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k-merを使いアライメントフリーでバリアントをコールする kestrel



 バクテリアゲノムは小さく、比較的単純だが、そのバラツキのために最も難しいターゲットの1つである。水平遺伝子伝達(HGT)は、リファレンスと比較してサンプルを有意に変化させる1つのメカニズムであり、しばしば薬剤耐性または病原性の増加をもたらす(Ochman et al、2000)。バクテリアタイピングおよびサーベイランス法は、既知の対立遺伝子(Li et al、2016)または複数のリファレンス配列(Li et al、2012)のデータベース、全ゲノムアセンブリ(Thomsen et al、2016)を必要とすることが多い。これらのアプローチは、分析を実行したり、対立遺伝子データベースの維持に必要な時間を増加させる。理想的な方法は、単一のリファレンスで細菌の多様性を扱うことで、リファレンスを変更することなく統一的な文脈でゲノムの変更を行うことができるだろう。

 一般的に使用されるいくつかの代替方法があるが、アライメントおよびバリアントコールプロトコルよりも能力が制限されているか、または計算リソースを消費している。Monoploidの生物ではde novoアセンブリの手法でバリアントをコールできるが、コンティグの状態ではカバレッジが"1"に減少するため、ミスコールを簡単に修正することはできなくなる(Olson et al。、2015)。典型的にアセンブリで使用されるde Bruijnグラフを構築するには、数ギガバイトのメモリまたはコンピューティングクラスタが必要になる可能性がある(Li et al、2010)。 Cortex(Iqbal et al、2012)は、de novoアセンブリアプローチの限界を克服するために設計されたが、依然として全ゲノムにわたって組み立てられたde Brujin graphに依存しています。 Platypus(Rimmer et al、2014)はローカルアセンブリを実行するが、バリアントの軌跡が先験的に分からない場合は、リードのマッピングとローカルアセンブリのオーバーヘッドが発生する。

 1つの可能なアプローチは、k-merスペクトルのセット内に含まれる情報をシーケンスデータにわたって使用することである。 K-mersは数値で表すことができ、シーケンスアライメントに依存せず、k-merの計数方法は高速である。今日まで、このようなアプローチ(Gardner and Slezak、2010; Gardner et al。、2013)では、まばらな間隔のSNPが修正されているが、高密度SNPおよびlarge insertionは、リファレンス配列とは非常に異なる多くのk-merを作製するので、そのようなアプローチがどのように効率的に機能するかはすぐには分からない。




mac os10.12でテストした。



Github リリースにlinux向けバイナリとPDFマニュアルがある。バイナリはosxでも動作する。

./kestrel -h

$ ./kestrel -h



    -w <WEIGHT_VEC> --alpha=<ALPHA> --ambiregions --ambivar --anchorboth

    --autoflank --byreference --byregion --charset=<CHARSET> --countrev

    --decaymin=<MIN_PROPORTION> --diffq=<QUANTILE> --filespersample=<N_FILES>

    --flank=<LENGTH> --free --hapfmt=<OUT_FORMAT> --lib=<LIB_FILE>

    --liburl=<LIB_URL> --logfile=<LOG_FILE> --loglevel=<LOG_LEVEL> --logstderr

    --logstdout --maxalignstates=<STATES> --maxhapstates=<STATES> --memcount

    --mincount=<MIN_COUNT> --mindiff=<COUNT_DIFF> --minmask=<MIN_MASK>

    --minsize=<MIN_SIZE> --noambigregions --noambivar --noanchorboth --nocountrev

    --nofree --nomemcount --norevregion --normikc --normrefdesc --noseqfilter

    --peakscan=<LENGTH> --quality=<SEQ_FILTER> --revregion --rmikc --rmrefdesc

    --scanlimitfactor=<FACTOR> --seqfilter=<SEQ_FILTER> --stdout --temploc=<TEMP>

    --varfilter=<FILTER_SPEC> SEQ_FILE [SEQ_FILE...]

kestrel -h[<TOPIC>]


-f --format <INPUT_FORMAT> (Default = auto)

    Set the input sequence format type. This option determines how the format

    files are read. This option may be set multiple times when reading files

    with different formats. See "count -hreader" for a full list of readers.


