

HTS (NGS) 関連のインフォマティクス情報についてまとめています。

WGSやRNA-seqやTarget-captureなどのさまざまなショートリードデータからユーザーが指定した数百〜数千の遺伝子座の同祖配列を抽出し、系統解析に使用可能なMSAを出力する CAPTUS







CaptusはHigh-Throughput Sequencingデータから系統ゲノムデータセットアセンブルするためのツールキットである。Captusは当初、ターゲットエンリッチメント(RNAまたはDNAプローブのハイブリダイゼーションなどによる)シーケンスデータのアセンブリ専用に設計されたが、その後、ゲノムスキミング、Hyb-Seq(ターゲットエンリッチメント+ゲノムスキミング)、RNA-seq、全ゲノムシーケンスなど、他の一般的なタイプのHTSデータにも対応できるように拡張された。ツールキットには、ターゲットエンリッチメント実験用のプローブをデザインするモジュールも含まれている。以下の特徴を持つ。

  • シンプル: インストールが簡単で使いやすい。
  • 高速: 感度を犠牲にすることなく、各ステップのスピードを最適化した。
  • 再現性: コマンドは明確で、出力ディレクトリはよく整理されており、広範なログが常に保存されている。
  • 柔軟: 生データでも、独自のクリーンアップリードやアセンブルリードでも解析を開始できる。すべての解析をやり直すことなく、既存のデータセットにサンプルを追加したり、一部のサンプルのみで解析をやり直すことができる。
  • 透明性: ワークフローのどの段階でも、サンプルの状態を迅速に評価できるように、情報量が多く、整理された読みやすい出力や、整然としたHTMLレポートを提供する。





本体 Github

mamba create -n captus captus -y
conda activate captus

> captus_assembly -h

usage: captus_assembly command [options]


Captus 1.0.1: Assembly of Phylogenomic Datasets from High-Throughput Sequencing data


Captus-assembly commands:

  command     Program commands (in typical order of execution)

                clean = Trim adaptors and quality filter reads with BBTools, run FastQC on the raw and cleaned reads

                assemble = Perform de novo assembly with MEGAHIT: Assembling reads that were cleaned with the 'clean' command is recommended, but reads cleaned elsewhere are also allowed

                extract = Recover targeted markers with BLAT and Scipio: Extracting markers from the assembly obtained with the 'assemble' command is recommended, but any other assemblies in FASTA format are also allowed

                align = Align extracted markers across samples with MAFFT or MUSCLE: Marker alignment depends on the directory structure created by the 'extract' command. This step also performs paralog filtering and alignment trimming using ClipKIT



  -h, --help  Show this help message and exit

  --version   Show Captus' version number


For help on a particular command: captus_assembly command -h


> captus_assembly clean -h

usage: captus_assembly clean -r READS [READS ...] [options]


Captus-assembly: Clean; remove adaptors and quality-filter reads with




  -r READS [READS ...], --reads READS [READS ...]

                          FASTQ files. Valid filename extensions are: .fq,

                          .fastq, .fq.gz, and .fastq.gz. The names must

                          include the string '_R1' (and '_R2' when pairs are

                          provided). Everything before the string '_R1' will

                          be used as sample name. There are a few ways to

                          provide the FASTQ files:

                            A directory = path to directory containing FASTQ

                                          files (e.g.: -r ./raw_reads)

                            A list = filenames separated by space (e.g.: -r

                                     A_R1.fq A_R2.fq B_R1.fq C_R1.fq)

                            A pattern = UNIX matching expression (e.g.: -r




  -o OUT, --out OUT       Output directory name (default: ./01_clean_reads)

  --keep_all              Do not delete any intermediate files (default:


  --overwrite             Overwrite previous results (default: False)


Adaptor trimming:

  --adaptor_set ADAPTOR_SET

                          Set of adaptors to remove

                            Illumina = Illumina adaptors included in BBTools

                            BGI = BGISEQ, DNBSEG, or MGISEQ adaptors

                            ALL = Illumina + BGI

                            Alternatively, you can provide a path to a FASTA

                            file containing your own adaptors (default: ALL)

  --rna                   Trim ploy-A tails from RNA-Seq reads (default:



Quality trimming and filtering:

  --trimq TRIMQ           Leading and trailing read regions with average PHRED

                          quality score below this value will be trimmed

                          (default: 13)

  --maq MAQ               After quality trimming, reads with average PHRED

                          quality score below this value will be removed

                          (default: 16)

  --ftl FTL               Trim any base to the left of this position. For

                          example, if you want to remove 4 bases from the left

                          of the reads set this number to 5 (default: 0)

  --ftr FTR               Trim any base to the right of this position. For

                          example, if you want to truncate your reads length

                          to 100 bp set this number to 100 (default: 0)


QC Statistics:

  --qc_program {fastqc,falco}

                          Which program to use to obtain the statistics from

                          the raw and cleaned FASTQ files. Falco produces

                          identical results to FastQC while being much faster

                          (default: fastqc)

