need to specify your own samtools binary.

  --metaphlan3          Path to metaphlan3 (default version is in the packages



                        If you have run metaphlan3 already, give metaphlan3

                        result file in each line, the order should be the same

                        with config file. In particular, '--tax_lev s' should

                        be added while running metaphlan3.

  --gatk                Path to gatk binary (default version is in the

                        packages path).

  --picard              Path to picard binary (default version is in the

                        packages path).

  --dbdir_V30           Path to marker gene database (default is in the

                        ../db_V30 path).

  --prior               The file of prior knowledge of genotype frequencies in

                        the population. Not providing this is also ok.










python3 -c config.txt -n 30 -o out  --metaphlan3 <path>/<to>/metaphlan --bowtie2 <path>/<to>/bowtie2 --bowtie2-build <path>/<to>/bowtie2-build --samtools <path>/<to>/samtools  --picard <path>/<to>/picard.jar --gatk <path>/<to>/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar --dbdir_V30  <path>/<to>/<DB_dir>
  • -n     The number of CPUs to use for parallelizing the mapping with bowtie2(default is 1).
  • -o     The output directory
  • -c      The configuration file of the input samples.



"-o"で指定した出力ディレクトリには、configファイルで指定されたsample IDそれぞれのサブディレクトリ、全サンプルをマージしたmergeというサブディレクトリができる。

sample IDのサブディレクトリの例




2列目のSpecies_RA カラムは、サンプル中の種の相対的な存在量、3列目のStrain_ID 列は、サンプル中の各生物種の菌株ID、4列目のCluster_ID カラムは、全サンプル中の菌株の対応するクラスタを意味する。


  • mergeというサブディレクトリには、どの種にどれだけの株が見つかったのかの個数がまとめられてたファイル、全サンプル中の各菌株クラスターのコンセンサス配列、全サンプル中の各生物種の株番号が示されたファイル、その他が出力される。
  • 自分で簡単に種固有のパイプラインを構築できる(Gihtub参照)。
  • PStrain-tracerというPStrainの下流解析のパイプラインも開発されている。PStrain-tracerは、全ゲノムショットガンメタゲノミクスデータから、ゲノム配列や株の性質を推定するツールで、Fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) の分析に使用されている(論文)。
  • PStrain-tracerにはテストスクリプトが付属しており、簡単に動作確認できる(依存関係を揃えて試したところ、問題なく全結果が出力された)。



PStrain: an iterative microbial strains profiling algorithm for shotgun metagenomic sequencing data 
Shuai Wang, Yiqi Jiang, Shuaicheng Li Author Notes
Bioinformatics, Volume 36, Issue 22-23, 1 December 2020, Pages 5499–5506






gatk-register <path>/<to>/<your>/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar

その後、PStrainを実行するときはJava Archive(.JARファイル)の方を指定する。Picardも同様。