2019 12/2 インストール追記
2020 12/9 誤字修正, help追加
2022 インストール手順追記
- gcc
- python2.7
- numpy
- R
mamba create -n RSeQC -y
conda activate RSeQC
mamba install -c bioconda -y rseqc -y
pip install RSeQC
> bam2fq.py -h
$ bam2fq.py -h
Usage: bam2fq.py [options]
Description: Convert alignments in BAM or SAM format into fastq format.
--version show program's version number and exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i INPUT_FILE, --input-file=INPUT_FILE
Alignment file in BAM or SAM format.
Prefix of output fastq files(s).
-s, --single-end Specificy '-s' or '--single-end' for single-end
-c, --compress Specificy '-c' or '--compress' to compress output
fastq file(s) using 'gzip' command.
> bam2wig.py -h
$ bam2wig.py -h
Usage: bam2wig.py [options]
Convert BAM file into wig file. BAM file must be sorted and indexed using SAMtools.
Note: SAM format file is not supported.
--version show program's version number and exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i INPUT_FILE, --input-file=INPUT_FILE
Alignment file in BAM format. BAM file must be sorted
and indexed using samTools. .bam and .bai files should
be placed in the same directory.
Chromosome size file. Tab or space separated text file
with 2 columns: first column is chromosome name/ID,
second column is chromosome size. Chromosome name
(such as "chr1") should be consistent between this
file and the BAM file.
Prefix of output wiggle files(s). One wiggle file will
be generated for non strand-specific data, two wiggle
files ("Prefix_Forward.wig" and "Prefix_Reverse.wig")
will be generated for strand-specific RNA-seq data.
Specified wigsum. Eg: 1,000,000,000 equals to coverage
of 10 million 100nt reads. Ignore this option to
disable normalization
-u, --skip-multi-hits
Skip non-unique hit reads.
How read(s) were stranded during sequencing. For
example: --strand='1++,1--,2+-,2-+' means that this is
a pair-end, strand-specific RNA-seq data, and the
strand rule is: read1 mapped to '+' => parental gene
on '+'; read1 mapped to '-' => parental gene on '-';
read2 mapped to '+' => parental gene on '-'; read2
mapped to '-' => parental gene on '+'. If you are not
sure about the strand rule, run 'infer_experiment.py'
default=none (Not a strand specific RNA-seq data).
-q MAP_QUAL, --mapq=MAP_QUAL
Minimum mapping quality to determine "uniquely
mapped". default=30
> bam_stat.py -h
$ bam_stat.py -h
Usage: bam_stat.py [options]
Summarizing mapping statistics of a BAM or SAM file.
--version show program's version number and exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i INPUT_FILE, --input-file=INPUT_FILE
Alignment file in BAM or SAM format.
-q MAP_QUAL, --mapq=MAP_QUAL
Minimum mapping quality (phred scaled) to determine
"uniquely mapped" reads. default=30
> mismatch_profile.py -h
$ mismatch_profile.py -h
Usage: mismatch_profile.py [options]
Calculate the distribution of mismatches across reads. Note that the "MD" tag must exist in BAM file.
--version show program's version number and exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Input BAM file. [required]
Alignment length of read. It is usually set to the
orignial read length. For example, all these cigar
strings ("101M", "68M140N33M", "53M1D48M") suggest the
read alignment length is 101. [required]
Prefix of output files(s). [required]
Number of aligned reads with mismatches used to
calculate the mismatch profile. default=1000000
-q MAP_QUAL, --mapq=MAP_QUAL
Minimum mapping quality. default=30
> clipping_profile.py -h
$ clipping_profile.py -h
Usage: clipping_profile.py [options]
This program is used estimate clipping profile of RNA-seq reads from BAM or SAM file
Note that to use this funciton, CIGAR strings within SAM/BAM file should have 'S' operation
(This means your reads mapper should support clipped mapping).
--version show program's version number and exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i INPUT_FILE, --input-file=INPUT_FILE
Alignment file in BAM or SAM format.
Prefix of output files(s).
-q MAP_QUAL, --mapq=MAP_QUAL
Minimum mapping quality (phred scaled) for an
alignment to be considered as "uniquely mapped".
-s LAYOUT, --sequencing=LAYOUT
Sequencing layout. "SE"(single-end) or "PE"(pair-end).
> deletion_profile.py -h
$ deletion_profile.py -h
Usage: deletion_profile.py [options]
Calculate the distributions of deleted nucleotides across reads.
