2021 9/6 コード修正
BamDeal は bam ファイルの包括的な解析を行うためのフル機能ツールキットである。C/C++ 言語で実装されており、Linux と Mac OS X オペレーティングシステムで利用可能である。
Pre-installations of 4 libraries or softs are required before installing BamDeal
- htslib: samtools-1.9/htslib-1.9 1.5 <= htslib <= 1.9
- g++ : g++ with --std=c++11 > 4.8+ is recommended
- zlib : zlib > 1.2.3 is recommended
- R : R with ggplot is recommended
リリースからstable releaseをダウンロードできる。
chmod 755 ./bin/BamDeal_Linux
mv BamDeal_Linux BamDeal
> ./BamDeal_Linux
# ./BamDeal_Linux
Program: BamDeal
Version: 0.24 hewm2008@gmail.com Sep 16 2020
convert convert tools
modify modify tools
statistics statistics analysis tools
visualize visualize tools for bam
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> BamDeal convert
# BamDeal convert
soap2bam soap --> bam/sam Format
bam2soap bam/sam --> soap Format
bam2fq bam/sam --> Fastq Format
bam2fa bam/sam --> Fasta Format
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> BamDeal modify
# BamDeal modify
bamFilter filter low quality read in bam
bamSplit split single/muti-Bam by chr
bamAssign split single/muti-Bam by assign chr
bamCat Merge/Cat muti (diff header) bam to one bam
bamRand random out partly of bam read
bamSubChr extract or remove chr(s) from SAM/BAM
bamShiftQ modify seq Phred quality in bam
bamLimit Limit big bam to muti subbam by fix line
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> BamDeal statistics
# BamDeal statistics
Coverage Calculate Genome Coverage/Depth/GC Dis based Bam
BasesCount Calculate Genome every Site's four base Depth
DeteCNV Detect CNV/Deletion Region by merge Depth info based Bam
DeteSV Detect SV by Pair End Read insert size in Bam
LowDepth GiveOut bed file of low Depth Region(may BigDeletion)
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> BamDeal visualize
# BamDeal visualize
StatQC generate plots for quality control
DepthCov Show Fig of Depth Dis & Depth~Coverage
DepthGC Show Fig of Depth~RefGC
DepthSlide Show Manhattan Fig of Depth sliding Windows along genome
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BamDeal convert
bam2soap - bam/sam => SOAP bam
BamDeal convert bam2soap -InFile in.bam -OutPut out_SOAP.bam
soap2bam - SOAP bam => bam/sam
BamDeal convert soap2bam -InSoap in_SOAP.bam -OutBam out.bam -Dict Ref.fa
bam2fq - bam/sam => fastq
BamDeal convert bam2fq -i in.bam -o out.fq
=> out.fq.gzが出力される
bam2fa - bam/sam => fasta
BamDeal convert bam2fa -i in.bam -o out.fa
=> out.fa.gzが出力される
BamDeal modify
bamFilter -低クオリティなリードをフィルタリング
BamDeal modify bamFilter -i in.bam -o out.bam -q 15 -l 30 -d
- -q the quality to filter reads, default [15]
- -l the length to filter reads, default [30]
- -s the beginning of interval containing the 1-based leftmost mapping position of first matching base, default [0]
- -e the end of interval containing the 1-based leftmost mapping position of first matching base, default [1e9]
- -c specify the chromosome to output, default [all chromosomes]
- -d remove the duplicate read
bamSplit - クロモソームごとにbamを分離
mkdir output_dir
BamDeal modify bamSplit -i in.bam -o output_dir
- -i input SAM/BAM files, delimited by space
- -l input list of SAM/BAM files
- -o output directory, default [PWD]
- -s to set the output files in SAM format, default output is in BAM format.