  --skip_qc_stats         Skip FastQC/Falco analysis on raw and cleaned reads

                          (default: False)



  --bbduk_path BBDUK_PATH

                          Path to (default:

  --falco_path FALCO_PATH

                          Path to Falco (default: falco)

  --fastqc_path FASTQC_PATH

                          Path to FastQC (default: fastqc)

  --ram RAM               Maximum RAM in GB (e.g.: 4.5) dedicated to Captus,

                          'auto' uses 99% of available RAM (default: auto)

  --threads THREADS       Maximum number of CPUs dedicated to Captus, 'auto'

                          uses all available CPUs (default: auto)

  --concurrent CONCURRENT

                          Captus will attempt to run FastQC concurrently on

                          this many samples. If set to 'auto', Captus will run

                          at most 4 instances of FastQC or as many CPU cores

                          are available, whatever number is lower (default:


  --debug                 Enable debugging mode, parallelization is disabled

                          so errors are logged to screen (default: False)

  --show_less             Do not show individual sample information during the

                          run, the information is still written to the log

                          (default: False)



  -h, --help              Show this help message and exit

  --version               Show Captus' version number


For more information, please see


> captus_assembly assemble -h

usage: captus_assembly assemble -r READS [READS ...] [options]


Captus-assembly: Assemble; perform de novo assembly using MEGAHIT 



  -r READS [READS ...], --reads READS [READS ...]

                          FASTQ files. Valid file name extensions are: .fq,

                          .fastq, .fq.gz, and .fastq.gz. The names must

                          include the string '_R1' (and '_R2' when pairs are

                          provided). Everything before the string '_R1' will

                          be used as sample name. There are a few ways to

                          provide the FASTQ files:

                            A directory = path to directory containing FASTQ

                                          files (e.g.: -r ./raw_reads)

                            A list = file names separated by space (e.g.: -r

                                     A_R1.fq A_R2.fq B_R1.fq C_R1.fq)

                            A pattern = UNIX matching expression (e.g.: -r

                                        ./raw_reads/*.fastq.gz) (default:


  --sample_reads_target SAMPLE_READS_TARGET

                          Use this number of read pairs (or reads if single-

                          end) for assembly. Reads are randomly subsampled

                          with '' from BBTools (option:

                          srt/samplereadstarget). Useful for limiting the

                          amount of data of samples with very high sequencing

                          depth. To use all the reads, set this value to 0

                          (default: 0)



  -o OUT, --out OUT       Output directory name. Inside this directory the

                          output for each sample will be stored in a

                          subdirectory named as 'Sample_name__captus-asm'

                          (default: ./02_assemblies)

  --keep_all              Do not delete any intermediate files (default:


  --overwrite             Overwrite previous results (default: False)



  --k_list K_LIST         Comma-separated list of kmer sizes, all must be odd

                          values in the range 15-255, in increments of at most

                          28. If not provided, a list optimized for

                          hybridization capture and/or genome skimming data

                          will be used. The final kmer size will be adjusted

                          automatically so it never exceeds the mean read

                          length of the sample by more than 31

  --min_count MIN_COUNT   Minimum contig depth (a.k.a. multiplicity in

                          MEGAHIT), accepted values are integers >= 1.

                          Reducing it to 1 may increase the amount of low-

                          depth contigs likely produced from reads with

                          errors. Increase above 2 if the data has high and

                          even sequencing depth

  --prune_level PRUNE_LEVEL

                          Prunning strength for low-coverage edges during

                          graph cleaning. Increasing the value beyond 2 can

                          speed up the assembly at the cost of losing low-

                          depth contigs. Accepted values are integers between

                          0 and 3

  --merge_level MERGE_LEVEL

                          Merge complex bubbles, the first number multiplied

                          by the kmer size represents the maximum bubble

                          length to merge, the second number represents the

                          minimum similarity required to merge bubbles

                          (default: 20,0.95)

  --preset PRESET         The default preset is 'CAPSKIM', these settings work

                          well with either hybridization capture or genome

                          skimming data (or a combination of both). You can

                          assemble RNA-Seq reads with the 'RNA' preset or

                          high-coverage Whole Genome Sequencing reads with the

                          'WGS' preset, however, both presets require a

                          minimum of 8GB of RAM to work well (default:


                            CAPSKIM = --k-list


                                      --min-count 2 --prune-level 2

                            RNA = --k-list 27,47,67,87,107,127,147,167

                                  --min-count 2 --prune-level 2

                            WGS = --k-list 31,39,49,69,89,109,129,149,169

                                  --min-count 3 --prune-level 2

  --min_contig_len MIN_CONTIG_LEN

                          Minimum contig length in output assembly, 'auto' is

                          mean input read length + smallest kmer size in '--

                          k_list' (default: auto)

  --max_contig_gc MAX_CONTIG_GC

                          Maximum GC percentage allowed per contig. Useful to

                          filter contamination. For example, bacteria usually

                          exceed 60% GC content while eukaryotes rarely exceed

                          that limit. 100.0 disables the GC filter (default:


  --tmp_dir TMP_DIR       Location to create the temporary directory

                          'captus_assembly_tmp' for MEGAHIT assembly.