--version show program's version number and exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Input BAM file. [required]
Alignment length of read. It is usually set to the
orignial read length. For example, all these cigar
strings ("101M", "68M140N33M", "53M1D48M") suggest the
read alignment length is 101. [required]
Prefix of output files(s). [required]
Number of aligned reads with deletions used to
calculate the deletion profile. default=1000000
-q MAP_QUAL, --mapq=MAP_QUAL
Minimum mapping quality. default=30
> insertion_profile.py -h
$ insertion_profile.py -h
Usage: insertion_profile.py [options]
Calculate the distributions of inserted nucleotides across reads
Note CIGAR strings within SAM/BAM file should have 'I' operation
--version show program's version number and exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i INPUT_FILE, --input-file=INPUT_FILE
Alignment file in BAM or SAM format.
Prefix of output files(s).
-q MAP_QUAL, --mapq=MAP_QUAL
Minimum mapping quality (phred scaled) for an
alignment to be considered as "uniquely mapped".
-s LAYOUT, --sequencing=LAYOUT
Sequencing layout. "SE"(single-end) or "PE"(pair-end).
> divide_bam.py -h
$ divide_bam.py -h
Usage: divide_bam.py [options]
Equally divide BAM file (m alignments) into n parts. Each part contains roughly m/n alignments
that are randomly sampled from total alignments.
--version show program's version number and exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i INPUT_FILE, --input-file=INPUT_FILE
Alignment file in BAM format. BAM file should be
sorted and indexed.
-n SUBSET_NUM, --subset-num=SUBSET_NUM
Number of small BAM files
Prefix of output BAM files. Output "Prefix_num.bam".
-s, --skip-unmap Skip unmapped reads.
> geneBody_coverage.py -h
$ geneBody_coverage.py -h
Usage: geneBody_coverage.py [options]
Calculate the RNA-seq reads coverage over gene body.
1) Only input sorted and indexed BAM file(s). SAM format is not supported.
2) Genes/transcripts with mRNA length < 100 will be skipped (Number specified to "-l" cannot be < 100).
--version show program's version number and exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Input file(s) in BAM format. "-i" takes these input:
1) a single BAM file. 2) "," separated BAM files. 3)
directory containing one or more bam files. 4) plain
text file containing the path of one or more bam file
(Each row is a BAM file path). All BAM files should be
sorted and indexed using samtools.
Reference gene model in bed format. [required]
-l MIN_MRNA_LENGTH, --minimum_length=MIN_MRNA_LENGTH
Minimum mRNA length (bp). mRNA smaller than
"min_mRNA_length" will be skipped. default=100
Output file format, 'pdf', 'png' or 'jpeg'.
Prefix of output files(s). [required]
> inner_distance.py -h
$ inner_distance.py -h
Usage: inner_distance.py [options]
Calculate the inner distance (insert size) of RNA-seq fragments.
RNA fragment
| |
| |
read_1 insert_size read_2
fragment size = read_1 + insert_size + read_2
--version show program's version number and exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i INPUT_FILE, --input-file=INPUT_FILE
Alignment file in BAM or SAM format.
Prefix of output files(s)
-r REF_GENE, --refgene=REF_GENE
Reference gene model in BED format.
Number of read-pairs used to estimate inner distance.
Lower bound of inner distance (bp). This option is
used for ploting histograme. default=-250
Upper bound of inner distance (bp). This option is
used for plotting histogram. default=250
Step size (bp) of histograme. This option is used for
plotting histogram. default=5
-q MAP_QUAL, --mapq=MAP_QUAL
Minimum mapping quality (phred scaled) for an
alignment to be called "uniquely mapped". default=30
> junction_annotation.py -h
$ junction_annotation.py -h
Usage: junction_annotation.py [options]
Annotate splicing reads against gene model in two levels: reads level and juncion level.
1) A read, especially long read, can be spliced 2 or more times
2) Multiple splicing reads spanning the same intron can be consolidated into one splicing junction.
--version show program's version number and exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i INPUT_FILE, --input-file=INPUT_FILE
Alignment file in BAM or SAM format.
Reference gene model in bed format. This file is
better to be a pooled gene model as it will be used to
annotate splicing junctions [required]
Prefix of output files(s). [required]
-m MIN_INTRON, --min-intron=MIN_INTRON
Minimum intron length (bp). default=50 [optional]
-q MAP_QUAL, --mapq=MAP_QUAL
Minimum mapping quality (phred scaled) for an
alignment to be considered as "uniquely mapped".
