AEGeAn Toolkitは、全ゲノム遺伝子構造アノテーションを管理・解析するツールを構築するための、いくつかの異なるが関連した取り組みとして始まった。AEGeAnはこれらの取り組みを一つのライブラリにまとめ、実行可能なプログラムだけでなく、C APIを介して呼び出し可能ないくつかのデータ構造とモジュールを含むようにした。AEGeAn Toolkitは、GenomeToolsライブラリ(http://genometools.org)から利用可能な様々なパーサー、データ構造、グラフィック機能を活用している。
- ParsEvalは同一配列に対する異なるアノテーションセットを比較するためのプログラム。
- CanonGFF3はGFF3データの前処理を行うプログラム。タンパク質をコードする遺伝子に関連する機能を検証する。
- LocusPocusは1つ以上の遺伝子予測セットから区間遺伝子座 (iLoci) を計算するプログラム。ParsEvalの論文では、'区間遺伝子座'は、その領域内の他の遺伝子と重複するすべての遺伝子を含む最小のゲノム領域と定義されている。
- GAEVALは転写産物アラインメントを用いて遺伝子モデルのカバレッジと完全性スコアを計算する。完全性スコアは0から1の間の値で、遺伝子モデルと関連する転写産物アラインメントの一致度を示し、0は転写産物サポートなし、1は完全な転写産物サポートに対応する。GAEVALプログラムは、長年PlantGDBで生産されてきた、より包括的な同名のPerlモジュールをベースにしているが、その開発はもはやサポートされていない。
mamba create -n aegean
conda activate aegean
mamba install -c bioconda aegean -y
> parseval --help
ParsEval: comparative analysis of two alternative sources of annotation
Usage: parseval [options] reference.gff3 prediction.gff3
Basic options:
-d|--debug: Print debugging messages
-h|--help: Print help message and exit
-l|--delta: INT Extend gene loci by this many nucleotides;
default is 0
-V|--verbose: Print verbose warning messages
-v|--version: Print version number and exit
Output options:
-a|--datashare: STRING Location from which to copy shared data for
HTML output (if `make install' has not yet
been run)
-f|--outformat: STRING Indicate desired output format; possible
options: 'csv', 'text', or 'html'
(default='text'); in 'text' or 'csv' mode,
will create a single file; in 'html' mode,
will create a directory
-g|--nogff3: Do no print GFF3 output corresponding to each
-o|--outfile: FILENAME File/directory to which output will be
written; default is the terminal (STDOUT)
-p|--nopng: In HTML output mode, skip generation of PNG
graphics for each gene locus
-s|--summary: Only print summary statistics, do not print
individual comparisons
-w|--overwrite: Force overwrite of any existing output files
-x|--refrlabel: STRING Optional label for reference annotations
-y|--predlabel: STRING Optional label for prediction annotations
Filtering options:
-k|--makefilter Create a default configuration file for
filtering reported results and quit,
performing no comparisons
-r|--filterfile: STRING Use the indicated configuration file to
filter reported results;
-t|--maxtrans: INT Maximum transcripts allowed per locus; use 0
to disable limit; default is 32
> gaeval --help
gaeval: calculate coverage and intergrity scores for gene models based on transcript alignments
Usage: gaeval [options] alignments.gff3 genes.gff3 [moregenes.gff3 ...]
Basic options:
-h|--help print this help message and exit
-v|--version print version number and exit
Weights for calculating integrity score (must add up to 1.0):
-a|--alpha: DOUBLE introns confirmed, or % expected CDS length for
single-exon genes; default is 0.6
-b|--beta: DOUBLE exon coverage; default is 0.3
-g|--gamma: DOUBLE % expected 5' UTR length; default is 0.05
-e|--epsilon: DOUBLE % expected 3' UTR length; default is 0.05
Expected feature lengths for calculating integrity score:
-c|--exp-cds: INT expected CDS length (in bp); default is 400
-5|--exp-5putr: INT expected 5' UTR length; default is 200
-3|--exp-3putr: INT expected 3' UTR length; default is 100
> canon-gff3 --help
Usage: canon-gff3 [options] gff3file1 [gff3file2 ...]
-h|--help print this help message and exit
-i|--infer for transcript features lacking an explicitly
declared gene feature as a parent, create this
feature on-they-fly
-o|--outfile: STRING name of file to which GFF3 data will be
written; default is terminal (stdout)
-s|--source: STRING reset the source of each feature to the given
-v|--version print version number and exit
> locuspocus --help
LocusPocus: calculate locus coordinates for the given gene annotation
Usage: locuspocus [options] gff3file1 [gff3file2 gff3file3 ...]
