Treemmer is compatible with both python 2 and python 3.
- ETE3
- Joblib
- Numpy
- Matplotlib
cd data_dir/
singularity pull --arch amd64 library://fmenardo/treemmer/treemmer:0.3
singularity build --sandbox treemmer_sb/ treemmer_0.3.sif
> singularity exec treemmer_sb/ python3 Treemmer_v0.3.py -h
usage: Treemmer_v0.3.py INFILE [options (-h to see all options)]
positional arguments:
INFILE path to the newick tree
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-X [X [X ...]], --stop_at_X_leaves [X [X ...]]
Output reduced tree with X leaves. If multiple values are given Treemmer will produce multiple reduced datsets in the same run
-RTL [0-1 [0-1 ...]], --stop_at_RTL [0-1 [0-1 ...]]
Output reduced tree with the specified RTL. If multiple values are given Treemmer will produce multiple reduced datsets in the same run
-r [INT], --resolution [INT]
number of leaves to prune at each iteration (default: 1)
-p, --solve_polytomies
resolve polytomies at random (default: FALSE)
-pr, --prune_random prune random leaves (default: FALSE)
-lp [0,1,2], --leaves_pair [0,1,2]
After the pair of leaves with the smallest distance is dentified Treemmer prunes: 0: the longest leaf 1: the shortest leaf 2: random choice (default: 2)
-np, --no_plot do not load matplotlib and plot (default: FALSE)
-fp, --fine_plot when --resolution > 1, plot RTL vs n leaves every time a leaf is pruned (default: FALSE => plot every X leaves (X = -r))
-c [INT], --cpu [INT]
number of cpu to use (default: 1)
-lm [path/to/file], --list_meta [path/to/file]
path to file with metainformation. Format for each line: "leaf_name,tag". Leaves can appear mutiple times with different tags, or not appear at all
-mc [INT], --meta_count [INT]
if the -lm option is active -mc defines the minimum number of leaves that will be kept for each category defined in the metainformation file (default = 0)
-lmc [path/to/file], --list_meta_count [path/to/file]
path to file. Format for each line: "tag,number", this option is alternative to -mc and allows to specify the different minimum number of leaves that shuld be retained for different categories
-v [0,1,2], --verbose [0,1,2]
0: silent (almost), 1: show progress, 2: print tree at each iteration, 3: only for testing (findN), 4: only for testing (prune_t) (default: 1)
-sc1 [leaf_name], --select_clade_1 [leaf_name]
use together with -sc2. Treemmer will identify the smallest monophyletic clade including two specified leaves and output a list of leaves belonging to this clade. This can be usefull to prepare the --list_meta input file in case you
want to prune only leaves belonging (or not belonging) to a certain clade
-sc2 [leaf_name], --select_clade_2 [leaf_name]
use together with -sc1. Treemmer will identify the smallest monophyletic clade including two specified leaves and output a list of leaves belonging to this clade. This can be useful to prepare the --list_meta input file in case you
want to prune only leaves belonging (or not belonging) to a certain clade
-sa, --select_all output the list of leaf names in the input tree and exit
-pa, --plot_always output the RTL plot with the smallest tree defined by the -X or -RTL option
-pc, --plot_complete plot the complete RTL plot and file when the -X or -RTL options are specified
-sX [sX], --switch_at_X [sX]
Treemmer will start normally and switch to random subsampling when the tree has less than sX leaves. This option can be used with -sRTL, Treemmer will change behaviour as soon as one of the two criteria is met
-sRTL [0-1], --switch_at_RTL [0-1]
Treemmer will start normally and switch to random subsampling when the tree is shorter than sRTL. This option can be used with -sX, Treemmer will change behaviour as soon as one of the two criteria is met
系統樹全体の相対的な長さの減少をプロット。newick treeファイルを指定する。
singularity exec treemmer_sb/ python3 /Treemmer_v0.3.py tree_file.nwk
singularity exec treemmer_sb/ python3 /Treemmer_v0.3.py tree_file.nwk -RTL 0.9
singularity exec treemmer_sb/ python3 /Treemmer_v0.3.py tree_file.nwk -X 100
Treemmer: a tool to reduce large phylogenetic datasets with minimal loss of diversity
Fabrizio Menardo, Chloé Loiseau, Daniela Brites, Mireia Coscolla, Sebastian M. Gygli, Liliana K. Rutaihwa, Andrej Trauner, Christian Beisel, Sonia Borrell & Sebastien Gagneux
BMC Bioinformatics volume 19, Article number: 164 (2018)