-h --help [<TOPIC>]

    Get command-line help. If "TOPIC" is specified, then help on a specific

    topic is shown. Try "--help=topics" (or "-htopics") for a list of topics


-i --interval <INTERVAL_FILE>

    Reads a file of intervals defining the regions over the reference sequences

    where variants should be detected. If no intervals are specified, variants

    are detected over the full length of each reference sequence. The file type

    is determined by the file name, such as "intervals.bed". BED files are

    supported by Kestrel, and others may be added.


-k --ksize <KSIZE> (Default = 31)

    Size of k-mers sequence data is translated to during analysis. If unsure,

    use the default value. If the sequencing error rate is very high, or if the

    reference is very short, a small (e.g. a single short gene), then a smaller

    k-mer size, such as 21, may be useful if the defalt value does not produce

    meaningful results.


-m --outfmt <OUT_FORMAT> (Default = vcf)

    Set output format.


-o --out <OUT_FILE>

    Set output file name.


-p --hapout <OUT_FILE>

    Set haplotype output file name.


-r --ref <REF_SEQUENCE>

    Add reference sequences variants will be called against. This can be any

    file that Kestrel can read. The format and character-set options apply to

    reference sequences, but not filters.


-s --sample [<SAMPLE_NAME>]

    Set the name of the sample that the next sample files are assigned to. If

    the argument (SAMPLE_NAME) is given, the name of the sample is set to this

    name. If the argument is not given, then the sample name is assigned from

    the name of the first file after this option. Any files on the command-line

    appearing before this option are assigned to a sample and will not be part

    of this sample. If --filespersample was used on the command-line before this

    option, it is reset and files are no longer automatically grouped.


-w --weight <WEIGHT_VEC> (Default = (10.0, -10.0, -40.0, -4.0, 0.0))

    Set the alignment weights as a comma-separated list of values. The order of

    weights is match, mismatch, gap-open, gap-extend, and initial score. If

    values are blank or the list has fewer than 5 elements, the missing values

    are assigned their default weight. Each value is a floating-point number,

    and it may be represented in exponential form (e.g. 1.0e2) or as an integer

    in hexadecimal or octal format. Optionally, the list may be surrounded by

    parenthesis or braces (angle, square, or curly).


--alpha <ALPHA> (Default = 0.80)

    Set the exponential decay alpha, which controls how quickly the recovery

    threshold declines to its minimum value (see --decaymin) in an active region

    search. Alpha is defined as the rate of decay for every k bases. At k bases

    from the left anchor, the threshold will have declined to alpha * range. At

    every k bases, the threshold will continue to decline at this rate.


--ambiregions (Default)

    Allow active regions to cover ambiguous bases, such as N.


--ambivar (Default)

    Allow variants over ambiguous bases, such as N.


--anchorboth (Default)

    Both ends of an active region (region with variants) must be bordered by

    unaltered k-mers or variants will not be called in it. This option may miss

    variants near the ends of a reference sequence, but it forces stronger

    evidence for the variants that are called.


--autoflank (Default)

    When extracting intervals from reference sequences, some bases are extracted

    on both sides of the interval whenever possible. This gives Kestrel more

    bases for active region detection, but it does not otherwise affect variant

    calls. This option tells Kestrel to pick the flank by multiplying 3.50 with

    the k-mer size.


--byreference (Default)

    If variant call regions were defined, variant call locations are still

    relative to the reference sequence and not the region.



    If variant call regions were defined, variant call locations are relative to

    the region and not the reference sequence.


--charset <CHARSET> (Default = UTF-8)

    Character set encoding of input files. This option specifies the character

    set of all files following it. The default, "UTF-8", properly handles ASCII

    files, which is a safe assumption for most files. Latin-1 files with values

    greater than 127 will not be properly parsed.


--countrev (Default)

    Count reverse complement k-mers in region statistics. This should be set for

    most sequencing protocols.


--decaymin <MIN_PROPORTION> (Default = 0.55)

    Set the minimum value (asymptotic lower bound) of the exponential decay

    function used in active region detection as a proportion of the anchor k-mer

    count. If this value is 0.0, k-mer count recovery threshold may decline to

    1. If this value is 1.0, the decay function is not used and the detector

    falls back to finding a k-mer with a count within the difference threshold

    of the anchor k-mer count.


--diffq <QUANTILE> (Default = 0.9000)

    If set to a value greater than 0.0, then the k-mer count difference between

    two k-mers that triggers a correction attempt is found dynamically. The

    difference in k-mer counts between each pair of neighboring k-mers over an

    uncorrected reference region is found, and this quantile of is computed over

    those differences. For example, a value of 0.85 means that at most 15% (100%

    - 85%) of the k-mer count differences will be high enough. If this computed

    value is less than the minimum k-mer count difference (--mindiff), then that

    minimum is the difference threshold. This value may not be 1.0 or greater,

    and it may not be negative. If 0.0, the minimum count difference is always

    the minimum threshold (--mindiff).