Basic options:
-d|--debug print detailed debugging messages to terminal
(standard error)
-h|--help print this help message and exit
-v|--version print version number and exit
iLocus parsing:
-l|--delta: INT when parsing interval loci, use the following
delta to extend gene loci and include potential
regulatory regions; default is 500
-s|--skipends when enumerating interval loci, exclude
unannotated (and presumably incomplete) iLoci at
either end of the sequence
-e|--endsonly report only incomplete iLocus fragments at the
unannotated ends of sequences (complement of
-y|--skipiiloci do not report intergenic iLoci
Refinement options:
-r|--refine by default genes are grouped in the same iLocus
if they have any overlap; 'refine' mode allows
for a more nuanced handling of overlapping genes
-c|--cds use CDS rather than UTRs for determining gene
overlap; implies 'refine' mode
-m|--minoverlap: INT the minimum number of nucleotides two genes must
overlap to be grouped in the same iLocus; default
is 1
Output options:
-n|--namefmt: STR provide a printf-style format string to override
the default ID format for newly created loci;
default is 'locus%lu' (locus1, locus2, etc) for
loci and 'iLocus%lu' (iLocus1, iLocus2, etc) for
interval loci; note the format string should
include a single %lu specifier to be filled in
with a long unsigned integer value
-i|--ilens: FILE create a file with the lengths of each intergenic
-g|--genemap: FILE print a mapping from each gene annotation to its
corresponding locus to the given file
-o|--outfile: FILE name of file to which results will be written;
default is terminal (standard output)
-T|--retainids retain original feature IDs from input files;
conflicts will arise if input contains duplicated
ID values
-t|--transmap: FILE print a mapping from each transcript annotation
to its corresponding locus to the given file
-V|--verbose include all locus subfeatures (genes, RNAs, etc)
in the GFF3 output; default includes only locus
Input options:
-f|--filter: TYPE comma-separated list of feature types to use in
constructing loci/iLoci; default is 'gene'
-p|--parent: CT:PT if a feature of type $CT exists without a parent,
create a parent for this feature with type $PT;
for example, mRNA:gene will create a gene feature
as a parent for any top-level mRNA feature;
this option can be specified multiple times
-u|--pseudo correct erroneously labeled pseudogenes
> gaeval --help
gaeval: calculate coverage and intergrity scores for gene models based on transcript alignments
Usage: gaeval [options] alignments.gff3 genes.gff3 [moregenes.gff3 ...]
Basic options:
-h|--help print this help message and exit
-v|--version print version number and exit
Weights for calculating integrity score (must add up to 1.0):
-a|--alpha: DOUBLE introns confirmed, or % expected CDS length for
single-exon genes; default is 0.6
-b|--beta: DOUBLE exon coverage; default is 0.3
-g|--gamma: DOUBLE % expected 5' UTR length; default is 0.05
-e|--epsilon: DOUBLE % expected 3' UTR length; default is 0.05
Expected feature lengths for calculating integrity score:
-c|--exp-cds: INT expected CDS length (in bp); default is 400
-5|--exp-5putr: INT expected 5' UTR length; default is 200
-3|--exp-3putr: INT expected 3' UTR length; default is 100
parseval ref.gff3 new_annotation.gff3
CanonGFF3;CanonGFF3(canonical GFF3)はGFF3ファイルをクリーンアップし、タンパク質コード遺伝子に直接関係しないフィーチャーをすべて削除し、インロンやUTRのような明示的に宣言されていないフィーチャーを推論する。
canon-gff3 input.gff3 -o outprefix
LocusPocus;与えられた遺伝子アノテーションから区間遺伝子座 (iLoci) を計算する。iLociは1つ以上の遺伝子をコードするゲノム上の独立した領域、および遺伝子を含まない遺伝子間領域を表す(*1)。
locuspocus input.gff3 -o outprefix
LocusPocus は与えられた遺伝子特徴から iLoci の位置を計算し、GFF3 フォーマットで出力する。デフォルトでは、遺伝子座の遺伝子数と転写産物数を示す属性とともに、iLocus の特徴のみが報告される。verboseオプションをつけると、遺伝子特徴(とそのサブ特徴)も報告される。
gaeval alignments.gff3 genes.gff3
Daniel S. Standage (2010-2015). AEGeAn: an integrated toolkit for analysis and evaluation of annotated genomes, http://standage.github.io/AEGeAn.
iLoci: robust evaluation of genome content and organization for provisional and mature genome assemblies
Daniel S Standage, Tim Lai, and Volker P Brendelcorresponding author
NAR Genom Bioinform. Published online 2022 Feb 22
ParsEval: parallel comparison and analysis of gene structure annotations
Daniel S Standage & Volker P Brendel
BMC Bioinformatics volume 13, Article number: 187 (2012)