                          Sometimes, when working on external hard drives

                          MEGAHIT will refuse to run unless this directory is

                          created in an internal hard drive. (default: $HOME)



  --reformat_path REFORMAT_PATH

                          Path to (default:

  --megahit_path MEGAHIT_PATH

                          Path to MEGAHIT (default: megahit)

  --megahit_toolkit_path MEGAHIT_TOOLKIT_PATH

                          Path to MEGAHIT's toolkit (default: megahit_toolkit)

  --ram RAM               Maximum RAM in GB (e.g.: 4.5) dedicated to Captus,

                          'auto' uses 99% of available RAM (default: auto)

  --threads THREADS       Maximum number of CPUs dedicated to Captus, 'auto'

                          uses all available CPUs (default: auto)

  --concurrent CONCURRENT

                          Captus will attempt to assemble this many samples

                          concurrently. RAM and CPUs will be divided by this

                          value for each individual MEGAHIT process. For

                          example if you set --threads to 12 and --concurrent

                          to 3, then each MEGAHIT assembly will be done using

                          --threads/--concurrent = 4 CPUs. If set to 'auto',

                          Captus will run as many concurrent assemblies as

                          possible with a minimum of 4 CPUs and 4 GB of RAM

                          per assembly (8 GB if presets RNA or WGS are used)

                          (default: auto)

  --debug                 Enable debugging mode, parallelization is disabled

                          so errors are logged to screen (default: False)

  --show_less             Do not show individual sample information during the

                          run, the information is still written to the log

                          (default: False)



  -h, --help              Show this help message and exit

  --version               Show Captus' version number


For more information, please see



> captus_assembly extract -h

usage: captus_assembly extract -a CAPTUS_ASSEMBLIES_DIR [options]


Captus-assembly: Extract; recover markers from FASTA assemblies 




                          Path to an output directory from the 'assemble' step

                          of Captus-assembly which is tipically called

                          '02_assemblies'. If you DID NOT assemble any sample

                          within Captus and want to start exclusivey with

                          FASTAs assembled elsewhere, the path provided here

                          will be created in order to contain your assemblies

                          provided with '-f' into a proper directory structure

                          needed by Captus (default: ./02_assemblies)

  -f FASTAS [FASTAS ...], --fastas FASTAS [FASTAS ...]

                          FASTA assembly file(s) that were not assembled with

                          Captus. Valid file name extensions are: .fa, .fna,

                          .fasta, .fa.gz, .fna.gz, .fasta.gz. These FASTA

                          files must contain only nucleotides (no aminoacids).

                          All the text before the extension of the filename

                          will be used as sample name. These FASTAs will be

                          automatically copied to the path provided with

                          '-a'/'--captus_assemblies_dir' using the correct

                          directory structure needed by Captus. There are a

                          few ways to provide the FASTA files:

                            A directory = path to directory containing FASTA

                                          files (e.g.: -f ./my_fastas)

                            A list = filenames separated by space (e.g.: -f

                                     speciesA.fa speciesB.fasta.gz)

                            A pattern = UNIX matching expression (e.g.: -f




  -o OUT, --out OUT       Output directory name (default: ./03_extractions)

  --max_paralogs MAX_PARALOGS

                          Maximum number of secondary hits (copies) of any

                          particular reference target marker allowed in the

                          output. We recommend disabling the removal of

                          paralogs (secondary hits/copies) during the

                          'extract' step because the 'align' step uses a more

                          sophisticated filter for paralogs. -1 disables the

                          removal of paralogs (default: -1)

  --max_loci_files MAX_LOCI_FILES

                          When the number of markers in a reference target

                          file exceeds this number, Captus will not write a

                          separate FASTA file per sample per marker to not

                          overload I/O. The single FASTA file containing all

                          recovered markers per sample needed by the 'align'

                          step is still produced as are the rest of output

                          files (default: 0)

  --keep_all              Do not delete any intermediate files (default:


  --overwrite             Overwrite previous results (default: False)


Proteins extraction global options (Scipio):

  --max_loci_scipio_x2 MAX_LOCI_SCIPIO_X2

                          When the number of loci in a protein reference

                          target file exceeds this number, Captus will not run

                          a second, more exhaustive round of Scipio. Usually

                          the results from the first round are extremely

                          similar and sufficient, the second round can become

                          extremely slow as the number of reference target

                          proteins grows (default: 2000)

  --predict               Scipio flags introns as dubious when the splice

                          signals are not found at the exon edges, this may

                          indicate that there are additional aminoacids in the

                          recovered protein that are not present in the

                          reference target protein. Enable this flag to

                          attempt translation of these dubious introns, if the

                          translation does not introduce premature stop codons

                          they will be added to the recovered protein

                          (default: False)


