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MinHash Sketchは、大きな文字列や集合を素早く比較する方法である。ゲノミクスでは、次のような使い方ができる。
1) ゲノム内のすべてのkmerを集める。
2) それらにハッシュ関数を適用する。
3) 10000個の最小のハッシュコードを保持し、このセットを「スケッチ」と呼ぶ。
sendsketch.sh in=contigs.fa
mamba install -c bioconda bbmap -y
brew install BBtools
mamba update bbmap
brew upgrade BBtools
> sendsketch.sh
Written by Brian Bushnell
Last modified December 19, 2019
Description: Compares query sketches to reference sketches hosted on a
remote server via the Internet. The input can be sketches made by sketch.sh,
or fasta/fastq files from which SendSketch will generate sketches.
Only sketches will sent, not sequences.
Please read bbmap/docs/guides/BBSketchGuide.txt for more information.
sendsketch.sh in=file
To change nucleotide servers, add the server name, e.g.:
sendsketch.sh in=file nt
For the protein server with nucleotide input:
sendsketch.sh in=file protein
for the protein server with amino input:
sendsketch.sh in=file amino protein
Standard parameters:
in=<file> Sketch or fasta file to compare.
out=stdout Comparison output. Can be set to a file instead.
outsketch= Optional, to write the sketch to a file.
local=f For local files, have the server load the sketches.
Allows use of whitelists; recommended for Silva.
Local can only be used when the client and server access
the same filesystem - e.g., Genepool and Cori.
address= Address of remote server. Default address:
You can also specify these abbreviations:
nt: nt server
refseq: Refseq server
silva: Silva server
protein: RefSeq prokaryotic amino acid sketches
img: IMG server (Not Yet Available)
mito: RefSeq mitochondrial server (NYA)
fungi: RefSeq fungi sketches (NYA)
Using an abbreviation automatically sets the address,
the blacklist, and k.
aws=f Set aws=t to use the aws servers instead of NERSC.
When, for example, NERSC (or the whole SF Bay area) is down.
Sketch-making parameters:
mode=single Possible modes, for fasta input:
single: Generate one sketch per file.
sequence: Generate one sketch per sequence.
k=31 Kmer length, 1-32. This is automatic and does not need to
be set for JGI servers, only for locally-hosted servers.
samplerate=1 Set to a lower value to sample a fraction of input reads.
For raw reads (rather than an assembly), 1-3x coverage
gives best results, by reducing error kmers. Somewhat
higher is better for high-error-rate data like PacBio.
minkeycount=1 Ignore kmers that occur fewer times than this. Values
over 1 can be used with raw reads to avoid error kmers.
minprob=0.0001 Ignore kmers below this probability of correctness.
minqual=0 Ignore kmers spanning bases below this quality.
entropy=0.66 Ignore sequence with entropy below this value.
merge=f Merge paired reads prior to sketching.
amino=f Use amino acid mode. Input should be amino acids.
translate=f Call genes and translate to proteins. Input should be
nucleotides. Designed for prokaryotes.
sixframes=f Translate all 6 frames instead of predicting genes.
ssu=t Scan for and retain full-length SSU sequence.
printssusequence=f Print the query SSU sequence (JSON mode only).
refid= Instead of a query file, specify a reference sketch by name
or taxid; e.g. refid=h.sapiens or refid=9606.
Size parameters:
size=10000 Desired size of sketches (if not using autosize).
mgf=0.01 (maxfraction) Max fraction of genomic kmers to use.
minsize=100 Do not generate sketches for genomes smaller than this.
autosize=t Use flexible sizing instead of fixed-length. This is
nonlinear; a human sketch is only ~6x a bacterial sketch.
sizemult=1 Multiply the autosized size of sketches by this factor.
Normally a bacterial-size genome will get a sketch size
of around 10000; if autosizefactor=2, it would be ~20000.
density= If this flag is set (to a number between 0 and 1),
autosize and sizemult are ignored, and this fraction of
genomic kmers are used. For example, at density=0.001,
a 4.5Mbp bacteria will get a 4500-kmer sketch.
sketchheapfactor=4 If minkeycount>1, temporarily track this many kmers until
counts are known and low-count kmers are discarded.
Taxonomy and filtering parameters:
level=2 Only report the best record per taxa at this level.