- -q reads with quality lower than this would be classified to unmap.bam, default [10]
- -r reset output files headers by remove the chromosomes not in the output files
bamAssign - ユーザー指定の組み合わせでbamを分離(詳細はBamDeal modify bamAssign -h参照)
mkdir out_dir
BamDeal modify bamAssign -l list -o output_dir
-i input SAM/BAM files, delimited by space
-l input list of SAM/BAM/CRAM files
-a list indicating how to assign chromosomes to outputs
-o output directory, default [PWD]
-q reads with quality lower than this would be classified to unmap.bam, default [10]
-r reset output files headers by remove the chromosomes not in the output files
bamCat - bamをマージ
bamCat -i A.bam B.bam -o merged.bam -s
-s output sort bam file when all inputs were sorted
bamRand - bamをランダムサンプリング
#10 percent
BamDeal modify bamRand -i in.bam -p 0.1 -o out.bam
- -p probability with which each read would be outputed, default [0.1]
- -s random seed, default [time]
bamSubChr - bamからリストで指定したchrを削除、または追加
bamSubChr -i in.bam -d delete.list -o out.bam -r
bamSubChr -i in.bam -k keep.list -o out.bam -r
bamSubChr -i in.bam> -o AAA -u
- -k list of chromosomes to be kept
- -d list of chromosomes to be deleted
- -u remove unmapped reads
- -r reset output headers by remove the chr(s) not in the out files
bamShiftQ - Phred qualityのタイプを修正
#リードのPhred qualityをASCII33に修正して出力
bamShiftQ -i in.bam -o out.bam -p 1
#リードのPhred qualityをASCII64に修正して出力
bamShiftQ -i in.bam -o out.bam -p 2
- -p phred quality in output BAM, [1]: ASCII+33 or [2]: ASCII+64, default [1]
- -q the quality to filter reads, default [10]
- -l the length to filter reads, default [30]
bamLimit - 大きなbamを分割
mkdir out_dir
BamDeal modify bamLimit -i in.bam -o out_dir/ -n 1000000
- -n max read number for each bam[1000000000]
BamDeal statistics
Coverage - Coverage/Depth/GC分布を調べる
BamDeal statistics Coverage -i in.bam -r ref.fasta -o outprefix
-i input SAM/BAM files, delimited by space
-l input list of SAM/BAM files
-o prefix of output file
-b list of the regions of which the coverage and mean of depth would be given
-q the quality to filter reads, default [10]
- -d Filter the duplicated read
BasesCount - 全ポジションのATGC全てのデプスカウント
BamDeal statistics BasesCount -i A.bam B.bam C.bam -o outprefix -q 10
DeteCNV - CNV/Deletionを検出
BamDeal statistics DeteCNV -i A.bam B.bam -r ref.fasta -m 1000 -o outprefix
-f <float> depthRatio to judge breakpoint of merge adjacent[0.45]
- -c for each chromosome, use its own mean of depth into calculation default would use the mean of depth of the whole genome
-m <int> set the minimum length of CNV, default [1800]
-p <float> p-value of CNV depth bias, default [0.02]
DeteSV - ペアエンドのインサートサイズ情報を使ってSVを検出
BamDeal statistics DeteSV -i in.bam -r ref.fasta -o outprefix -m 1800
LowDepth - low depthの領域を検出
BamDeal statistics LowDepth -i in.bam -o out.bed -q 10 -s 1000
- -o output bed region file
- -x set the minimum value of low depth,default[2]
- -s the length to filter short region, default [1000]
- -q ignore too low mapQ read, default [10]
BamDeal visualize
StatQC - クオリティレポート出力(Rのggplot2とreshapeパッケージが必要*1)
BamDeal visualize StatQC -i in.bam -o outdir
BamDeal visualize StatQC -i in.bam -o outdir
DepthCov - リードデプス出力
BamDeal visualize DepthCov -i in.bam -o out
- -d depth along site in reference FASTA
- -m x-axis of the plot, default [4*meanDepth]
- -q the quality to filter reads, default [10]
- -k output the Rscript used to generate plots
DepthGC - リードデプス-GCプロット出力
BamDeal visualize DepthGC -i in.bam -r ref.fasta -o outprefix -k -q 10
- -r input reference FASTA
- -f file containing depth and GC content in each window. This file is one of the output files of Bamdeal statistics Coverage.
- -w window size to calculate base frequency, default [10000]
- -q reads with quality lower than this will be filtered, default [10]
- -y maximum of y axis of the plot, default [3*mean of depth]
- -k output the Rscript used to generate plots
DepthSlide - ゲノムのchr、ポジション順のマンハッタンプロット出力
BamDeal visualize DepthSlide -i in.bam -r ref.fasta -o outprefix
- -w <int> window size to calculate base frequency, default [10000]
- -s <float> windows sliding ratio (0,1], default [1]
- -q <int> reads with quality lower than this will be filtered, default [10]
- -c <str> chromosome(s) to draw, delimited by comma. default [all chromosomes]
- -y <int> maximum of y axis of the plot, default [4*mean of depth]
- -k output the Rscript used to generate plots
> install.packages("ggplot2")
> install.packages("reshape")
> install.packages("ggExtra")