Nuclear proteins extraction (Scipio):

  -n NUC_REFS, --nuc_refs NUC_REFS

                          Set of nuclear protein reference target sequences,

                          options are:

                            Angiosperms353 = The original set of target

                                             proteins from Angiosperms353

                            Mega353 = The improved set of target proteins from


                            Alternatively, provide a path to a FASTA file

                            containing your reference target protein sequences

                            in either nucleotide or aminoacid. When the FASTA

                            file is in nucleotides, '--nuc_transtable' will be

                            used to translate it to aminoacids

  --nuc_transtable NUC_TRANSTABLE

                          Genetic code table to translate your nuclear

                          proteins. Complete list of tables at:


                          1: Standard)

  --nuc_min_score NUC_MIN_SCORE

                          Minimum Scipio score to retain hits to reference

                          target proteins. (default: 0.13)

  --nuc_min_identity NUC_MIN_IDENTITY

                          Minimum identity percentage to retain hits to

                          reference target proteins (default: 65)

  --nuc_min_coverage NUC_MIN_COVERAGE

                          Minimum coverage percentage of reference target

                          protein to consider a hit by a contig (default: 20)


Plastidial proteins extraction (Scipio):

  -p PTD_REFS, --ptd_refs PTD_REFS

                          Set of plastidial protein reference target

                          sequences, options are:

                            SeedPlantsPTD = A set of plastidial proteins for

                                            Seed Plants, curated by us

                            Alternatively, provide a path to a FASTA file

                            containing your reference target protein sequences

                            in either nucleotide or aminoacid. When the FASTA

                            file is in nucleotides, '--ptd_transtable' will be

                            used to translate it to aminoacids

  --ptd_transtable PTD_TRANSTABLE

                          Genetic code table to translate your plastidial

                          proteins. Complete list of tables at:


                          11: Bacterial, Archaeal and Plant Plastid)

  --ptd_min_score PTD_MIN_SCORE

                          Minimum Scipio score to retain hits to reference

                          target proteins (default: 0.2)

  --ptd_min_identity PTD_MIN_IDENTITY

                          Minimum identity percentage to retain hits to

                          reference target proteins (default: 65)

  --ptd_min_coverage PTD_MIN_COVERAGE

                          Minimum coverage percentage of reference target

                          protein to consider a hit by a contig (default: 20)


Mitochondrial proteins extraction (Scipio):

  -m MIT_REFS, --mit_refs MIT_REFS

                          Set of mitochondrial protein reference target

                          sequences, options are:

                            SeedPlantsMIT = A set of mitochondrial proteins

                                            for Seed Plants, curated by us

                            Alternatively, provide a path to a FASTA file

                            containing your reference target protein sequences

                            in either nucleotide or aminoacid. When the FASTA

                            file is in nucleotides, '--mit_transtable' will be

                            used to translate it to aminoacids

  --mit_transtable MIT_TRANSTABLE

                          Genetic code table to translate your mitochondrial

                          proteins. Complete list of tables at:


                          1: Standard)

  --mit_min_score MIT_MIN_SCORE

                          Minimum Scipio score to retain hits to reference

                          target proteins (default: 0.2)

  --mit_min_identity MIT_MIN_IDENTITY

                          Minimum identity percentage to retain hits to

                          reference target proteins (default: 65)

  --mit_min_coverage MIT_MIN_COVERAGE

                          Minimum coverage percentage of reference target

                          protein to consider a hit by a contig (default: 20)


Miscellaneous DNA extraction (BLAT):

  -d DNA_REFS, --dna_refs DNA_REFS

                          Path to a FASTA nucleotide file of miscellaneous DNA

                          reference targets

  --dna_min_identity DNA_MIN_IDENTITY

                          Minimum identity percentage to reference target

                          sequences to retain matches (default: 80)

  --dna_min_coverage DNA_MIN_COVERAGE

                          Minimum coverage percentage of reference target

                          sequence to retain matches (default: 20)


Assemblies clustering (MMseqs2):

  -c, --cluster_leftovers

                          Enable MMseqs2 clustering across samples of the

                          contigs that had no hits to the reference target

                          markers. A new miscellaneous DNA reference is built

                          from the best representative of each cluster in

                          order to perform a miscellaneous DNA marker

                          extraction. (default: False)

  --mmseqs_method {easy-linclust,easy-cluster}

                          MMseqs2 clustering algorithm, options are:

                            easy-linclust = Fast linear time (for huge

                                            datasets), less sensitive


                            easy-cluster = Sensitive homology search (slower)

                                           (default: easy-linclust)

  --cl_sensitivity CL_SENSITIVITY

                          MMseqs2 sensitivity, from 1 to 7.5, only applicable

                          when using 'easy-cluster'. Common reference points

                          are: 1 (faster), 4 (fast), 7.5 (sens) (default: 7.5)