--filespersample <N_FILES> (Default = 0)

    Set the number of input files per sample. For example, reading paired-end

    FASTQ files (2 files per sample) can be simplified by setting this value to

    2. Alternatively, samples can be separated by multiple -s (--sample)

    arguments. The default value, 0, will not automatically group input files.

    If -s (--sample) is read on the command-line, this value is set back to 0.

    Any sequence files found on the command-line before this option are assigned

    to a group.


--flank <LENGTH> (Default = k * 3.50)

    When extracting intervals from reference sequences, this many bases are

    extracted on both sides of the interval whenever possible. This gives

    Kestrel more bases for active region detection, but it does not otherwise

    affect variant calls. Set to 0 to disable flanks. If this option is not set,

    Kestrel will determine the appropriate length of flank by multiplying 3.50

    with the k-mer size.



    Free resources between processing samples. This may reduce the memory

    footprint of Kestrel, but it may force expensive resources to be recreated

    and impact performance.


--hapfmt <OUT_FORMAT> (Default = sam)

    Set haplotype output format. Ignored if a haplotype output file is not set.


--lib <LIB_FILE>

    Load a library file. Kestrel can accept external components, and they must

    be packaged on a JAR file.


--liburl <LIB_URL>

    Load a library by its URL. Kestrel can accept external components, and they

    must be packaged on a JAR file. This option can access JAR files on the

    local system or stored anywhere the program can access and that can be

    represented as a URL.


--logfile <LOG_FILE> (Default = <STDERR>)

    Set log file name.


--loglevel <LOG_LEVEL> (Default = WARN)

    Set the log level. Valid levels are ALL, TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR,

    and OFF.



    Write log messages to standard error instead of a file. Unless redirected,

    this output is written to the the screen.



    Write log messages to standard output instead of a file. Unless redirected,

    this output is written to the the screen.


--maxalignstates <STATES> (Default = 15)

    Set the maximum number of alignment states. When haplotype assembly branches

    into more than one possible sequence, the state of one is saved while

    another is built. When the maximum number of saved states reaches this

    value, the least likely one is discarded.


--maxhapstates <STATES> (Default = 15)

    Set the maximum number of haplotypes for an active region. Alignments can

    generate more than one haplotype, and with noisy sequence data or

    paralogues, many haplotypes may be found. This options limits the amount of

    memory that can be consumed in these cases.



    K-mer counts from each sample will be stored in memory. This option assumes

    that samples are relatively small or the machine has enough memory to handle

    the counts. Note that the JVM might need to be run with additional memory

    (-Xmx option) to support this option.


--mincount <MIN_COUNT> (Default = 5)

    Set the minimum k-mer count for processing samples. K-mers with a count less

    than this value will be discarded. Sequence read errors produce many

    erroneous k-mers, and this slows the process of variant calling



--mindiff <COUNT_DIFF> (Default = 5)

    Set the minimum k-mer count difference for identifying active regions. When

    the count between neighboring k-mer counts is this or greater, Kestrel will

    treat it as a region where a variant may occur.


--minmask <MIN_MASK> (Default = 0)

    Size of k-mer minimizers or 0 to disable processing by minimizers. The

    minimizer of a k-mer is determined by taking all sub-k-mers of a given size

    (set by this option) from a k-mer and its reverse complement and choosing

    the lesser of the sub-k-mers. Sub-k-mers are XORed with this mask while

    comparing them, but the minimizer is not XORed (it is still a sub-k-mer of

    the original k-mer). This option can be used to break up large minimizer

    groups due to low-complexity k-mers when minimizers are used.


--minsize <MIN_SIZE> (Default = 15)

    Minimizers group k-mers in the indexed k-mer count (IKC) file generated by

    Kestrel when reading sequences, and this parameter controls the size of the




    An active region may not span any base that is not A, C, G, T, or U.



    A variant may not span any base that is not A, C, G, T, or U.



    An active region (region with variants) must be bordered on at least one

    side by an unaltered k-mers, but it may extend to the end of the sequence.

    This will allow Kestrel to find variants less than a k-mer from the ends,

    but the evidence supporting these variants is weaker.