> junction_saturation.py -h
$ junction_saturation.py -h
Usage: junction_saturation.py [options]
Check if sequencing depth is saturated or not, based on the idea that when sequencing depth is
approaching saturation, less NEW junctions will be detected.
See http://rseqc.sourceforge.net/ for details.
--version show program's version number and exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i INPUT_FILE, --input-file=INPUT_FILE
Alignment file in BAM or SAM format.[required]
Prefix of output files(s). [required]
Reference gene model in bed fomat. This gene model is
used to determine known splicing junctions. [required]
Sampling starts from this percentile. A integer
between 0 and 100. default=5
Sampling ends at this percentile. A integer between 0
and 100. default=100
Sampling frequency. Smaller value means more sampling
times. A integer between 0 and 100. default=5
Minimum intron size (bp). default=50
Minimum number of supportting reads to call a
junction. default=1
-q MAP_QUAL, --mapq=MAP_QUAL
Minimum mapping quality (phred scaled) for an
alignment to be called "uniquely mapped". default=30
> read_distribution.py -h
$ read_distribution.py -h
Usage: read_distribution.py [options]
Check reads distribution over exon, intron, UTR, intergenic ... etc
The following reads will be skipped:
PCR duplicate
Non-primary (or secondary)
--version show program's version number and exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i INPUT_FILE, --input-file=INPUT_FILE
Alignment file in BAM or SAM format.
Reference gene model in bed format.
> read_duplication.py -h
$ read_duplication.py -h
Usage: read_duplication.py [options]
Calculte reads' duplication rate.
Sequence-based: Reads with identical sequence are considered as "duplicate reads".
Mapping-based: Reads mapped to the exact same location are considered as "duplicate reads".
--version show program's version number and exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i INPUT_FILE, --input-file=INPUT_FILE
Alignment file in BAM or SAM format.
Prefix of output files(s).
Upper limit of reads' occurrence. Only used for
plotting, default=500 (times)
-q MAP_QUAL, --mapq=MAP_QUAL
Minimum mapping quality (phred scaled) for an
alignment to be considered as "uniquely mapped".
> read_GC.py -h
$ read_GC.py -h
Usage: read_GC.py [options]
Calculate distribution of reads' GC content
--version show program's version number and exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i INPUT_FILE, --input-file=INPUT_FILE
Alignment file in BAM or SAM format.
Prefix of output files(s).
-q MAP_QUAL, --mapq=MAP_QUAL
Minimum mapping quality (phred scaled) for an
alignment to be called "uniquely mapped". default=30
> read_NVC.py -h
$ read_NVC.py -h
Usage: read_NVC.py [options]
For each nucleotide position of read (5'->3'), check the nucleotide frequency. The generated R script will
gives NVC (Nucleotide Versus Cycle) plot.
--version show program's version number and exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i INPUT_FILE, --input-file=INPUT_FILE
Input file in BAM or SAM format.[required]
Prefix of output files(s). [required]
-x, --nx Flag option. Presense of this flag tells program to
include N,X in output NVC plot [required]
-q MAP_QUAL, --mapq=MAP_QUAL
Minimum mapping quality (phred scaled) for an
alignment to be called "uniquely mapped". default=30
> read_quality.py -h
$ read_quality.py -h
Usage: read_quality.py [options]
Calculating Phred Quality Score for each position on read. Note that each read should have
the fixed (same) length
--version show program's version number and exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i INPUT_FILE, --input-file=INPUT_FILE
Alignment file in BAM or SAM format. [required]
Prefix of output files(s). [required]
To avoid making huge vector in R, nucleotide with
particular phred score less frequent than this number
will be ignored. Increase this number save more memory
while reduce precision. Set to 1 achieves maximum
precision (i.e. every nucleotide will be considered).
This option only applies to the 'boxplot'. default=1
-q MAP_QUAL, --mapq=MAP_QUAL
Minimum mapping quality (phred scaled) for an
alignment to be called "uniquely mapped". default=30
> RNA_fragment_size.py -h
$ RNA_fragment_size.py -h
Usage: RNA_fragment_size.py [options]
calculate fragment size for each gene/transcript. For each transcript/gene, it Will report:
1) # of fragment that was used.
