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NCBIのデータベースへのリモート検索によって保存された遺伝子クラスターを探索し、クラスタリングして視覚化する cblaster

2020 11/11 extractコマンド追記

2022/11/21 登録コマンド追記




 cblasterはタンパク質配列のコレクションが与えられると、リモート(NCBI BLAST API経由)またはローカル(DIAMOND経由)で配列データベースを検索する。検索結果は解析され、identity、coverage、e-valueのユーザー定義しきい値に基づいてフィルタリングされる。残りのヒットのゲノム座標は、NCBIのIdentical Protein Group (IPG)データベース(またはローカル検索の場合はローカルデータベース)から取得される。最後に、cblasterはcollocationのインスタンスをスキャンし、可視化する。




macOSではエラーが出た。ubuntu18でcondaでpython3.6の環境を作ってからpipで導入した(conda create -n cblaster python=3.6)。


  • cblaster is tested on Python 3.6, and its only external Python dependency is the requests module (used for interaction with NCBI APIs). If you want to perform local searches, you should have diamond installed and available on your system $PATH.


pip3 install cblaster

> cblaster

$ cblaster 

usage: cblaster [-h] [--version] [-d] [-i INDENT]

                {gui,makedb,search,gne,extract} ...


cblaster finds co-located sequence homologues.

Documentation available at

Type -h/--help after either subcommand for full description of available arguments.


positional arguments:


    gui                 Launch cblaster GUI

    makedb              Generate JSON/diamond databases from GenBank files

    search              Start a local/remote cblaster search

    gne                 Perform gene neighbourhood estimation

    extract             Extract hit sequences from session files


optional arguments:

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

  --version             show program's version number and exit

  -d, --debug           Print debugging information

  -i INDENT, --indent INDENT

                        Total spaces to use as indent in JSON file (def. None)


Cameron Gilchrist, 2020

cblaster search -h

$ cblaster search -h

usage: cblaster search [-h] [-qf QUERY_FILE | -qi QUERY_IDS [QUERY_IDS ...]]

                       [-o OUTPUT] [-ohh] [-ode OUTPUT_DELIMITER]

                       [-odc OUTPUT_DECIMALS] [-b BINARY] [-bhh]

                       [-bde BINARY_DELIMITER] [-bkey {len,max,sum}]

                       [-bat {identity,coverage,bitscore,evalue}]

                       [-bdc BINARY_DECIMALS] [-p [PLOT]]

                       [--blast_file BLAST_FILE] [--ipg_file IPG_FILE]

                       [-m {local,remote}] [-db DATABASE] [-jdb JSON_DB]

                       [-eq ENTREZ_QUERY] [--rid RID]

                       [-s [SESSION_FILE [SESSION_FILE ...]]]

                       [-rcp [RECOMPUTE]] [-hs HITLIST_SIZE] [-g GAP]

                       [-u UNIQUE] [-mh MIN_HITS] [-r REQUIRE [REQUIRE ...]]

                       [-me MAX_EVALUE] [-mi MIN_IDENTITY] [-mc MIN_COVERAGE]


Remote/local cblaster searches.


optional arguments:

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit



  -qf QUERY_FILE, --query_file QUERY_FILE

                        Path to FASTA file containing protein sequences to be


  -qi QUERY_IDS [QUERY_IDS ...], --query_ids QUERY_IDS [QUERY_IDS ...]

                        A collection of valid NCBI sequence identifiers to be




  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT

                        Write results to file

  -ohh, --output_hide_headers

                        Hide headers when printing result output.

  -ode OUTPUT_DELIMITER, --output_delimiter OUTPUT_DELIMITER

                        Delimiter character to use when printing result


  -odc OUTPUT_DECIMALS, --output_decimals OUTPUT_DECIMALS

                        Total decimal places to use when printing score values

  -b BINARY, --binary BINARY

                        Generate a binary table.

  -bhh, --binary_hide_headers

                        Hide headers in the binary table.