    Do not include the reverse complement of k-mers in read depth estimates. If

    all sequence reads are in the same orientation as the reference, then this

    option should be used.


--nofree (Default)

    Retain resources between samples. This may use more memory, but it will

    avoid re-creating expensive resources between samples.


--nomemcount (Default)

    K-mer counts for each sample are offloaded to an indexed k-mer count file.

    This option reduces the memory demand of Kestrel.



    When set, regions variants are called on are always in the same orientation

    as the reference sequence. The stranded-ness of defined intervals is




    Do not remove the indexed k-mer count (IKC) file for each sample.



    Use the full sequence name as it appears in the reference sequence file.

    FASTA files often include a description after the sequence name, and with

    this option, it becomes part of the full sequence name. If using an interval

    file, the full sequence name and description must match the sequence file.


--noseqfilter (Default)

    Turn off sequence filtering for all files following this option. If

    --seqfilter or --quality was specified, this option disables sequence

    filtering. These options together make it possible to specify filtering for

    some files and disable filtering for others.


--peakscan <LENGTH> (Default = 7)

    Reference regions with sequence homology in other regions of the genome may

    contain k-mers with artificially high frequencies from adding counts for

    k-mers that appear in both regions. This causes a peak in the k-mer

    frequencies over the reference, and it can trigger an erroneous

    active-region scan for variants. When encountering a difference, Kestrel

    will scan forward this number of k-mers looking for a peak in the k-mer

    frequencies. If the frequencies drop back down to the original range, the

    active-region scan is not performed. This keeps Kestrel from erroneously

    searching large regions of the reference. Setting this value to 0 disables

    peak detection.


--quality <SEQ_FILTER>

    This option is an alias for "seqfilter"



    When set, reverse complement reference regions that occur on the negative

    strand. Only itervals defined with on the negative strand are altered.


--rmikc (Default)

    Remove the indexed k-mer count (IKC) for each sample after kestrel runs.


--rmrefdesc (Default)

    When set, remove the description from reference sequence names. The

    descirption is everything that occurs after the first whitespace character.

    FASTA files often have a sequence name and a long description separated by

    whitespace. This option ensures that the sequence name matches in the FASTA

    and an interval file, if used.


--scanlimitfactor <FACTOR> (Default = 5.0)

    Set a limit on how long an active region may be. This is computed by

    multiplying the k-mer size by this factor and adding the maximum length of a

    gap. The computed limit will be adjusted so that active regions are at least

    large enough to capture a SNP in cases where the maximum gap length is 0.

    Setting this to a low value or "min" will set the limit so that it is just

    large enough to catch SNPs and deletions, but it will miss large deletions

    if another variant is within the k-mer size window. Setting this to a high

    value or "max" lifts the restrictions on active region lengths, and this may

    cause the program to take an excessive amount of time and memory trying to

    solve arbitrarily long active regions.


--seqfilter <SEQ_FILTER>

    Filter sequences as they are read and before k-mers are extracted from them.

    Some sequence readers can filter or alter reads at runtime. The most common

    filter is a quality filter where low-quality bases are removed. The filter

    specification is a filter name followed by a colon (:) and arguments to the

    filter. If a filter name is not specified, then the "sanger" quality filter

    is assumed. For example, "sanger:10" and "10" will filter k-mers with any

    base quality score less than 10. The sequence filter specification is set

    for all files appearing on the command-line after this option. To turn off

    filtering once it has been set, files following --noseqfilter will have no

    filter specification.


--stdout (Default)

    Write output to standard output instead of a file. Unless redirected, this

    output is written to the the screen.


--temploc <TEMP> (Default = Output location)

    The location where segments are offloaded. This argument must be a directory

    or the location for a new directory. Parent directories will be created as



--varfilter <FILTER_SPEC>

    Add a variant filter specification. The argument should be the name of the

    filter, a colon, and the filter arguments. The correct filter is loaded by

    name and the filter arguments are passed to it.



    Input sequence file.


kestrel version: 1.0.1




kestrel -r ref.fa -k 31 -o variant.vcf input.fq
  • -k    Size of k-mers sequence data is translated to during analysis  (Default = 31)
  • -r     Reference sequences variants will be called against.




Mapping-free variant calling using haplotype reconstruction from k-mer frequencies

Audano PA, Ravishankar S, Vannberg FO

Bioinformatics. 2018 May 15;34(10):1659-1665.