Either level names or numbers may be used.
0: disabled
1: subspecies
2: species
3: genus
include= Restrict output to organisms in these clades.
May be a comma-delimited list of names or NCBI TaxIDs.
includelevel=0 Promote the include list to this taxonomic level.
For example, include=h.sapiens includelevel=phylum
would only include organisms in the same phylum as human.
includestring= Only report records whose name contains this string.
exclude= Ignore organisms in these clades.
May be a comma-delimited list of names or NCBI TaxIDs.
excludelevel=0 Promote the exclude list to this taxonomic level.
For example, exclude=h.sapiens excludelevel=phylum
would exclude all organisms in the same phylum as human.
excludestring= Do not records whose name contains this string.
banunclassified=f Ignore organisms descending from nodes like
'unclassified Bacteria'
banvirus=f Ignore viruses.
requiressu=f Ignore records without SSUs.
minrefsize=0 Ignore ref sketches smaller than this (unique kmers).
minrefsizebases=0 Ignore ref sketches smaller than this (total base pairs).
Output format:
format=2 2: Default format with, per query, one query header line;
one column header line; and one reference line per hit.
3: One line per hit, with columns query, reference, ANI,
and sizeRatio.
4: JSON (format=json also works).
5: Constellation (format=constellation also works).
usetaxidname=f For format 3, print the taxID in the name column.
usetaxname for format 3, print the taxonomic name in the name column.
useimgname For format 3, print the img ID in the name column.
d3=f Output in JSON format, with a tree for visualization.
Output columns (for format=2):
printall=f Enable all output columns.
printani=t (ani) Print average nucleotide identity estimate.
completeness=t Genome completeness estimate.
score=f Score (used for sorting the output).
printmatches=t Number of kmer matches to reference.
printlength=f Number of kmers compared.
printtaxid=t NCBI taxID.
printimg=f IMG identifier (only for IMG data).
printgbases=f Number of genomic bases.
printgkmers=f Number of genomic kmers.
printgsize=t Estimated number of unique genomic kmers.
printgseqs=t Number of sequences (scaffolds/reads).
printtaxname=t Name associated with this taxID.
printname0=f (pn0) Original seqeuence name.
printqfname=t Query filename.
printrfname=f Reference filename.
printtaxa=f Full taxonomy of each record.
printcontam=t Print contamination estimate, and factor contaminant kmers
into calculations. Kmers are considered contaminant if
present in some ref sketch but not the current one.
printunique=t Number of matches unique to this reference.
printunique2=f Number of matches unique to this reference's taxa.
printunique3=f Number of query kmers unique to this reference's taxa,
regardless of whether they are in this reference sketch.
printnohit=f Number of kmers that don't hit anything.
printrefhits=f Average number of ref sketches hit by shared kmers.
printgc=f GC content.
printucontam=f Contam hits that hit exactly one reference sketch.
printcontam2=f Print contamination estimate using only kmer hits
to unrelated taxa.
contamlevel=species Taxonomic level to use for contam2/unique2/unique3.
NOTE: unique2/unique3/contam2/refhits require an index.
printdepth=f (depth) Print average depth of sketch kmers; intended
for shotgun read input.
printdepth2=f (depth2) Print depth compensating for genomic repeats.
Requires reference sketches to be generated with depth.
actualdepth=t If this is false, the raw average count is printed.
If true, the raw average (observed depth) is converted
to estimated actual depth (including uncovered areas).
printvolume=f (volume) Product of average depth and matches.
printca=f Print common ancestor, if query taxID is known.
printcal=f Print common ancestor tax level, if query taxID is known.
recordsperlevel=0 If query TaxID is known, and this is positive, print at
most this many records per common ancestor level.
sortbyscore=t Default sort order is by score.
sortbydepth=f Include depth as a factor in sort order.
sortbydepth2=f Include depth2 as a factor in sort order.
sortbyvolume=f Include volume as a factor in sort order.
sortbykid=f Sort strictly by KID.
sortbyani=f Sort strictly by ANI/AAI/WKID.
sortbyhits=f Sort strictly by the number of kmer hits.