  -bde BINARY_DELIMITER, --binary_delimiter BINARY_DELIMITER

                        Delimiter used in binary table (def. none = human


  -bkey {len,max,sum}, --binary_key {len,max,sum}

                        Key function used when generating binary table cell


  -bat {identity,coverage,bitscore,evalue}, --binary_attr {identity,coverage,bitscore,evalue}

                        Hit attribute used when generating binary table cell


  -bdc BINARY_DECIMALS, --binary_decimals BINARY_DECIMALS

                        Total decimal places to use when printing score values

  -p [PLOT], --plot [PLOT]

                        Generate a cblaster plot. If this argument is

                        specified with no file name, the plot will be served

                        using Python's HTTP server. If a file name is

                        specified, a static HTML file will be generated at

                        that path.

  --blast_file BLAST_FILE

                        Save BLAST/DIAMOND hit table to file

  --ipg_file IPG_FILE   Save IPG table to file



  -m {local,remote}, --mode {local,remote}

                        cblaster search mode

  -db DATABASE, --database DATABASE

                        Database to be searched. This should be either a path

                        to a local DIAMOND database (if 'local' is passed to

                        --mode) or a valid NCBI database name (def. nr)

  -jdb JSON_DB, --json_db JSON_DB

                        Path to local JSON database created using cblaster

                        makedb. If this argument is provided, genomic context

                        will be fetched from this database instead of through

                        NCBI IPG.

  -eq ENTREZ_QUERY, --entrez_query ENTREZ_QUERY

                        An NCBI Entrez search term for pre-search filtering of

                        an NCBI database when using command line BLASTp (i.e.

                        only used if 'remote' is passed to --mode); e.g.


  --rid RID             Request Identifier (RID) for a web BLAST search. This

                        is only used if 'remote' is passed to --mode. Useful

                        if you have previously run a web BLAST search and want

                        to directly retrieve those results instead of running

                        a new search.

  -s [SESSION_FILE [SESSION_FILE ...]], --session_file [SESSION_FILE [SESSION_FILE ...]]

                        Load session from JSON. If the specified file does not

                        exist, the results of the new search will be saved to

                        this file.

  -rcp [RECOMPUTE], --recompute [RECOMPUTE]

                        Recompute previous search session using new

                        thresholds. The filtered session will be written to

                        the file specified by this argument. If this argument

                        is specified with no value, the session will be

                        filtered but not saved (e.g. for plotting purposes).

  -hs HITLIST_SIZE, --hitlist_size HITLIST_SIZE

                        Maximum total hits to save in a BLAST search (def.

                        5000). Setting this value too low may result in missed




  -g GAP, --gap GAP     Maximum allowed intergenic distance (bp) between

                        conserved hits to be considered in the same block

                        (def. 20000)

  -u UNIQUE, --unique UNIQUE

                        Minimum number of unique query sequences that must be

                        conserved in a hit cluster (def. 3)

  -mh MIN_HITS, --min_hits MIN_HITS

                        Minimum number of hits in a cluster (def. 3)

  -r REQUIRE [REQUIRE ...], --require REQUIRE [REQUIRE ...]

                        Names of query sequences that must be represented in a

                        hit cluster



  -me MAX_EVALUE, --max_evalue MAX_EVALUE

                        Maximum e-value for a BLAST hit to be saved (def.