2) mean of fragment size
3) median of fragment size
4) stdev of fragment size
--version show program's version number and exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Input BAM file
Reference gene model in BED format. Must be strandard
12-column BED file. [required]
-q MAP_QUAL, --mapq=MAP_QUAL
Minimum mapping quality (phred scaled) for an
alignment to be called "uniquely mapped". default=30
Minimum number of fragment. default=3
>split_paired_bam.py -h
$ split_paired_bam.py -h
Usage: split_paired_bam.py [options]
Split bam file (pair-end) into 2 single-end bam file
--version show program's version number and exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i INPUT_FILE, --input-file=INPUT_FILE
Alignment file in BAM or SAM format. BAM file should
be sorted and indexed
Prefix of output BAM files. "prefix.R1.bam" file
contains the 1st read, "prefix.R2.bam" file contains
the 2nd read
$ tin.py
Usage: tin.py [options]
This program calculates transcript integrity number (TIN) for each transcript (or gene) in
BED file. TIN is conceptually similar to RIN (RNA integrity number) but provides transcript
level measurement of RNA quality and is more sensitive to measure low quality RNA samples:
1) TIN score of a transcript is used to measure the RNA integrity of the transcript.
2) Median TIN score across all transcripts can be used to measure RNA integrity of that
"RNA sample".
3) TIN ranges from 0 (the worst) to 100 (the best). TIN = 60 means: 60% of the transcript
has been covered if the reads coverage were uniform.
4) TIN will be assigned to 0 if the transcript has no coverage or covered reads is fewer than
--version show program's version number and exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Input BAM file(s). "-i" takes these input: 1) a single
BAM file. 2) "," separated BAM files (no spaces
allowed). 3) directory containing one or more bam
files. 4) plain text file containing the path of one
or more bam files (Each row is a BAM file path). All
BAM files should be sorted and indexed using samtools.
Reference gene model in BED format. Must be strandard
12-column BED file. [required]
Minimum number of read mapped to a transcript.
-n SAMPLE_SIZE, --sample-size=SAMPLE_SIZE
Number of equal-spaced nucleotide positions picked
from mRNA. Note: if this number is larger than the
length of mRNA (L), it will be halved until it's
smaller than L. default=100
-s, --subtract-background
Subtract background noise (estimated from intronic
reads). Only use this option if there are substantial
intronic reads.
bam2fq.py -i test_PairedEnd_StrandSpecific_hg19.sam -o bam2fq_out1
- -s single-end for single-end sequencing.
UCSCのwigToBigWigコマンドが見つかれば、出力は自動でbigwigフォーマット(UCSC解説)に変換される。オーサーが準備したscript (fetchChromSizes) をマニュアルに従い準備しておく。
#bamはsamtools sortでcoordinate sortされている必要がある。
samtools sort -m 1000000000 input.bam input.sorted.bam
samtools index input.sorted.bam
fetchChromSizes hg19 >hg19.chrom.sizes
bam2wig.py -s hg19.chrom.sizes -i sample.bam -o out -u
- -s Chromosome size file. Tab or space separated text file with 2 columns: first column is chromosome name/ID, second column is chromosome size.
- -u Skip non-unique hit reads.
- -t Specified wigsum. Eg: 1,000,000,000 equals to coverage of 10 million 100nt reads. Ignore this option to disable normalization
- -q Minimum mapping quality for an alignment to be called “uniquely mapped”. default=30
- -d How read(s) were stranded during sequencing. For example: –strand=‘1++,1–,2+-,2-+’ means that this is a pair-end, strand-specific RNA-seq data, and the strand rule is: read1 mapped to ‘+’ => parental gene on ‘+’; read1 mapped to ‘-‘ => parental gene on ‘-‘; read2 mapped to ‘+’ => parental gene on ‘-‘; read2 mapped to ‘-‘ => parental gene on ‘+’. If you are not sure about the strand rule, run ‘infer_experiment.py’ default=none (Not a strand specific RNA-seq data).
bam_stat.py -i Pairend_nonStrandSpecific_36mer_Human_hg19.bam
- -q Minimum mapping quality to determine uniquely mapped read.
$ bam_stat.py -i Pairend_StrandSpecific_51mer_Human_hg19.bam
Load BAM file ... Done
#All numbers are READ count
Total records: 44826454
QC failed: 0
Optical/PCR duplicate: 0
Non primary hits 0
Unmapped reads: 0
mapq < mapq_cut (non-unique): 0
mapq >= mapq_cut (unique): 44826454
Read-1: 28674562
Read-2: 16151892
Reads map to '+': 23884437
Reads map to '-': 20942017
Non-splice reads: 39959172
Splice reads: 4867282
Reads mapped in proper pairs: 31803590
Proper-paired reads map to different chrom:0
(clipped mappingが可能なアライナーを使っている必要がある)。
clipping_profile.py -i Pairend_StrandSpecific_51mer_Human_hg19.bam -s "PE" -o out
- -s Sequencing layout. “SE”(single-end) or “PE”(pair-end).