Other output parameters:
minhits=3 (hits) Only report records with at least this many hits.
minani=0 (ani) Only report records with at least this ANI (0-1).
minwkid=0.0001 (wkid) Only report records with at least this WKID (0-1).
anifromwkid=t Calculate ani from wkid. If false, use kid.
minbases=0 Ignore ref sketches of sequences shortert than this.
minsizeratio=0 Don't compare sketches if the smaller genome is less than
this fraction of the size of the larger.
records=20 Report at most this many best-matching records.
color=family Color records at the family level. color=f will disable.
Colors work in most terminals but may cause odd characters
to appear in text editors. So, color defaults to f if
writing to a file.
intersect=f Print sketch intersections. delta=f is suggested.
Metadata parameters (optional, for the query sketch header):
taxid=-1 Set the NCBI taxid.
imgid=-1 Set the IMG id.
spid=-1 Set the sequencing project id (JGI-specific).
name= Set the name (taxname).
name0= Set name0 (normally the first sequence header).
fname= Set fname (normally the file name).
meta_= Set an arbitrary metadata field.
For example, meta_Month=March.
Other parameters:
requiredmeta= (rmeta) Required optional metadata values. For example:
bannedmeta= (bmeta) Forbidden optional metadata values.
Java Parameters:
-Xmx This will set Java's memory usage, overriding autodetection.
-Xmx20g will specify 20 gigs of RAM, and -Xmx200m will specify 200 megs.
The max is typically 85% of physical memory.
-eoom This flag will cause the process to exit if an out-of-memory
exception occurs. Requires Java 8u92+.
-da Disable assertions.
For more detailed information, please read /bbmap/docs/guides/BBSketchGuide.txt.
Please contact Brian Bushnell at bbushnell@lbl.gov if you encounter any problems.
de novoアセンブリして得たFASTAをJGIのtaxonomy serverに問い合わせ、top hitを返す。
sendsketch.sh in=contigs.fa
sendsketch.sh in=contigs.fa
sketchファイルで結果は問い合わされ、 数秒で結果が返ってくる。
$ sendsketch.sh in=Schizosaccharomyces_pombe.ASM294v2_chr1.fa
Max memory cannot be determined. Attempting to use 3200 MB.
If this fails, please add the -Xmx flag (e.g. -Xmx24g) to your command,
or run this program qsubbed or from a qlogin session on Genepool, or set ulimit to an appropriate value.
Adding /usr/local/Cellar/bbtools/37.77/resources/blacklist_refseq_species_300.sketch to blacklist.
Loaded 1 sketch in 0.897 seconds.
Query: Schizosaccharomyces_pombe.ASM294v2_chr1.fa DB: RefSeq SketchLen: 11783 Seqs: 1 Bases: 5579033 gSize: 5438526
WKID KID ANI Complt Contam Matches Unique noHit TaxID gSize gSeqs taxName
100.00% 44.56% 100.00% 44.56% 0.00% 6890 6876 0 4896 12075791 5 Schizosaccharomyces pombe
- KID (or kmer identity) is simply the percent of the kmers that matched
- WKID is the weighted kmer identity, which has been adjusted to compensate for genome size.
- matches is the number of matching kmers between the query and reference sketch
sendsketch.sh in=reads.fq reads=100k
sendsketch.sh in=pacbio_reads.fq reads=400k
sendsketch.sh level=3 in=HTS_reads.fq
- level=2 Only report the best record per taxa at this level. Either level names or numbers may be used.
0: disabled
1: subspecies
2: species
3: genus
データベースをSILVAに変える。 種レベルで問い合わせる。
sendsketch.sh in=16Samplicon.fastq level=3 address=silva
- address= Address of remote server. Default address is sketch. You can also specify these abbreviations:
nt: nt server
refseq: Refseq server
silva: Silva server
protein: RefSeq prokaryotic amino acid sketches
img: IMG server (Not Yet Available)
mito: RefSeq mitochondrial server (NYA)
fungi: RefSeq fungi sketches (NYA)
sendsketch.sh in=proteins.faa level=2 address=protein
- address= Address of remote server. Default address is sketch. You can also
=> fastaに変換してから読み込む。
seqkit fq2fa ONT.fq > ONT.fa
sendsketch.sh in=HONT.fa reads=100k
Tool: BBSketch - A Tool for Rapid Sequence Comparison
BBSketch - A Tool for Rapid Sequence Comparison