  -mi MIN_IDENTITY, --min_identity MIN_IDENTITY

                        Minimum percent identity for a BLAST hit to be saved

                        (def. 30)

  -mc MIN_COVERAGE, --min_coverage MIN_COVERAGE

                        Minimum percent query coverage for a BLAST hit to be

                        saved (def. 50)


Example usage


Run a remote cblaster search, save the session and generate a plot:

  $ cblaster search -qf query.fa -s session.json -p


Recompute a search session with new parameters:

  $ cblaster search -s session.json -rcp new.json -u 4 -g 40000


Merge multiple search sessions:

  $ cblaster search -s one.json two.json three.json -rcp merged.json


Perform a local search:

  $ cblaster makedb $(ls folder/*.gbk) mydb

  $ cblaster search -qf query.fa -db mydb.dmnd -jdb mydb.json


Save plot as a static HTML file:

  $ cblaster search -s session.json -p gne.html


Kitchen sink example:

  $ cblaster search --query_file query.fa \ 

      --session_file session.json \ 

      --plot my_plot.html \ 

      --output summary.csv --output_decimals 2 \ 

      --binary abspres.csv --binary_delimiter "," \ 

      --entrez_query "Aspergillus"[orgn] \ 

      --max_evalue 0.05 --min_identity 50 --min_coverage 70 \ 

      --gap 50000 --unique 2 --min_hits 3 --require Gene1 Gene2


Cameron Gilchrist, 2020

cblaster makedb -h

$ cblaster makedb -h

usage: cblaster makedb [-h] genbanks [genbanks ...] filename


positional arguments:

  genbanks    Path/s to GenBank files to use when building JSON/diamond


  filename    Name to use when building JSON/diamond databases (with

              extensions .json and .dmnd, respectively)


optional arguments:

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

cblaster gne -h

$ cblaster gne -h

usage: cblaster gne [-h] [--max_gap MAX_GAP] [--samples SAMPLES]

                    [--scale {linear,log}] [-o OUTPUT] [-hh] [-d DELIMITER]

                    [-e DECIMALS] [-p PLOT]



Gene neighbourhood estimation.

Repeatedly recomputes homologue clusters with different --gap values.


positional arguments:

  session               cblaster session file


optional arguments:

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit



  --max_gap MAX_GAP     Maximum intergenic distance (def. 100000)

  --samples SAMPLES     Total samples taken from max_gap (def. 100)

  --scale {linear,log}  Draw sampling values from a linear or log scale (def.




  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT

                        Write results to file

  -hh, --hide_headers   Hide headers when printing result output.

  -d DELIMITER, --delimiter DELIMITER

                        Delimiter character to use when printing result


  -e DECIMALS, --decimals DECIMALS

                        Total decimal places to use when printing score values

  -p PLOT, --plot PLOT  GNE plot HTML file. The plot is generated by default;

                        this option will just save a static version of it.


Example usage


Maximum gap value 200Kbp, with 200 evenly distributed gap values:

  $ cblaster gne session.json --max_gap 200000 --samples 200 --scale linear


Draw gap values from a log scale (gaps increase as values increase):

  $ cblaster gne session.json --scale log


Save delimited tabular output:

  $ cblaster gne session.json --output gne.csv --delimiter ","


Save plot as a static HTML file:

  $ cblaster gne session.json -p gne.html


Cameron Gilchrist, 2020

> cblaster extract -h

$ cblaster extract -h

usage: cblaster extract [-h] [-q QUERIES [QUERIES ...]]

                        [-or ORGANISMS [ORGANISMS ...]]

                        [-sc SCAFFOLDS [SCAFFOLDS ...]] [-o OUTPUT] [-d] [-no]

                        [-de DELIMITER]



Extract information from session files


positional arguments:

  session               cblaster session file


optional arguments:

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit



  -q QUERIES [QUERIES ...], --queries QUERIES [QUERIES ...]

                        IDs of query sequences


                        Organism names


                        Scaffold names/ranges



  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT

                        Output file name

  -d, --download        Fetch sequences from NCBI and write in FASTA format

  -no, --name_only      Do not save sequence descriptions (i.e. no genomic


  -de DELIMITER, --delimiter DELIMITER

                        Sequence description delimiter


Example usage


Extract names of sequences matching a specific query:

  $ cblaster extract session.json -q "Query1"


Extract, download from NCBI and write to file in FASTA format:

  $ cblaster extract session.json -q "Query1" -d -o output.fasta


Extract only from specific organisms (regular expressions):