  --cl_mode {0,1,2}       MMseqs2 clustering mode


                          options are:

                            0 = Greedy set cover

                            1 = Connected component

                            2 = Greedy incremental (analogous to CD-HIT)

                                (default: 2)

  --cl_min_identity CL_MIN_IDENTITY

                          Minimum identity percentage between sequences in a

                          cluster, when set to 'auto' it becomes 99% of the '

                          --dna_min_identity' value but never less than 75%

                          (default: auto)

  --cl_seq_id_mode CL_SEQ_ID_MODE

                          MMseqs2 sequence identity mode, options are:

                            0 = Alignment length

                            1 = Shorter sequence

                            2 = Longer sequence (default: 1)

  --cl_min_coverage CL_MIN_COVERAGE

                          Any sequence in a cluster has to be at least this

                          percent included in the length of the longest

                          sequence in the cluster (default: 80)

  --cl_cov_mode CL_COV_MODE

                          MMseqs2 sequence coverage mode



                          (default: 1)

  --cl_max_seq_len CL_MAX_SEQ_LEN

                          Do not cluster sequences longer than this length in

                          bp, the maximum allowed by MMseqs2 is 65535. Use 0

                          to disable this filter (default: 20000)

  --cl_rep_min_len CL_REP_MIN_LEN

                          After clustering is finished, only accept cluster

                          representatives of at least this length to be part

                          of the new miscellaneous DNA reference targets. Use

                          0 to disable this filter (default: 500)

  --cl_min_samples CL_MIN_SAMPLES

                          Minimum number of samples per cluster, if set to

                          'auto' the number is adjusted to 30% of the total

                          number of samples or at least 4 (default: auto)

  --cl_max_copies CL_MAX_COPIES

                          Maximum average number of sequences per sample in a

                          cluster. This can exclude loci that are extremely

                          paralogous (default: 5)

  --cl_tmp_dir CL_TMP_DIR

                          Where to create the temporary directory

                          'captus_mmseqs_tmp' for MMseqs2. Clustering can

                          become slow when done on external drives, set this

                          location to a fast, preferably local, drive

                          (default: $HOME)



  --scipio_path SCIPIO_PATH

                          Path to Scipio (default: bundled)

  --blat_path BLAT_PATH   Path to BLAT >= 36x7 (this version is the first one

                          that guarantees the same result both in Mac and

                          Linux) (default: bundled)

  --mmseqs_path MMSEQS_PATH

                          Path to MMseqs2 (default: mmseqs)

  --mafft_path MAFFT_PATH

                          Path to MAFFT (default: mafft/mafft.bat)

  --ram RAM               Maximum RAM in GB (e.g.: 4.5) dedicated to Captus,

                          'auto' uses 99% of available RAM (default: auto)

  --threads THREADS       Maximum number of CPUs dedicated to Captus, 'auto'

                          uses all available CPUs (default: auto)

  --concurrent CONCURRENT

                          Captus will attempt to execute this many extractions

                          concurrently. RAM and CPUs will be divided by this

                          value for each individual process. If set to 'auto',

                          Captus will set as many processes as to at least

                          have 2GB of RAM available for each process due to

                          the RAM requirements of BLAT (default: auto)

  --debug                 Enable debugging mode, parallelization is disabled

                          so errors are logged to screen (default: False)

  --show_less             Do not show individual sample information during the

                          run, the information is still written to the log

                          (default: False)



  -h, --help              Show this help message and exit

  --version               Show Captus' version number


For more information, please see


> captus_assembly align  -h

usage: captus_assembly align -e CAPTUS_EXTRACTIONS_DIR [options]


Captus-assembly: Align; collect, align, and curate aligned markers 




                          Path to the output directory that contains the

                          assemblies and extractions from previous steps of

                          Captus-assembly. This directory is called

                          '02_assemblies' if you did not specify a different

                          name during the 'assemble' or 'extract' steps

                          (default: ./03_extractions)

  -m MARKERS, --markers MARKERS

                          Which markers to align, you can provide a

                          comma-separated list, no spaces (default: all)

                            NUC = Nuclear proteins inside directories


                            PTD = Plastidial proteins inside directories


                            MIT = Mitochondrial proteins inside directories


                            DNA = Miscellaneous DNA markers inside directories


                            CLR = Cluster-derived DNA markers inside

                                  directories '05_clusters'

                            ALL = Shortcut for NUC,PTD,MIT,DNA,CLR

  -f FORMATS, --formats FORMATS

                          Which alignment format(s) to prepare for each marker

                          category, you can provide a comma-separated list, no

                          spaces (default: AA,NT,GE,MA)

                            Valid types for NUC, PTD, and MIT markers:

                            AA = Coding sequences in aminoacids

                            NT = Coding sequences in nucleotides

                            GE = Complete gene sequences (exons + introns)

