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ゲノムアセンブリと遺伝地図を統合するツール Chromonomer












cd chromonomer_x.xx
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/bin
make -j
sudo make install

> ./chromonomer

$ ./chromonomer 

You must specify a path to the genetic map linkage group definition file.

chromonomer 1.13

chromonomer --map map_path --alns bam_path --agp agp_path --out_path out_path [--verbose] [--depth path] [--gtf path --orth_gtf path --orthologs path] [-h]

--map <path>: TSV file containing the genetic map linkage group definitions.

--alns <path>: SAM or BAM formatted alignments linking map markers to genome contigs.

--agp <path>: AGP formatted file defining scaffold layout including any assembly gaps.

--fasta <path>: optional, supply a scaffold-based FASTA that will be translated according to the integrated assembly.


Virtual Breakpoint Options:

--depth <path>: supply a Samtools-formatted, TSV depth-of-coverage file for use in inferring scaffold breakpoints.

--depth_stdevs <num>: number of standard deviations from the mean to call a coverage window a breakpoint (default 5 stdevs).

--depth_win_size <num>: size of sliding window to use to call mean depth of coverage (default 10Kb).


Ordering by conserved synteny options:

--gtf <path>: supply a GTF file describing the location of genes in the scaffold-level assembly.

--gff <path>: supply a GFF file describing the location of genes in the scaffold-level assembly (supply either GTF or GFF, not both).

--orth_gtf <path>: supply a GTF file describing the location of orthologous genes in a related assembly.

--orth_gff <path>: supply a GFF file describing the location of orthologous genes in a related assembly (supply either GTF or GFF, not both).

--orthologs <path>: supply a two-column, TSV file describing the orthologous relationships between pairs of genes contained in the two GTF files.


Genome Correction Options:

--rescaffold: Re-scaffold contiguous sequence based on the genetic map (will break contigs).


Output Options:

--out_path: path to write chromonomer output.

--verbose: turn on detailed console output for each scaffold.

--scaffold_prefix <string>: text string to use as a common naming prefix when creating new scaffolds (default 'CHRR').

--description <string>: supply a description of this chromonomer execution that will be written into the output log.

--join_gap_size <num>: number of Ns to insert in between scaffold joins (default: 100).


Operational Options:

--min_markers <num>: minimum number of markers required to anchor a scaffold on a particular

map node. Will not remove scaffolds only present on one node (default 2).

--allpaths_agp: The AllPaths-LG assembler produces a non-standard AGP file. This flag will change

the AGP parser to accommodate it.

--disable_splitting: do not split scaffolds. When markers indicate a conflict in where to place a scffold, do

not split the scaffold, instead place it in the integration where the majority of markers are.


Filtering Options:

--scaffold_wl <path>: only process scaffolds in this file.


HTML/PHP Options:

--data_version <string>: used to create versioned PHP files so multiple runs can be

executed and compared in the web interface.

--html_prefix <string>: any text that should be prepended onto links in the PHP output

to accommodate where they are located in the web server document root.

h,--help: display this help message.




<Directory "/usr/local/share/chromonomer/php">
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
Allow from all
Require all granted

Alias /chromonomer "/usr/local/share/chromonomer/php"


このconfigファイルを/etc/apache2/conf-available/に置く(apacheが入ってないなら"sudo apt install apache2")。さらにapache2/conf-enabled/にシンボリックリンクを張ってapacheを再起動。

sudo cp chromonomer.conf /etc/apache2/conf-available/
sudo ln -s /etc/apache2/conf-available/chromonomer.conf /etc/apache2/conf-enabled/
sudo apachectl restart







2、遺伝地図を記述したタブ区切りのリスト、つまり地図中のマーカーとその連鎖グループおよびcentiMorganの位置を記したファイルが必要になる。Chromonomerは、Stacks( )を使用してRADデータから構築された遺伝地図を扱うように設計されているが、マーカーがゲノムにアラインメントされている遺伝地図であれば、どのようなものでも動作する。





chromonomer -p ~/research/20150603_linkage_map.tsv \
    -o ~/research/20150603/ -s ~/research/markers.sam \
    -a ~/research/final.assembly.agp --data_version 20150603



Chromonomer: A Tool Set for Repairing and Enhancing Assembled Genomes Through Integration of Genetic Maps and Conserved Synteny
Julian Catchen, Angel Amores, Susan Bassham

G3 (Bethesda). 2020 Nov 5;10(11):4115-4128


Chromonomer: a tool set for repairing and enhancing assembled genomes through integration of genetic maps and conserved synteny
Julian Catchen, Angel Amores, Susan Bassham

bioRxiv, Posted February 05, 2020