- -q Minimum mapping quality (phred scaled) for an alignment to be considered as “uniquely mapped”. default=30
mismatch_profile.py -l 101 -i sample.bam -o out
- -l Alignment length of read. It is usually set to the orignial read length. For example, all these cigar strings (“101M”, “68M140N33M”, “53M1D48M”) suggest the read alignment length is 101. [required]
deletion_profile.py -i sample.bam -l 101 -o out
- -l Alignment length of read. It is usually set to the orignial read length.
insertion_profile.py -s "PE" -i test.bam -o out
- -s Sequencing layout. “SE”(single-end) or “PE”(pair-end).
divide_bam.py -n 3 -i SingleEnd_StrandSpecific_50mer_Human_hg19.bam -o output
- -n Number of small BAM files
geneBody_coverage.py -r hg19.housekeeping.bed -i test.bam -o output
- -r Reference gene model in bed format. [required]
複数bamなら-i test1.bam,test2.bam,test3.bam 、またはbamのディレクトリを-i /data/ という風に指定する。bigwigから計算するgeneBody_coverage2.pyもある。
inner_distance.py -i Pairend_nonStrandSpecific_36mer_Human_hg19.bam -o output -r hg19.refseq.bed12
junction_annotation.py -i Pairend_nonStrandSpecific_36mer_Human_hg19.bam -o output -r hg19.refseq.bed12
レアなalternative splicingを探すためにデプスが十分か推測。
junction_saturation.py -i Pairend_nonStrandSpecific_36mer_Human_hg19.bam -r hg19.refseq.bed12 -o output
- -r Reference gene model in BED format.
read_distribution.py -i Pairend_StrandSpecific_51mer_Human_hg19.bam -r hg19.refseq.bed12
read_duplication.py -i Pairend_nonStrandSpecific_36mer_Human_hg19.bam -o output
read_GC.py -i Pairend_nonStrandSpecific_36mer_Human_hg19.bam -o output
read_NVC.py -i Pairend_nonStrandSpecific_36mer_Human_hg19.bam -o output
read_quality.py -i Pairend_StrandSpecific_51mer_Human_hg19.bam -o output_quality
RNA_fragment_size.py -r hg19.RefSeq.union.bed -i SRR873822_RIN10.bam > SRR873822_RIN10.fragSize
split_bam.py -i Pairend_StrandSpecific_51mer_Human_hg19.bam -r hg19.rRNA.bed -o output
- XXX.in.bam: reads that are mapped to exon regions of the gene list (or reads consumed by gene list).
- XXX.ex.bam: reads that cannot be mapped the exon regions of the original gene list.
- XXX.junk.bam: qcfailed reads or unmapped reads.
split_paired_bam.py -i Pairend_StrandSpecific_51mer_Human_hg19.bam -o output
tin.py -r hg19.RefSeq.union.bed -i Pairend_StrandSpecific_51mer_Human_hg19.bam -o output
RIN値(1≦RIN≦10)は18Sおよび28SリボソームRNAの量に大きく依存したリボソームRNA完全性の尺度で、mRNA品質の直接測定ではない。実験ではリボゼロなどでrRNAを除いているため、下流のフローでRNAの完全さを分析できない。実際の状況は、「AU-リッチ配列」、「転写長」、「GC含量」、「二次構造」および「RNA-タンパク質複合体」などの因子に応じて、分解速度は転写物間で著しく異なることがある(ref:http://www.illumina.com/documents/products/technotes/technote-truseq-rna-access.pdf)。 これらの限界を克服するために、転写レベルでRNAの完全性を測定できるアルゴリズムTIN(リンク)が考案された。 TINは、発現された各転写物のスコア(0≦TIN≦100)を計算する。また全transcriptsの平均のmedTINはサンプル間のRNA完全性を比較するために使用できる。
ほかにも定量してFPKMを出すFPKM_count.pyや、RNA seqの種類を推測するinfer_experiment.py (strand specificかなどをマッピングから推測)、bigwigをノーマライズするnormalize_bigwig.py、2つのbigwigファイルを操作するoverlay_bigwig.py、ヘキサマーの頻度をリファレンスとリードで調べるread_hexamer.pyがある。
RSeQC: quality control of RNA-seq experiments.
Wang L, Wang S, Li W.
Bioinformatics. 2012 Aug 15;28(16):2184-5.