  $ cblaster extract session.json -or "Aspergillus.*" "Penicillium.*"


Generate delimited table (CSV) of all hits in clusters:

  $ cblaster extract session.json -de ","


Cameron Gilchrist, 2020




ランするにはFASTA形式の配列ファイル、またはNCBIのaccession ID,  GI numbersが記載されたファイルを指定する。ここではテストデータとして用意されているFASTA形式の配列ファイルを使う。

git clone
cd /cblaster/tests

cblaster config --email
cblaster search --query_file test.faa -p out.html --output summary.csv -s session.json
  • -qf, --query_file     Path to FASTA file containing protein sequences to be searched
  • -me, --max_evalue    Maximum e-value for a BLAST hit to be saved (def.
  • -mi, --min_identity   Minimum percent identity for a BLAST hit to be saved
    (def. 30)
  • -mc, --min_coverage   Minimum percent query coverage for a BLAST hit to be saved (def. 50)
  • -u, --unique   Minimum number of unique query sequences that must be conserved in a hit cluster (def. 3)
  • -mh, --min_hits     Minimum number of hits in a cluster (def. 3)
  • -g, --gap     Maximum allowed intergenic distance (bp) between conserved hits to be considered in the same block (def. 20000)
  • -ode, --output_delimiter   Delimiter character to use when printing result output.
  • -odc, --output_decimals   Total decimal places to use when printing score values
  • -s, --session_file    Load session from JSON. If the specified file does not exist, the results of the new search will be saved to this file.



[12:26:10] INFO - Starting cblaster in remote mode

[12:26:10] INFO - Launching new search

[12:26:12] INFO - Request Identifier (RID): UPPEKFF9016

[12:26:12] INFO - Request Time Of Execution (RTOE): 27s

[12:26:39] INFO - Polling NCBI for completion status

[12:26:39] INFO - Checking search status...

[12:27:39] INFO - Checking search status...

[12:27:40] INFO - Search has completed successfully!

[12:27:40] INFO - Retrieving results for search UPPEKFF9016

[12:27:43] INFO - Parsing results...

[12:27:43] INFO - Found 6835 hits meeting score thresholds

[12:27:43] INFO - Fetching genomic context of hits

[12:28:18] WARNING - Found no hits for IPG 346263175

[12:28:18] WARNING - Found no hits for IPG 346272747

[12:28:18] WARNING - Found no hits for IPG 336900197

[12:28:18] WARNING - Found no hits for IPG 341670659

[12:28:18] WARNING - Found no hits for IPG 334707585

[12:28:18] WARNING - Found no hits for IPG 341666946

[12:28:18] WARNING - Found no hits for IPG 341669695

[12:28:18] WARNING - Found no hits for IPG 341667385







”our search of 3 queries returned 12241 hits from 12240 unique sequences.
cblaster detected 14 clusters across 10515 genomic scaffolds from 1237 organisms.”




cblaster search -s session.json -p out.html
  • -s, --session_file    Load session from JSON. If the specified file does not exist, the results of the new search will be saved to this file.



cblaster extract session.json -q "QBE85647.1" -d -o output.fasta

> grep -n ">" output.fasta






その時はBLAST検索の minimum identiyを増やしたりe-value 最大値を下げる工夫が必要と思われる。クエリの遺伝子数が多いなら"-u"や"-mh"の値を上げる事も効果的かもしれない。






cblaster gui





cblaster: a remote search tool for rapid identification and visualisation of homologous gene clusters

Cameron Laurence Mathison Gilchrist, Thomas J Booth, Yit-Heng Heng Chooi

bioRxiv, Posted November 09, 2020



cblaster: a remote search tool for rapid identification and visualization of homologous gene clusters 
Cameron L M Gilchrist, Thomas J Booth, Bram van Wersch, Liana van Grieken, Marnix H Medema, Yit-Heng Chooi
Bioinformatics Advances, Volume 1, Issue 1, 2021