                                 without flanking upstream or downstream


                            GF = Complete gene sequences with flanking

                                 upstream and downstream basepairs

                            Valid types for miscellaneous DNA and

                            CLusteR-derived markers:

                            MA = Matched sequences without flanking upstream

                                 or downstream basepairs

                            MF = Matched sequences with flanking upstream and

                                 downstream basepairs

                            ALL = Shortcut for AA,NT,GE,GF,MA,MF

  --max_paralogs MAX_PARALOGS

                          Maximum number of secondary hits (copies) per sample

                          to import from the extraction step. Large numbers of

                          marker copies per sample can increase alignment

                          times. Hits (copies) are ranked from best to worst

                          during the 'extract' step. -1 disables the removal

                          of paralogs and aligns them all, which might be

                          useful if you expect very high ploidy levels for

                          example (default: 5)

  --min_samples MIN_SAMPLES

                          Minimum number of samples in a marker to proceed

                          with alignment. Markers with fewer samples will be

                          skipped (default: 4)



  -o OUT, --out OUT       Output directory name (default: ./04_alignments)

  --keep_all              Do not delete any intermediate files (default:


  --overwrite             Overwrite previous results (default: False)



  --align_method {mafft_auto,mafft_genafpair,mafft_localpair,mafft_globalpair,mafft_retree1,mafft_retree2,muscle_align,muscle_super5}

                          For MAFFT's algorithms see:

                          ignment/software/algorithms/algorithms.html For

                          MUSCLE's algorithms see:


                          (default: mafft_auto)

  --timeout TIMEOUT       Maximum allowed time in seconds for a single

                          alignment (default: 21600)

  --disable_codon_align   Do not align nucleotide coding sequences based on

                          their protein alignment (default: False)

  --outgroup OUTGROUP     Outgroup sample names, separated by commas, no

                          spaces. Since phylogenetic programs usually root the

                          resulting trees at the first taxon in the alignment,

                          Captus will place these samples at the beggining of

                          every alignment in the given order


Paralog filtering:

  --filter_method {naive,informed,both,none}

                          Methods for filtering paralogous sequences:

                            naive = Only the best hit for each sample (marked

                                    as hit=00) is retained

                            informed = Only keep the copy (regardless of hit

                                       ranking) that is most similar to the

                                       reference target sequence that was

                                       chosen most frequently among all other

                                       samples in the alignmentboth = Two

                                       separate folders will be created, each

                                       containing the results from each

                                       filtering methodnone = Skip paralog

                                       removal, just remove reference target

                                       sequences from the alignments. Useful

                                       for phylogenetic methods that allow

                                       paralogs like ASTRAL-Pro (default:


  --tolerance TOLERANCE   Only applicable to the 'informed' filter. If the

                          selected copy's identity to the most commonly chosen

                          reference target is below this number of Standard

                          Deviations from the mean, it will also be removed

                          (the lower the number the stricter the filter)

                          (default: 4.0)



  --clipkit_method {smart-gap,gappy,kpic,kpic-smart-gap,kpic-gappy,kpi,kpi-smart-gap,kpi-gappy}

                          ClipKIT's algorithm, see

                          KIT/advanced/index.html#modes (default: gappy)

  --clipkit_gaps CLIPKIT_GAPS

                          Gappyness threshold per position. Accepted values

                          between 0 and 1. This argument is ignored when using

                          the 'kpi' and 'kpic' algorithms or intermediate

                          steps that use 'smart-gap' (default: 0.9)

  --min_data_per_column MIN_DATA_PER_COLUMN

                          Minimum number of non-missing sites per column. When

                          this parameter is > 0, Captus will dynamically

                          calculate a '--clipkit_gaps' threshold per alignment

                          to keep this minimum amount of data per column

                          (default: 0)

  --min_coverage MIN_COVERAGE

                          Minimum coverage of sequence as proportion of the

                          mean of sequence lengths in the alignment, ignoring

                          gaps. Accepted values between 0 and 1. After ClipKIT

                          finishes trimming columns, Captus will also remove

                          short sequences below this threshold (default: 0.4)



  --collect_only          Only collect the markers from the extraction folder

                          and exit (skips addition of reference target

                          sequences and subsequent steps) (default: False)

  --redo_from {alignment,filtering,removal,trimming}

                          Repeat analysis from a particular stage:

                            alignment = Delete all subdirectories with

                                        alignments and restart

                            filtering = Delete all subdirectories with

                                        filtered alignments and restart

                            removal = Delete all subdirectories with

                                      alignments with reference targets

                                      removed and restart

                            trimming = Delete all subdirectories with trimmed

                                       alignments and restart

  --mafft_path MAFFT_PATH

                          Path to MAFFT (default: mafft/mafft.bat)

  --muscle_path MUSCLE_PATH

                          Path to MUSCLE (default: muscle)

  --clipkit_path CLIPKIT_PATH

                          Path to ClipKIT (default: clipkit)

  --ram RAM               Maximum RAM in GB (e.g.: 4.5) dedicated to Captus,

                          'auto' uses 99% of available RAM (default: auto)

  --threads THREADS       Maximum number of CPUs dedicated to Captus, 'auto'

                          uses all available CPUs (default: auto)

  --concurrent CONCURRENT

                          Captus will attempt to execute this many alignments

                          concurrently. CPUs will be divided by this value for

                          each individual process. If set to 'auto', Captus

                          will set as many processes as to at least have 2

                          threads available for each MAFFT or MUSCLE process

                          (default: auto)

  --debug                 Enable debugging mode, parallelization is disabled

                          so errors are logged to screen (default: False)

  --show_more             Show individual alignment information during the

                          run. Detailed information is written regardless to

                          the log (default: False)



  -h, --help              Show this help message and exit

  --version               Show Captus' version number


For more information, please see








  • サンプル名にアンダーバー(_)を使用することは可能だが、1つ以上連続して使用しない。
  • ペアエンドリードの場合、R1 と R2 のファイル名にはそれぞれ _R1 _R2 のパターンが含まれていなければ正しくマッチングされない(_1と_2では不可)。シングルエンドの場合は、ファイル名に _R1 を含める必要がある。
  • 有効な拡張子は、.fq.fastq.fq.gz.fastq.gz
  • 特殊文字を使用しない



Angiosperms353プローブセット(Johnson et al., 2018)を用いて、被子植物間で高度に保存された353の遺伝子座の targeted-capture sequencing (CAP)によって得られた4つの植物種(GenusA_speciesA, GenusB_speciesB, GenusC_speciesC, GenusD_speciesD)ペアエンドシークエンシングリード(合計4つ)がテスト用に公開されている。ここではこれを使う。







2-1. clean - アダプタートリミング(RNAseqリードをクリーニングする場合はポリAトリミングも行う)に続いて、BBToolsの紹介)を使ってクオリティトリミングを行う(PHREDスコア<13の先頭塩基と末尾塩基がトリミングされ、次に平均PHREDスコア<16のトリミングリードが除去される)。クリーニング後にはFalcoまたはFastQCによって全サンプルの未処理リードとクリーニング後リードのHTMLレポートが作成される。ポリAテールをトリミングするために”--rna”オプションが用意されている。


captus_assembly clean -r 00_raw_reads
  • --rna     Trim ploy-A tails from RNA-Seq reads (default: False)

  • --qc_program     Which program to use to obtain the statistics from the raw and cleaned FASTQ files. Falco produces  identical results to FastQC while being much faster  (default: fastqc)








2-2. assemble - コンティグのアセンブル
クリーニングされたリードからターゲットキャプチャーとゲノムスキミングデータに最適化されたデフォルト設定でMEGAHITによるde novoアセンブルを行う。-rで2-1の出力ディレクトリを指定する。コンタミネーションが心配な場合は、-max_contig_gcオプションの使用を検討するように書かれている(;ほとんどの真核生物ゲノムの細菌汚染を除去するには最大60%のGCが適切(Fierst and Murdock 2017;論文より))。

captus_assembly assemble -r 01_clean_reads
  • --min_contig_len    Minimum contig length in output assembly, 'auto' is mean input read length + smallest kmer size in '--k_list' (default: auto)

  • --max_contig_gc    Maximum GC percentage allowed per contig. Useful to filter contamination. For example, bacteria usually exceed 60% GC content while eukaryotes rarely exceed that limit. 100.0 disables the GC filter (default:  100.0)




assembly report



2-3. extract - アセンブルしたコンティグからターゲット遺伝子座の配列を抽出

アセンブル後、目的の特定の遺伝子座(すなわち、リファレンスターゲット遺伝子座)を検索することができる。CAPTUSでは、5種類のマーカー(i)核タンパク質(NUC)、(ii)プラスチドタンパク質(PTD)、(iii)ミトコンドリアタンパク質(MIT)、(iv)雑多なDNA領域(DNA)、および(v)新しいクラスタリング由来の推定ホモログ(CLR)を同時に検索し、抽出することができる。タンパク質抽出を行うためにSCIPIO(Hatje et al)が使用されている。SCIPIOはシーケンスやアセンブリーエラーに起因するフレームシフトを自動的に修正でき、複数のexonや複数のコンティグにまたがるタンパク質も回収できる。

その他のDNA抽出は、他のタイプのDNA領域(例えば、イントロンを含む完全な遺伝子、非コード領域、リボソーム遺伝子、個々のエクソン、RADマーカーなど)を回収することを目的としている。この場合、CAPTUSはBLAT(Kent 2002)を使ってアセンブリを検索し、コンティグ間で見つかったヒットを独自のコードを使って貪欲にアセンブルし、連結する(論文より)。



captus_assembly extract -a 02_assemblies -n Angiosperms353
  • -a     Path to the output directory from the assemble command.
  • -n     Path to a FASTA file of reference sequences. Here we use the built-in Angiosperms353 reference dataset.
  • -f      FASTA assembly file(s) that were not assembled with Captus. Valid file name extensions are: .fa, .fna,  .fasta, .fa.gz, .fna.gz, .fasta.gz. These FASTA files must contain only nucleotides (no aminoacids). All the text before the extension of the filename will be used as sample name. These FASTAs will be automatically copied to the path provided with   '-a'/'--captus_assemblies_dir' using the correct  directory structure needed by Captus. (省略)

  • -n     Set of nuclear protein reference target sequences,  options are: Angiosperms353 = The original set of target proteins from Angiosperms353.  Mega353 = The improved set of target proteins from Angiosperms353  Alternatively, provide a path to a FASTA file  containing your reference target protein sequences  in either nucleotide or aminoacid. When the FASTA  file is in nucleotides, '--nuc_transtable' will be used to translate it to aminoacids                 

  • -p     Set of plastidial protein reference target  sequences, options are:  SeedPlantsPTD = A set of plastidial proteins for  Seed Plants, curated by us Alternatively, provide a path to a FASTA file  containing your reference target protein sequences  in either nucleotide or aminoacid. When the FASTA file is in nucleotides, '--ptd_transtable' will be used to translate it to aminoacids

  • -m      Set of mitochondrial protein reference target sequences, options are:  SeedPlantsMIT = A set of mitochondrial proteins  for Seed Plants, curated by us Alternatively, provide a path to a FASTA file containing your reference target protein sequences in either nucleotide or aminoacid. When the FASTA   file is in nucleotides, '--mit_transtable' will be used to translate it to aminoacids

  • -c    Enable MMseqs2 clustering across samples of the contigs that had no hits to the reference target  markers. A new miscellaneous DNA reference is built from the best representative of each cluster in order to perform a miscellaneous DNA marker extraction. (default: False)





Total hits (Copy)に切り替えた。


2-4. align - 各遺伝子座について全サンプルから抽出した配列の多重整列を生成

2-3で抽出された出力は次にアラインメントモジュールで処理される。個々のマーカーはサンプル間で収集され、遺伝子座ごとに別々の FASTA ファイルに整理される。参照配列も各遺伝子座ファイルに追加され、サンプルから回収された配列が断片的な場合のアラインメントガイドとなる。その後、MAFFTまたはMUSCLE5を用いて、デフォルトの設定でアライメントを行う。ただし、アミノ酸単位のタンパク質配列と、それに対応するヌクレオチド単位のコード配列が同じランでアラインメントされる場合、CAPTUSはアミノ酸MAFFTでアライメントし、AAアラインメントをヌクレオチドのテンプレートとして使用することで、コドンを考慮したCDSのアラインメントが行われる。



captus_assembly align -e 03_extractions
  • -e    Path to the output directory from the extract command.





01)MSA後のフィルタリングなど一切なし、02)ナイーブな手法でパラログがフィルタリングされたアラインメント、03)インフォームドメソッドによってパラ ログがフィルタリングされたアラインメント、04-06)01_unfiltered_w_refs、02_naive_w_refs、03_informed_w_refsと同等のアラインメントを含むが、参照配列を除いたもの(系統推定に不要のため)








3、Phylogenetic inference


# edge-linked partition modelで全遺伝子座位連結を用いた樹形推定
mkdir 05_phylogeny && cd 05_phylogeny
iqtree -p ../04_alignments/03_trimmed/06_informed/01_coding_NUC/02_NT -pre concat -T AUTO



  • 出力される全てのファイルはマニュアルで説明されている()。
  • 実際の解析でオプションをどう使うかについては、論文やチュートリアルでも説明されている。
  • CAPTUSは、異なる段階でワークフローに入ったサンプルを柔軟に組み合わせることができる。そのため、例えばターゲットキャプチャーやクリーンなRNA-Seqリードで表されるサンプル、および分類群サンプリングを増やすためにGenBankからダウンロードしたゲノムアセンブリで構成するなど、柔軟に実行できる。
  • プラスチドタンパク質とミトコンドリアタンパク質について;CaptusにはSeedPlantsPTDとSeedPlantsMITというリファレンスデータセットが組み込まれている。これらは、2-3のextractコマンドで-p SeedPlantsPTD と -m SeedPlantsMIT の引数を加えるだけで、あらゆる顕花植物のオルガネラゲノムから遺伝子配列を抽出することができる。
  • captus_assemblyモジュールの他にdesignモジュールがある(まだマニュアルは無い)


A novel phylogenomics pipeline reveals complex pattern of reticulate evolution in Cucurbitales
Edgardo M. Ortiz, Alina Höwener,  Gentaro Shigita,  Mustafa Raza,  Olivier Maurin,  Alexandre Zuntini,  Félix Forest,  William J. Baker,  Hanno Schaefer

bioRxiv, Posted November 01, 2023.



